School of Informatics - University of Edinburgh Institute for Computing Systems Architecture - School of Informatics
Institute for Computing
Systems Architecture

Towards Automatic Profile-Driven Parallelization of Embedded Multimedia Applications

    Paper - Towards Automatic Profile-Driven Parallelization of Embedded Multimedia Applications
  • Type: Paper
  • Authors:
    G.Tournavitis and B.Franke.
  • Second Workshop on Programmability Issues for Multi-Core Computers (MULTIPROG'09), Paphos, Cyprus, January 25.
  • Download as PDF
  • Abstract:

    Despite the availability of ample parallelism in multimedia applications parallelizing compilers are largely unable to extract this application parallelism and map it onto existing embedded multi-core platforms. This is mainly due to the limitations of traditional auto-parallelization on static analysis and loop-level parallelism. In this paper we propose a dynamic, profile-driven approach to auto-parallelization targeting coarse-grain parallelism. We present our methodology and tools for the extraction of task graphs from sequential codes and demonstrate the various stages involved in this process based on the JPEG-2000 still image compression application. In addition, we show how the joint detection of multiple levels of parallelism and exploitation of application scenarios can lead to performance levels close to those obtained by manual parallelization. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of our methodology to a broader set of embedded multimedia codes.