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PRAS-DT: Portable, Reliable and Automatic

Presentation Type: 

Modern science involves enormous amounts of data which need to be transferred and shared among various locations. For the EFFORT (Earthquake and Failure Forecasting in Real Time) project, large data files need to be synchronized between different locations and operating systems in near real time. There are many challenges in performing large data transfers, continuously, over a long period of time. The use of Globus Online to perform the data transfers addresses many of these issues. Globus Online is quickly becoming a new standard for high performance data transfer. Globus Online allows for periodic data transfers to be automatically run through scripts and for simplified secure data movement without the hassle of complex certificates.

PDF icon Poster-Sc12.pdf1.25 MB
Date and time: 
Wednesday, 7 November, 2012 - 10:00
SC 12, Salt Lake, Utah
Research topics: