

Dr Alex Li, Lecturer, Director of the Advanced Intelligent Robotics Lab.
Research Students

Christopher McGreavy PhD candidate

Eleftherios Triantafyllidis PhD candidate

Wenbin Hu PhD candidate

Jiacheng Gu PhD candidate

Wanming Yu PhD candidate

Fernando Acero PhD candidate

Zhaocheng Liu MSc by Research

Xiaofeng Mao PhD candidate

Yucheng Xu PhD candidate

Sarah IHME UG Student
Postdoctoral Researcher
Former Students
Graduated PhDs from UoE
Dr Chuanyu Yang, PhD 2016-2020.

Dr Kai Yuan PhD

Supervised and co-supervised PhD students with Dr. Nikos Tsagarakis and Prof. Darwin Caldwell FREng.
Dr Chengxu Zhou, now a Lecturer at University of Leeds, 11 peer-reviewed papers from the PhD work, .
Dr Juan Castano, now with the University Carlos III de Madrid, post-doc in IIT (PhD 2013-2016), 6 peer-reviewed papers from the PhD work.
Dr Wesley Roozing, PhD student (2014 - 2018), 2 top journal papers (IEEE transaction of Mechatronics and IEEE RA-Letter) during the first year of the PhD, now an assistant professor at University of Twente.
Dr Yangwei You, PhD student (2015 - 2018), now a permanent researcher at Astar, Singapore.