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Dynamic Routing Problems with Fruitful Regions: Models and Evolutionary Computation

TitleDynamic Routing Problems with Fruitful Regions: Models and Evolutionary Computation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
Authorsvan Hemert, JI, la Poutré, JA
Conference NameLNCS
Conference LocationBirmingham, UK
EditorYao, X, Burke, E, Lozano, JA, Smith, J, Merelo-Guerv\'os, JJ, Bullinaria, JA, Rowe, J, n, PT\v, Schwefel, H-P
ISBN Number3-540-23092-0
Keywordsdynamic problems; evolutionary computation; vehicle routing

We introduce the concept of fruitful regions in a dynamic routing context: regions that have a high potential of generating loads to be transported. The objective is to maximise the number of loads transported, while keeping to capacity and time constraints. Loads arrive while the problem is being solved, which makes it a real-time routing problem. The solver is a self-adaptive evolutionary algorithm that ensures feasible solutions at all times. We investigate under what conditions the exploration of fruitful regions improves the effectiveness of the evolutionary algorithm.

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