Postdoc positionPermalink
Currently we do not have any open postdoc positions.
PhD positionPermalink
For September 2025, School of Informatics offer multiple PhD scholarships available at the school page and Centers for Doctoral Training. If you are interested, please send an e-mail to Dr Bilen with the title [Prospective PhD] including
- a copy of your CV and explanation for
- why you want to work with my group specifically,
- what topics you would be keen to explore and how would it fit into what we are working on. There will be limited positions, for maximizing your chances please apply as soon as possible.
Dr Bilen is also a member of ELLIS - the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems and accept applications in ELLIS. However, note that ELLIS does not provide any scholarship and the candidates have to apply the scholarship positions above.
We receive an overwhelming amount of emails from prospective students for PhD, MSc. We are sorry if we have not been able to respond to your email. Here is a FAQ that may answer your questions:
Do you accept MSc students? No.
Do you offer internship positions? No.
Do you accept VISITING PhD students or postdocs? Yes, we accept exceptional scholars who have strong publication record in top computer vision and machine learning conferences (CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, NeurIPS and ICML). If you are interested in visiting us, please send us a description of your research and your publication list.
What kind of topics can I work on my PhD? We are open to take on students for a wide range of topics in the intersection of computer vision, machine learning and deep learning (see our recent publications to get a sense of what we are currently interested in).