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K. Karasavvas, Baldock, R., and Burger, A., Criticality-Based Task Composition in Distributed Bioinformatics Systems, in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2002.
E. Hunt, Atkinson, M. P., and Irving, R. W., Database indexing for large DNA and protein sequence collections, VLDB J., vol. 11, pp. 256-271, 2002.
J. I. van Hemert and Bäck, T., Measuring the Searched Space to Guide Efficiency: The Principle and Evidence on Constraint Satisfaction, in Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 2002, p. 23--32.
K. Karasavvas, Burger, A., and Baldock, R., A Multi-Agent Bioinformatics Integration System with Adjustable Autonomy: An Overview, in Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 2002, p. 302--303.
K. Karasavvas, Burger, A., and Baldock, R., A Multi-Agent Bioinformatics Integration System with Adjustable Autonomy, in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002, vol. 2417, p. 492--501.
L. Han, yan Liu,, and Cen, Z., A network traffic model based on the cascade process, Journal of Mini-Micro Computer System, vol. 23, no. 12, p. 1483~1485, 2002.
L. Han, Ceng, Z., and Gao, C., A new multifractal network traffic model, Journal of Chaos, solitons & fractals , vol. 13, no. 7, p. 1507~1513, 2002.
R. Grim, Jansen, M. L. M., Baan, A., van Hemert, J. I., and de Wolf, H., Use of Evolutionary Algorithms for Telescope Scheduling, in Integrated Modeling of Telescopes, 2002, vol. 4757, p. 51--61.
J. Eggermont and van Hemert, J. I., Adaptive Genetic Programming Applied to New and Existing Simple Regression Problems, in Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 2001, p. 23--35.
L. Han and Suo, C., The characterizing network traffic based on the wavelet technique, Journal of Mini-Micro Computer System, vol. 22, no. 9, p. 1110~ 1114, 2001.
E. Hunt, Atkinson, M. P., and Irving, R. W., A Database Index to Large Biological Sequences, in VLDB, 2001, pp. 139-148.
T. Printezis and Atkinson, M. P., An efficient object promotion algorithm for persistent object systems, Softw., Pract. Exper., vol. 31, pp. 941-981, 2001.
J. I. van Hemert and Jansen, M. L. M., An Engineering Approach to Evolutionary Art, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001), 2001, p. 177.
J. I. van Hemert, Evolutionary Computation in Constraint Satisfaction and Machine Learning --- An abstract of my PhD., in Proceedings of the Brussels Evolutionary Algorithms Day (BEAD-2001), 2001.
J. I. van Hemert, Van Hoyweghen, C., Lukschandl, E., and Verbeeck, K., A ``Futurist'' approach to dynamic environments, in Proceedings of the Workshops at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Dynamic Optimization Problems, 2001, p. 35--38.
H. Evans, Dickman, P., and Atkinson, M., The GRUMPS Architecture: Run-time Evolution in a Large Scale Distributed System, in Proceedings of the Workshop on Engineering Complex Object-Oriented Solutions for Evolution (ECOOSE), held as part of OOPSLA 2001., 2001.
M. Atkinson, Brown, M., Cargill, J., Crease, M., Draper, S., Evans, H., Gray, P., Mitchell, C., Ritchie, M., and Thomas, R., GRUMPS Summer Anthology, 2001. Academic Press, 2001.
C. Gao and Han, L., A new multifractal traffic model based on the wavelet transform, in ISCA 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing systems, Texas, USA, 2001, pp. 157-162.
M. Atkinson, Persistence and Java — A Balancing Act , in Objects and Databases, vol. 1944, K. Dittrich, Guerrini, G., Merlo, I., Oliva, M., and Rodriguez, E. M., Eds. Springer, 2001, pp. 1-31.
M. P. Atkinson, Dmitriev, M. A., Hamilton, C., and Printezis, T., Scalable and Recoverable Implementation of Object Evolution for the PJama1 Platform , in Persistent Object Systems: Design, Implementation, and Use 9th International Workshop, POS-9 Lillehammer, Norway, September 6–8, 2000 Revised Papers, vol. 2135, G. N. C., Kirby, A. D., and Sjøberg, D. I. K., Eds. Springer, 2001, pp. 292-314,.
J. I. van Hemert, Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Evolutionary Algorithms: A Reality Check, in Proceedings of the Twelfth Belgium/Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'00), 2000, p. 267--274.
J. I. van Hemert, De Creatieve Computer, AIgg Kennisgeving, vol. 13, p. 10--18, 2000.
M. P. Atkinson, Guest editorial, VLDB J., vol. 9, pp. 175-176, 2000.
K. Karasavvas, Baldock, R., and Burger, A., Managing Transparency in Distributed Bioinformatics Systems, in European Media Lab Workshop on Management and Integration of Biochemical Data, 2000.
Z. cen, Gao, C., S, C., and Han, L., Measurement and analysis of IP network traffic, in In Proceedings of the 3th International Asia-Pacific Web Conference, xi'an China , 2000, p. 46~50.
