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A. Barker, Weissman, J., and van Hemert, J. I., The Circulate Architecture: Avoiding Workflow Bottlenecks Caused By Centralised Orchestration, Cluster Computing, vol. 12, p. 221--235, 2009.
J. I. van Hemert and la Poutré, J. A., Exploiting Fruitful Regions in Dynamic Routing using Evolutionary Computation, in Studies in Computational Intelligence , vol. 161, F. Pereira Babtista and Tavares, J., Eds. Springer, 2009, p. 131--149.
J. I. van Hemert and Koetsier, J., Giving Computational Science a Friendly Face, Zero-In, vol. 1, no. 3, p. 12--13, 2009.
S. Gesing, Kohlbacher, O., and van Hemert, J. I., Portals for Life Sciences—a Brief Introduction, in Proceedings of the IWPLS09 International Workshop on Portals for Life Sciences, 2009.
J. Koetsier, Turner, A., Richardson, P., and van Hemert, J. I., Rapid chemistry portals through engaging researchers, in Fifth IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Oxford, UK, 2009, pp. 284-291.
J. Koetsier and van Hemert, J. I., Rapid development of computational science portals, in Proceedings of the IWPLS09 International Workshop on Portals for Life Sciences, Edinburgh, 2009.
J. Koetsier and van Hemert, J. I., Rapid development of computational science portals, in Proceedings of the IWPLS09 International Workshop on Portals for Life Sciences, Edinburgh, 2009.
J. D. Armstrong and van Hemert, J. I., Towards a Virtual Fly Brain, Philosophical Transactions A, vol. 367, p. 2387--2397, 2009.
J. O’Donoghue and van Hemert, J. I., Using the DCC Lifecycle Model to Curate a Gene Expression Database: A Case Study, International Journal of Digital Curation, vol. 4, no. 3, 2009.
