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Complexity Transitions in Evolutionary Algorithms: Evaluating the impact of the initial population

TitleComplexity Transitions in Evolutionary Algorithms: Evaluating the impact of the initial population
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsDefaweux, A, Lenaerts, T, van Hemert, JI, Parent, J
Conference NameProceedings of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation
Publisher{IEEE} Press
Keywordsconstraint satisfaction; transition models

This paper proposes an evolutionary approach for the composition of solutions in an incremental way. The approach is based on the metaphor of transitions in complexity discussed in the context of evolutionary biology. Partially defined solutions interact and evolve into aggregations until a full solution for the problem at hand is found. The impact of the initial population on the outcome and the dynamics of the process is evaluated using the domain of binary constraint satisfaction problems.

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