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Export 674 results:
P. Martin, Atkinson, M., Parsons, M., Carter, A., and Francis, G., EDIM1 Progress Report, 2011.
L. Vaccari, Shvaiko, P., Pane, J., Besana, P., and Marchese, M., An evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applications, Geoinformatica, pp. 1-36, 2011.
J. van Hemert, Koetsier, J., Torterolo, L., Porro, I., Melato, M., and Barbera, R., Generating web-based user interfaces for computational science, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 23, p. 256--268, 2011.
L. Han, Liew, C. S., van Hemert, J., and Atkinson, M., A Generic Parallel Processing Model for Facilitating Data Mining and Integration, Parallel Computing, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 157 - 171, 2011.
S. Gesing, Grunzke, R., Balaskó, Á., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., Herres-Pawlis, S., Kacsuk, P., Kozlovszky, M., Krüger, J., Packschies, L., Schäfer, P., Schuller, B., Schuster, J., Steinke, T., Fabri, A. Szikszay, Wewior, M., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., and Kohlbacher, O., Granular Security for a Science Gateway in Structural Bioinformatics, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Science Gateways for Life Sciences (IWSG-Life 2011), 2011.
S. Bijani and Robertson, D., Intrusion Detection in Open Peer-to-Peer Multi-agent Systems, 5th International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS 2011). Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2011.
D. A. Bacigalupo, van Hemert, J. I., Chen, X., Usmani, A., Chester, A. P., He, L., Dillenberger, D. N., Wills, G. B., Gilbert, L., and Jarvis, S. A., Managing dynamic enterprise and urgent workloads on clouds using layered queuing and historical performance models, Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 19, pp. 1479–1495, 2011.
G. McGilvary, Atkinson, M., Barker, A., and Lloyd, A., Optimum Platform Selection and Configuration for Computational Jobs, in All Hands Meeting 2011, York, 2011.
F. Zhu, Rodríguez, D., Carpenter, T., Atkinson, M., and Wardlaw, J., A Parallel Deconvolution Algorithm in Perfusion Imaging, in Healthcare Informatics, Imaging, and Systems Biology (HISB), San Jose, California , 2011.
C. S. Liew, Atkinson, M. P., Ostrowski, R., Cole, M., van Hemert, J. I., and Han, L., Performance database: capturing data for optimizing distributed streaming workflows, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 369, no. 1949, pp. 3268-3284, 2011.
S. Bijani, Robertson, D., and Aspinall, D., Probing Attacks on Multi-agent Systems using Electronic Institutions, Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies Workshop (DALT), AAMAS 2011. 2011.
K. D'Mellow, Rodríguez, D., Carpenter, T., Koetsier, J., Job, D., van Hemert, J., Wardlaw, J., and Zhu, F., RapidBrain: Developing a Portal for Brain Research Imaging, in All Hands Meeting 2011, York , York, 2011.
S. Gesing, Kacsuk, P., Kozlovszky, M., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., Grunzke, R., Herres-Pawlis, S., Krüger, J., Packschies, L., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Schäfer, P., Steinke, T., Fabri, A. Szikszay, Warzecha, K., Wewior, M., and Kohlbacher, O., A Science Gateway for Molecular Simulations, in EGI User Forum 2011, 2011.
S. Gesing, van Hemert, J., Kacsuk, P., and Kohlbacher, O., Special Issue: Portals for life sciences---Providing intuitive access to bioinformatic tools, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 23, no. 23, p. 223--234, 2011.
J. Rius, Cores, F., Solsona, F., van Hemert, J. I., Koetsier, J., and Notredame, C., A user-friendly web portal for T-Coffee on supercomputers, BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 12, 2011.
G. Yaikhom, Atkinson, M., van Hemert, J., Corcho, O., and Krause, A., Validation and mismatch repair of workflows through typed data streams, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 369, no. 1949, pp. 3285-3299, 2011.
L. Han, Saengngam, T., and van Hemert, J., Accelerating Data-Intensive Applications: a Cloud Computing Approach Image Pattern Recognition Tasks, in The Fourth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, 2010.
R. Filgueira, Singh, D. E., Calderón, A., Carballeira, F. G., and Carretero, J., Adaptive CoMPI: Enhancing MPI based applications performance and scalability by using adaptive compression., International Journal of High Performance Computing and Applications, 2010. Sage, no. 25 (3), 2010.
M. Cuggia, Besana, P., and Glasspool., D., Comparing Clinical Decision Support Systems for Recruitment in Clinical Trials, Journal of Medical Informatics, 2010.
R. R. Kitchen, Sabine, V. S., Sims, A. H., Macaskill, E. J., Renshaw, L., Thomas, J. S., van Hemert, J. I., Dixon, J. M., and Bartlett, J. M. S., Correcting for intra-experiment variation in Illumina BeadChip data is necessary to generate robust gene-expression profiles, BMC Genomics, vol. 11, no. 134, 2010.
M. Atkinson, Roure, D. D., van Hemert, J., Jha, S., McNally, R., Mann, R., Viglas, S., and Williams, C., Data-Intensive Research Workshop (15-19 March 2010) Report, Data-Intensive Research Group, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 2010.
R. Filgueira, Carretero, J., Singh, D. E., Calderón, A., and Nunez, A., Dynamic-CoMPI: Dynamic optimization techniques for MPI parallel applications., The Journal of Supercomputing., 2010.
L. Han, Exploiting P2P and Grid Computing Technologies for Resource Sharing to support High Performance Distributed System, in Handbook of Research on P2P and Grid Systems for Service-Oriented Computing: Models, Methodologies and Applications , vol. 1, 2 vol., N. Antonopoulos, Exarchakos, G., Li, M., and Liottac, A., Eds. IGI Global publishing, 2010.
G. Yaikhom, Liew, C., Han, L., van Hemert, J., Atkinson, M., and Krause, A., Federated Enactment of Workflow Patterns, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6271. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 317-328, 2010.
G. Birkenheuer, Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., Blunk, D., Fels, G., Gesing, S., Herres-Pawlis, S., Kohlbacher, O., Krüger, J., and Packschies, L., Grid-Workflows in Molecular Science, in Software Engineering 2010, Grid Workflow Workshop, 2010.
