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A. Barker, Weissman, J., and van Hemert, J. I., The Circulate Architecture: Avoiding Workflow Bottlenecks Caused By Centralised Orchestration, Cluster Computing, vol. 12, p. 221--235, 2009.
J. I. van Hemert, Comparing Classical Methods for Solving Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems with State of the Art Evolutionary Computation, in Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 2002, p. 81--90.
B. G. W. Craenen, Eiben, A. E., and van Hemert, J. I., Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms on Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, vol. 7, p. 424--444, 2003.
J. Eggermont, Eiben, A. E., and van Hemert, J. I., Comparing genetic programming variants for data classification, in Proceedings of the Eleventh Belgium/Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'99), 1999, p. 253--254.
J. Eggermont, Eiben, A. E., and van Hemert, J. I., A comparison of genetic programming variants for data classification, in Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 1999, p. 281--290.
A. Defaweux, Lenaerts, T., van Hemert, J. I., and Parent, J., Complexity Transitions in Evolutionary Algorithms: Evaluating the impact of the initial population, in Proceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2005, p. 196--203.
J. I. van Hemert, Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Evolutionary Algorithms: A Reality Check, in Proceedings of the Twelfth Belgium/Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (BNAIC'00), 2000, p. 267--274.
I. Juhos and van Hemert, J. I., Contraction-Based Heuristics to Improve the Efficiency of Algorithms Solving the Graph Colouring Problem, in Studies in Computational Intelligence, C. Cotta and van Hemert, J. I., Eds. Springer, 2008, p. 167--184.
I. Juhos and van Hemert, J. I., Contraction-Based Heuristics to Improve the Efficiency of Algorithms Solving the Graph Colouring Problem, in Studies in Computational Intelligence, C. Cotta and van Hemert, J. I., Eds. Springer, 2008, p. 167--184.
R. R. Kitchen, Sabine, V. S., Sims, A. H., Macaskill, E. J., Renshaw, L., Thomas, J. S., van Hemert, J. I., Dixon, J. M., and Bartlett, J. M. S., Correcting for intra-experiment variation in Illumina BeadChip data is necessary to generate robust gene-expression profiles, BMC Genomics, vol. 11, no. 134, 2010.
J. I. van Hemert and Jansen, M. L. M., An Engineering Approach to Evolutionary Art, in Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2001), 2001, p. 177.
J. I. van Hemert, Evolutionary Computation in Constraint Satisfaction and Machine Learning --- An abstract of my PhD., in Proceedings of the Brussels Evolutionary Algorithms Day (BEAD-2001), 2001.
A. Defaweux, Lenaerts, T., and van Hemert, J. I., Evolutionary Transitions as a Metaphor for Evolutionary Optimization, in LNAI 3630, 2005, p. 342--352.
J. I. van Hemert, Evolving binary constraint satisfaction problem instances that are difficult to solve, in Proceedings of the IEEE 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003, p. 1267--1273.
J. I. van Hemert, Evolving combinatorial problem instances that are difficult to solve, Evolutionary Computation, vol. 14, p. 433--462, 2006.
J. I. van Hemert and la Poutré, J. A., Exploiting Fruitful Regions in Dynamic Routing using Evolutionary Computation, in Studies in Computational Intelligence , vol. 161, F. Pereira Babtista and Tavares, J., Eds. Springer, 2009, p. 131--149.
A. E. Eiben, van Hemert, J. I., Marchiori, E., and Steenbeek, A. G., Extended abstract: Solving Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems using Evolutionary Algorithms with an Adaptive Fitness Function, in Proceedings of the Xth Netherlands/Belgium Conference on Artificial Intelligence (NAIC'98), 1998, p. 299--301.
J. I. van Hemert, Van Hoyweghen, C., Lukschandl, E., and Verbeeck, K., A ``Futurist'' approach to dynamic environments, in Proceedings of the Workshops at the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Dynamic Optimization Problems, 2001, p. 35--38.
