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The VERCE Architecture for Data-Intensive Seismology

Presentation Type: 

One of the main objectives of the VERCE project (Virtual Earthquake and Seismology Research Community in Europe) is to provide scientists with a unified, Europe-wide, computing environment able to support data-intensive scientific computation. This talk will be mainly about our approach to designing and building this infrastructure. More specifically, I will present the current computing environment, the rationale for designing our solutions around the workflow paradigm as well as the basic components of the architecture and their interactions.

Date and time: 
Monday, 10 June, 2013 - 14:00
CISA Seminar, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK

Data-Intensive Research for Efficiency and Enablement in Heterogeneous Systems

Presentation Type: 

Diversity, in every dimension, is a key attribute of today’s data bonanza. Our research takes a holistic view, embracing this diversity and the consequent intricate interactions between users and systems. We created the Dispel data-streaming language to describe complex computation patterns at high levels of abstraction, while providing meta-information for optimisation. Provenance and contextual information must be harnessed to achieve autonomous execution, data placement, energy efficiency and reliability.

Date and time: 
Thursday, 13 June, 2013 - 09:00
CHIST-ERA Conference, Brussels, Belgium

Applications invited for OSDC PIRE workshop

The second OSDC PIRE workshop will be held in the Informatics Forum from 17 to 21 June 2013. Applications are invited from researchers in the SICSA member institutions as a result of sponsorship from SICSA and CISA The first ten suitable applicants to register at will be accepted.

Topic of this submission: 
