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J. Eggermont, Eiben, A. E., and van Hemert, J. I., Adapting the Fitness Function in GP for Data Mining, in Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 1999, p. 195--204.
J. Eggermont, Eiben, A. E., and van Hemert, J. I., Comparing genetic programming variants for data classification, in Proceedings of the Eleventh Belgium/Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'99), 1999, p. 253--254.
J. Eggermont, Eiben, A. E., and van Hemert, J. I., A comparison of genetic programming variants for data classification, in Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 1999, p. 281--290.
T. Printezis, Atkinson, M. P., and Jordan, M. J., Defining and Handling Transient Fields in PJama, in DBPL, 1999, pp. 129-151.
M. Dmitriev and Atkinson, M. P., Evolutionary Data Conversion in the PJama Persistent Language, in ECOOP Workshops, 1999, pp. 211-212.
M. Dmitriev and Atkinson, M. P., Evolutionary Data Conversion in the PJama Persistent Language, in ECOOP Workshop on Object-Oriented Databases, 1999, pp. 25-36.
M. P. Atkinson and Jordan, M. J., Issues Raised by Three Years of Developing PJama: An Orthogonally Persistent Platform for Java, in ICDT, 1999, pp. 1-30.
J. I. van Hemert and Eiben, A. E., Mondriaan Art by Evolution, in Proceedings of the Eleventh Belgium/Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'99), 1999, p. 291--292.
L. Han, Han, L., and zengdian Liu, Neural network applied to the prediction of the failure stress for pressurized cylinders containing defects, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, vol. 76, no. 4, p. pp 215~219, 1999.
A. E. Eiben, Elia, D., and van Hemert, J. I., Population dynamics and emerging features in AEGIS, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 1999, p. 1257--1264.
L. Han, Questions considered in object-oriented software quality metrics based on Java environment, Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, p. pp 85~87, 1999.
A. E. Eiben and van Hemert, J. I., SAW-ing EAs: adapting the fitness function for solving constrained problems, in New ideas in optimization, D. Corne, Dorigo, M., and Glover, F., Eds. McGraw-Hill, London, 1999, p. 389--402.
M. P. Atkinson, Orlowska, M. E., Valduriez, P., Zdonik, S. B., and Brodie, M. L., VLDB'99, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 7-10, 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
Y. Wang and Han, L., On Zero-symmetric BZ-algebras, Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 6, p. pp 755~761, 1997.
