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Rapid Portals for Seismological Waveform Data

The main aim of this project is to remove the barrier of uptake to the seismology community of an application that allows analyses of seismic waveform data. This will be achieved by embedding this analysis application in a community gateway, which already exists in the form of a web portal.

The important barriers to uptake are the installation and understanding of the analysis package, the difficulty in transporting large amounts of data as input to an analysis, and direct visualisation of the results.

With Rapid we will quickly produce a solution that overcomes these barriers. We will use it to generate intuitive interfaces to the analysis application in the form of self-contained web portlets. These portlets will be directly embedded in the community gateway and link to the data available in the Orfeus Data Center; the primary European centre for this kind of data. All the data and computing will be orchestrated via our technology, and the results, e.g. graphs of waveforms, will be presented to seismologists via an existing web portal.

1 June 2009 to 30 November 2009
Project members: 
Project Status: 