Paper Accepted to PLDI'11
Our paper titled Generalized Just-In-Time Trace Compilation using a Parallel Task Farm in a Dynamic Binary Translator and written by I.Böhm, T.Edler von Koch, S. Kyle, B.Franke and N.Topham, was accepted at the ACM SIGPLAN 2011 Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI'11) in San Jose, CA.
In this work we have made advances in the area of trace-based compilation by proposing a novel tracing strategy, namely interval based tracing. Another significant advancement is the design and implementation of a truly parallel JIT compilation system based on the task farm design pattern. This parallel JIT compilation system is the first of its kind to successfully exploit the parallelism available on today's multi-core architectures, and to exploit the parallelism exposed by our novel tracing strategy.