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D. Fergusson, Hopkins, R., Romano, D., Vander Meer, E., and Atkinson, M., Distributed Computing Education, Part 1: A Special Case?, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 0806-o6002, 2008.
D. Fergusson, Hopkins, R., Romano, D., Vander Meer, E., and Atkinson, M., Distributed Computing Education, Part 2: International Summer Schools, IEEE Distributed Systems Online, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 0807-o7002, 2008.
B. Low, Cassidy, K., Fergusson, D., Atkinson, M., Vander Meer, E., and McGeever, M., Distributed Computing Education, Part 3: The Winter School Online Experience, Distributed Systems Online, vol. 9, no. 9, p. 8, 2008.
D. Fergusson, Barbera, R., Giorgio, E., Fargetta, M., Sipos, G., Romano, D., Atkinson, M., and Vander Meer, E., Distributed Computing Education, Part 4: Training Infrastructure, Distributed Systems Online, vol. 9, no. 10, p. 6, 2008.
M. Atkinson, Vander Meer, E., Fergusson, D., and Artacho, M., Education and Training Task Force Report, 2008.
A. Voss, Asgari-Targhi, M., Halfpenny, P., Procter, R., Anderson, S., Dunn, S., Fragkouli, E., Hughes, L., Atkinson, M., Fergusson, D., Mineter, M., and Rodden, T., Fostering e-Infrastructures: from user-designer relations to community engagement, in Symposium on Project Management in e-Science, Oxford, 2008.
A. Voss, Asgari-Targhi, M., Procter, R., Halfpenny, P., Dunn, S., Fragkouli, E., Anderson, S., Hughes, L., Mineter, M., Fergusson, D., and Atkinson, M., Widening Uptake of e-Infrastructure Services, in 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, 2008.