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National e-Science Centre Research Platform

To support e-Science at the National e Science Centre (NeSC) at the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow. The platform grant will underpin our user-support and research strategy. It will deliver a research platform for NeSC's large user community who apply e-Science and will be a platform for NeSC's own research into how to do a better job of meeting the diversity of our users' requirements. The detailed objectives are:

  • To enable continued collaborative relationships between the NeSC and innovating researchers in computer science and in application domains.
  • To formulate and execute e-Science application projects in a variety of research domains, including: Biology, Bioinformatics and Neuroscience; Medicine and Healthcare; Engineering; Astronomy and Particle Physics; Geographical and Social Sciences.
  • To assure sustainability of our core e-Science user support and research teams, maintaining expertise and agility in response to opportunities.
  • To underpin the role of NeSC in leading the embedding of e-Science across disciplines within the two universities and throughout Scotland, and to contribute significantly to e-Science programmes in the UK and internationally.
1 August 2008 to 31 July 2013
Project Status: 
In progress