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Designing for Data-Driven Seismology in Europe

Presentation Type: 

Modern seismologists are presented with increasing amounts of data that may help them better understand the Earth’s structure and systems. However:
- they have to access these data from globally distributed sites via different transfer protocols and security mechanisms;
- to analyse these data they need to access remote powerful computing facilities;
- their experiments result in yet more data that need to be shared with scientific communities around the world.
In the vast majority of cases, the labourious tasks of data management, transfer and execution of scientific codes is handled manually by the scientist and on an ad hoc basis. This hinders seismologists from making full use of the data and tools they have at their disposal for scientific discovery.
The VERCE project is designing and developing a research platform to deliver a seismology and earthquake community e-­Infrastructure, an integrated computational and data environment that presents a coherent virtual environment in which to conduct research.

PDF icon sicsa-submitted.pdf2.25 MB
Date and time: 
Tuesday, 6 November, 2012 - 17:00
Informatics Forum, SICSA DEMOfest 2012
Research topics: