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Fostering e-Infrastructures: from user-designer relations to community engagement

TitleFostering e-Infrastructures: from user-designer relations to community engagement
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsVoss, A, Asgari-Targhi, M, Halfpenny, P, Procter, R, Anderson, S, Dunn, S, Fragkouli, E, Hughes, L, Atkinson, M, Fergusson, D, Mineter, M, Rodden, T
Conference NameSymposium on Project Management in e-Science
Conference Start Date10-04-2008
Conference LocationOxford

In this paper we discuss how e-Science can draw on the findings, approaches and methods developed in other disciplines to foster e-Infrastructures for research. We also discuss the issue of making user involvement in IT development scale across an open ommunity of researchers and from single systems to distributed e-Infrastructures supporting collaborative research.

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