MRG Project Logo

Mobile Resource Guarantees
(MRG, project IST-2001-33149)

The MRG project was funded in 2002-2005 under the Global Computing pro-active initiative of the Future and Emerging Technologies part of the Information Society Technologies programme of the European Commission's Fifth Framework Programme.


The Mobile Resource Guarantees (MRG) project has developed the infrastructure needed to endow mobile code with independently verifiable certificates describing its resource behaviour (space, time, etc.).

A more detailed summary is available, with links to other project background information.

MRG News

Users Guide Posted on 7th August 2005
A Users Guide for the MRG infrastructure has been added. It contains basic info on how to use the online demo, as well as background info on the generation of certificates and on how to hack your own certificate. A snapshot of the infrastructure is also available.
Flyer Posted on 30th June 2005
There is now an attractive flyer about MRG.
News article Posted on 27th May 2005
An article on MRG has appeared in the IST Results website, and in EVCA Barometer.
End of Project Posted on 30th April 2005
The MRG project has ended with all deliverables complete. The reviewers' final report is here, and the final project report summarizing what was accomplished is here. There are several follow-on projects, including Mobius (FP6 Integrated Project involving Edinburgh, Munich and partners), EmBounded (FP6 STREP involving Munich and partners) and ReQueST (EPSRC project in Edinburgh).
Overview of MRG Posted on 7th October 2004
For a complete overview of the MRG Project, please see Mobile Resource Guarantees for Smart Devices, from the proceedings (LNCS volume 3362) of the CASSIS 2004 International Workshop, held in March 2004 in Marseille.
MRG Online Demo Posted on 5th May 2004
A PCC demo is available online. Please direct any comments, suggestions or complaints to Hans-Wolfgang.

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Site maintained by Robert Atkey. This page last updated on: 2005-06-15.

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