EPSRC Impact! - Greener MP3 players - 2010/03/10
EnCore Microprocessor Press Release - 2009/07/09
- BBC News: Device 'may make phones greener'
- Compute Scotland: EnCore becomes working prototype
- EE Times: Edinburgh researchers aim EnCore processor at low-power apps
- The Herald: Device set to make MP3s more efficient
- Press Association: Energy efficient mobiles developed
- Channel 4 News: Energy efficient mobiles developed
- Interview with Nigel Topham on Radio Forth: Boffin's battery breakthrough (MP3)
- University of Edinburgh: Computer chip could make gadgets greener
- School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh: Gadgets could go greener with high-speed computer chip
- Telegraph: University of Edinburgh Develops an Advanced Research Processor based on the ARC600 Architecture
- The Scotsman: Energy efficient mobiles developed
- STV News: Scientific boost for mobile phones
- NetPark Net: Energy efficient MP3 chip created