Human Communication Research Centre
Online Research Papers
Abstracts of HCRC publications
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- HCRC/RP-101: Renate Henschel & John Bateman
- Application-driven automatic subgrammar extraction
March 1999
- HCRC/TR-102: L. Cahill, C. Doran, R. Evans, C. Mellish, D. Paiva, M. Reape, D. Scott, & N. Tipper
- Towards a Reference
Architecture for Natural Language Generation Systems (The RAGS Project)
April 1999
- HCRC/RP-103: Massimo Poesio
- Utterance Processing and Semantic Underspecification
April 1999
- HCRC/RP-94: Einat Amitay
- Hypertext - The importance of being different
March 1998
- HCRC/RP-95: David McKelvie
- The Syntax of Disfluency in
Spontaneous Spoken Language
May 1998
- HCRC/TR-96: David McKelvie
- SDP - Spoken Dialogue Parser
May 1998
- HCRC/TR-97: Jo Calder
- Thistle: diagram display engines and
editors July 1998 abstract
- HCRC/RP-98: Padraic Monaghan and Keith Stenning
- Learning to solve syllogisms by watching others'
learning October 1998 abstract
- HCRC/TR-99:
Frank Keller, Martin Corley, Steffan Corley, Lars Konieczny, Amalia
WebExp: A Java Toolbox for Web-Based Psychological Experiments
November 1998
- HCRC/TR-100:
Robin Lickley
HCRC Disfluency Coding Manual (To appear shortly)
December 1998
- HCRC/TR-83: Alan W Black and Paul Taylor
Festival Speech Synthesis System: system documentation (version 1.1.1)
January 1997.
- HCRC/RP-84: Jacqueline C. Kowtko
The Function of Intonation in Task-Oriented Dialogue May 1997.
- HCRC/RP-85: Mimo Caenepeel
Putting while in context May 1997.
- HCRC/RP-86: Renata Vieira & Massimo Poesio
Corpus-based processing of definite descriptions May 1997.
- HCRC/RP-87: Massimo Poesio, Renata Vieira and Simone Teufel
Resolving bridging descriptions in unrestricted texts May 1997.
- HCRC/RP-88: Robert Inder,
Dick Bulterman,
Pedro Basagoiti,
Rob Cannell,
Mandy Haggith,
- Peter Kullmann,
Bill Ritchie &
Isabel Serrasolsas
Sustainable Telematics for Environmental Management (STEM final report) May 1997.
- HCRC/RP-89: Claire Hewson, Richard Cox & Keith Stenning
A study of Statistical Process Control training needs in small and medium UK companies. June 1997.
- HCRC/RP-90: Korin Richmond, Andrew Smith & Einat Amitay
Detecting Subject Boundaries within Text: A Language Independent
Statistical Approach June 1997.
- HCRC/RP-91: Steven Bird
When Marking Tone Reduces Fluency: An Orthography Experiment in
June 1997.
- HCRC/RP-92: Massimo Poesio & David R. Traum
Conversational Actions and Discourse Situations September 1997.
- HCRC/RP-93: David McKelvie, Chris Brew & Henry Thompson
Using SGML as a Basis for Data-Intensive NLP September 1997.
- HCRC/RP-75: Keith Stenning and Peter Yule
Image and Language in Human Reasoning: a Syllogistic
March 1996. abstract
- HCRC/RP-76: Jasper Taylor, Jean Carletta and Chris Mellish
Combining power with tractability in belief models
March 1996. abstract
- HCRC/RP-77: Janet Hitzeman
Semantic Partition and the Ambiguity of
Sentences Containing Temporal Adverbials February 1996.
- HCRC/TR-78: Peter Yule
A prolog implementation of the Method of Euler Circles for
syllogistic reasoning May 1996.
- HCRC/RP-79: Anne Cooreman and Anthony J. Sanford
Focus and Syntactic Subordination in Discourse May 1996.
- HCRC/WP-2: Bernard Jones, ed.
ACL/Sigparse International Meeting on Punctuation in
Computational Linguistics.
September 1996.
- HCRC/RP-80: Steven Bird
Principles of African Tone Orthography Design December 1996.
- HCRC/RP-81: Nicholas Asher & Alex Lascarides
Questions in dialogue May 1996.
- HCRC/TR-82: Jean Carletta, Amy Isard, Stephen Isard,
Jacqueline Kowtko,
- Gwnyeth Doherty-Sneddon, and Anne Anderson
HCRC Dialogue Structure Coding Manual
June 1996.
- HCRC/RP-65: Amy Isard and Jean Carletta
Transaction and Action Coding in the Map Task Corpus March 1995.
- HCRC/RP-66: Jasper Taylor, Jean Carletta and Chris Mellish
Requirements for Belief Models in Cooperative Dialogue March 1995.
- HCRC/RP-68: Masimo Poesio
Semantic Ambiguity and Perceived Ambiguity May 1995.
- HCRC/TR-69: Jochen Dorre and Suresh Manandhar
On constraint-based Lambek calculi June 1995.
- HCRC/IMMI-1: John Lee, ed.
First International Workshop on Intelligence and Multimodality in Multimedia Interfaces: Research and Applications July 1995.
- HCRC/RP-70: Andrei Mikheev
Domain Knowledge for Natural Language Processing July 1995.
- HCRC/RP-71: Keith Stenning and Richard Tobin
Assigning information to modalities: comparing graphical treatments of
the syllogism September 1995.
- HCRC/RP-72: Jonathan Ginzburg, Zurab Khasidashvili and Enric Vallduvi, organizers
- Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic, and Computation. September 1995
- HCRC/RP-73: Antonio Moreno
Dynamic Belief Analysis November 1995.
- HCRC/TR-74: Henry Thompson, Steve Finch and David McKelvie
The Normalized SGML Library (NSL) June 1995.
- HCRC/TR-48: David McKelvie and Henry S. Thompson
TEI-Conformant Structural Markup of a Trilingual Parallel Corpus
June 1994.
- HCRC/RP-49: Enric Vallduvi and Ron Zacharski
Accenting phenomena, association with focus, and the recursiveness of focus-ground
June 1994.
- HCRC/RP-50: Andrew John Merrison, Anne H. Anderson and Gwyneth Doherty-Sneddon
An investigation into the communicative abilities of aphasic subjects
in task oriented dialogue June 1994.
- HCRC/RP-51: Keith Stenning
Logic as a foundation for a cognitive theory of modality assignment June 1994.
- HCRC/RP-52: E. G. Bard, D. Robertson, and A. Sorace
- Magnitude Estimation of Linguistic Acceptability. July 1994
- HCRC/RP-53: Robert Inder and Jussi Stader
Bags and Viewers: a Metaphor for Intelligent Database Access
December 1994.
- HCRC/RP-54: Rosemary J. Stevenson, Rosalind A. Crawley and David Kleinman
- Thematic Roles, Focus and the Representation of Events. August 1994
- HCRC/RP-55: Enric Vallduvi
Polarity items, n-words, and minimizers in Catalan and Spanish June 1994.
- HCRC/RP-56: Richard Shillcock and Paul Cairns
- Neglect dyslexia and the neuropsychology of reading: a connectionist
model of neglect dyslexia with no attentional component. July 1994
- HCRC/RP-58: Rosemary J. Stevenson and Agnieszka Urbanowicz
The Effects of Sentence Subject, Initial Mention and Pragmatic
Plausibility on the Accessibility of a Pronoun's Antecedents August 1994.
- HCRC/RP-59: Corin Gurr
Supporting Formal Reasoning for Safety Critical Systems August 1994.
- HCRC/RP-60: Jasper Taylor
Using Hierarchical Autoepistemic Logic to Model Beliefs in Dialogue November 1994.
- HCRC/RP-61: Keith Stenning, Robert Inder and Irene Neilson
Applying semantic concepts to analysing media and modalities December 1994.
- HCRC/RP-62: Francis Corblin
Multiple negation processing November 1994.
- HCRC/RP-64: Robert Inder and Jon Oberlander
Applying Discourse Theory to aid Hypertext Navigation December 1994.
- HCRC/RP-1: Matthew W. Crocker
- Principle-Based Sentence Processing:
A Cross Linguistic Account. March 1990
- HCRC/RP-2: Robin Cooper
- Information in the Early Stages of Language Acquisition. April 1990
- HCRC/RP-3: Jon Oberlander and Peter Dayan
Altered States and Virtual Beliefs April 1990.
- HCRC/RP-4: Jerry Seligman
- Perspectives in Situation Theory. April 1990
- HCRC/RP-5: Judy Delin
- Accounting for Cleft Constructions in Discourse: A Multi-Layered Approach. April 1990
- HCRC/RP-6: Keith Stenning
- Modelling Memory for Models. May 1990
- HCRC/RP-7: Alex Lascarides
The Progressive and the Imperfective Paradox June 1990.
- HCRC/RP-8: Alex Lascarides
Knowledge, Causality and Temporal Representation June 1990.
- HCRC/RP-9: Keith Stenning
- What are We to Make of Computers, and Computers to Make of Us?\\ Reflections on Winograd and Flores' Understanding Computers and Cognition. August 1990
- HCRC/RP-10: Matthew W. Crocker
- Incrementality and Modularity in a Principle-Based Model of Sentence Processing. September 1990
- HCRC/TR-11: E. A. Boyle
User's Guide to the HCRC Dialogue Database. September 1990.
- HCRC/RP-12: HCRC Research Overview 1990
- Overview of research carried out up to 1990. November 1990
- HCRC/RP-13: Robin Cooper
- Three Lectures on Situation Theoretic Grammar. November 1990
- HCRC/RP-14: Judith Ramsey \& Keith Oatley
- Designing Minimal Models from Scratch. November 1990
- HCRC/RP-15: Keith Stenning
- Distinguishing Conceptual and Empirical Issues about Mental Models. February 1991
- HCRC/RP-16: Alex Lascarides and Nicholas Asher
Discourse Relations and Common Sense Entailment February 1991.
- HCRC/RP-17: Jerry Seligman
- Physical Situations and Information Flow. March 1991
- HCRC/RP-18: Chris Brew
- Systemic Classification and its Efficiency. March 1991
- HCRC/RP-19: Keith Stenning and Jon Oberlander
- Reasoning with Words, Pictures and Calculi: computation versus justification. April 1991
- HCRC/RP-20: Keith Stenning and Jon Oberlander
A Cognitive Theory of Graphical and Linguistic Reasoning: Logic and
Implementation March 1992.
- HCRC/RP-22: Rosemary J. Stevenson, Rosalind A. Crawley, David Kleinman
- Semantic Constraints on the Comprehension of Definite References. September 1991
- HCRC/RP-23: A J Sanford \& L M Moxey
- Notes on Plural Reference and the Scenario-Mapping Principle in Comprehension. October 1991
- HCRC/RP-24: Robin Cooper
- A Working Person's Guide to Situation Theory. October 1991
- HCRC/RP-25: Anne H. Anderson and Elizabeth H. Boyle
- Forms of Introduction in Dialogues: Their Discourse Contexts and Communicative Goals. December 1991
- HCRC/RP-26: Keith Stenning, Alexander W.R. Nelson, Mukesh J. Patel,
Joe Levy, Martin Gemell
- Three Experiments Investigating Reference
Change in Simple Descriptions. December 1991
- HCRC/RP-27: Anne H. Anderson, Aileen Clark and James
- Communication Skills in Children: Learning how to Make
Language Work in Dialogue. March 1992
- HCRC/RP-28: Keith Stenning and Mike Oaksford
- Rational Reasoning and Human Implementations of Logic. March 1992
- HCRC/RP-29: Anne H. Anderson, Miles Bader, Ellen Gurman Bard, Elizabeth Boyle, Gwyneth
Docherty, Simon Garrod, Stephen Isard, Jacqueline Kowtko, Jan McAllister, Jim
Miller, Catherine Sotillo, Henry Thompson and Regina Weinert
- The HCRC Map Task Corpus. March 1992
- HCRC/RP-30: Fairouz Kamareddine and Ewan Klein
- Nominalization, Predication and Type Containment. May 1992
- HCRC/RP-31: Jacqueline C. Kowtko, Stephen D. Isard and Gwyneth M. Doherty
Conversational Games Within Dialogue June 1992.
- HCRC/RP-32: Workshop on Computational Semantics
- Report on a workshop held 5th-8th March, 1992. July 1992
- HCRC/RP-33: Patrick Blackburn
- Structures, Languages and Translations: the Structural Approach to Feature
Logic. August 1992
- HCRC/RP-34: Matthew Walter Crocker
A Logical Model of Competence and Performance in the Human Sentence
Processor September 1992.
- HCRC/RP-35: Richard C Shillcock and Ellen Gurman Bard
- Modularity and the processing of closed-class words. September 1992
- HCRC/RP-36: Ellen Gurman Bard and Richard C Shillcock
- Competitor Effects during Lexical Access: Chasing Zipf's Tail. September 1992
- HCRC/RP-37: Jonathan Ginzburg
- Propositional and Non-Propositional Attitudes. October 1992
- HCRC/RP-38: Jon Barwise and Robin Cooper
- Extended Kamp Notation A Graphical Notation for Situation Theory. November 1992
- HCRC/RP-39: Alistair Knott and Robert Dale
- Using
Linguistic Phenomena to Motivate a Set of Rhetorical Relations
December 1992.
- HCRC/RP-40: Jim Miller and Regina Weinert
- The Function of LIKE in Dialogue. January 1993
- HCRC/RP-41: Regina Weinert and Jim Miller
- Cleft constructions in spoken language. February 1993
- HCRC/RP-42: Robin Cooper
- A note on the relationship between linguistic theory and linguistic
engineering. February 1993
- HCRC/RP-43: Jean Carletta, Richard Caley and Stephen Isard
A System Architecture for Simulating Time-Constrained Language
Production February 1993.
- HCRC/RP-44: Enric Vallduvi
Information packaging: A survey August 1993.
- HCRC/RP-45: J. A. Taylor
An ATMS-based Belief Model for Dialogue Simultation October 1993.
- HCRC/RP-46: Jonathan Ginzburg
Resolving Questions October 1993.
- HCRC/TR-47: Jean Carletta, Richard Caley and Stephen Isard
A Collection of Self-Repairs from the Map Task Corpus November 1993.
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