Chapter 36. Adding a new feed and couple

This recipe will run through the process of adding a new feed and couple to an existing Theon managed database. This recipe will work on a development copy.

This recipe can be run from anywhere on a machine with the necessary packages installed and suitable configuration of PostgreSQL (see configuration recipe).

(1) Install the standard packages for the ModelLibrary we are using.

rpm -U \
  hypatia-1.0.12174-1.noarch \
  hypatia-theon-library-1.0.12159-1.noarch # the ModelLibrary\
  hypatia-theon-library-devel-1.0.12159-1.noarch # development components of the ML \
  hypatia-theon-library-ui-1.0.12159-1.noarch # (optional) UI components of the ML

(2) Create a local development instance.

ttkm hypatia install

(3) Create the management database. We will use a custom instance so create a LiveProfile for that first. Below assume a default management database is in place and can be used to bootstrap the process, if not do ttkm create first and ttkm delete after.

ttkm self attach upon hypatia using database=hypxsddb host=/disk/scratch
ttkm create upon hypatia

(4) Load the ModelLibrary.

ttkm hypatia reload upon hypatia

(5) Launch a working copy of the ModelLibrary to hold the changes, associate the management database profile with it to save having to specify it, then change into it and do a test export to check reload worked.

ttkm hypatia launch at /tmp using theon=hypatia
cd /tmp/hypatia
ttkm export

(6) Start up the UI to make all the necessary changes. Note at the moment we have to handcraft a suitable configuration file to use. This server is being used remotely rather than on localhost hence the hostname.

cat >ui.conf <<EOF
config = {
  "session_secure": False,
  "database" : {
    "dbname" : "hypxsddb",
    "host" : "/disk/scratch"
  "metadata" : {
    "/api": [ "/usr/share/theon/self/ui/data", ],
ttkm self server ui on babel using config=ui.conf

Navigate a remotely running browser to babel:8000 and follow the following steps.

Add the feed load table.

Open the "Dictionary" desktop.
On the first panel ("Model") ensure the right model is shown.
Add the following rows in the "Entities" box:
  Name[Realised]                Type
  webmark_tsp_apply_feed_3g     Table
Open the "Entity" panel.
Query for the "webmark_tsp_apply_feed_3g" record.
Add the following rows in the "Attributes" box:
  Position      Name[Realised]  Type    Content Size
  1             matric          Column  Text
  2             myname          Column  Text
  3             vacancy         Column  Text
  4             desiredhrs      Column  Text    3
  5             wmusername      Column  Text
  6             wmhash          Column  Text

Add the feed view - this is being used here to aggregate and tie-in data prior to being sync’ed to destination table(s).

Open the "Dictionary" desktop.
On the first panel ("Model") ensure the right model is shown.
Add the following rows in the "Entities" box:
  Name[Realised]                        Type
  webmark_tsp_course_duty_feed_3g       View
Open the "Entity" panel.
Query for the "webmark_tsp_course_duty_feed_3g" record.
Enter the following definition in the "Value" field:
    f.vacancy AS comment,
    'Applying' AS status,
    COUNT(*) AS load,
  FROM (
    SELECT wmhash, matric, UNNEST(STRING_TO_ARRAY(vacancy, '|')) AS vacancy FROM webmark_tsp_apply_feed_3g
  ) AS f
  INNER JOIN person_3g p ON (
    UPPER(f.matric) = p.euclid_student_code
  INNER JOIN course_duty_allocation_3g c ON (
    REGEXP_REPLACE(f.vacancy, '^.*\([A-Z0-9-]+\.([0-9]+).*\)$', '\1')::INTEGER = c.duty_instance
Add the following rows in the "Attributes" box:
  Position      Name[Realised]  Type    Content         Size
  1             session         Column  Text            2
  2             course          Column  Text            8
  3             type            Column  Text            26
  4             person          Column  Text            18
  5             comment         Column  Text            160
  6             status          Column  Text
  7             duty            Column  Number/Integer
  8             load            Column  Number/Decimal  12.4
  9             wmhash          Column  Text

Add a column to the target table to hold the sync handle.

Open the "Dictionary" desktop.
On the first panel ("Model") ensure the right model is shown.
Open the "Entity" panel.
Query for the "course_duty_3g" record.
Add the following rows in the "Attributes" box:
  Position      Name[Realised]          Type    Content
  31            webmark_apply_code      Column  Text

Now define the new Stream and Couple.

Open the "Streaming" desktop.
On the first panel ("Model") ensure the right model is shown.
Add the following rows in the "Streams" box:
  Stream-Label  Origin  ? Feed Entity                   Source  Format  Name
  wbmrk_tsp     WBMRK   webmark_tsp_apply_feed_3g       Pipe    CSV     wbmrk_tsp
Open the "Stream" panel.
Query for the "wbmrk_tsp" record.
Tick the "Incremental?" field.
Add the following rows in the "Couples" box:
  Position      Source Entity                   Target Entity   Name [Info]
  1             webmark_tsp_course_duty_feed_3g course_duty_3g  course_duty
Open the "Couple" panel and enter and save the following for the couple:
  Source Origin Value = 'WBMRK'
  Then add two new rows in the "Bonds" box:
    Position    Type
    1           Handle
    2           Column
Open the "Bond" panel and add rows in the "Pairs" box for the couple
as below:
  For "Handle":
    Position    Source Column           Target Column           Source Value (SQL)
    1           session                 session
    2           course                  course
    3           type                    type
    4           person                  person
    5           duty                    duty
    6           wmhash                  webmark_apply_code
  For "Column":
    Position    Source Column           Target Column           Source Value (SQL)
    1           status                  status                  @::_th_course_duty_3g_status_enum
    2           load                    load
    3           comment                 comment

Control-C the server process.

(7) Now export the changes and upgrade the database (by comparing against the installation package). First define a LiveProfile to connect to the database.

ttkm export
ttkm attach using database=hypatia host=/disk/scratch
ttkm upgrade using current=/usr/share/theon/model/library/hypatia

(8) Build the TheonCoupler configuration and test the stream and couple work with some sample data to load. Development database will need populated with live or test data for functionality test.

ttkm derive coupler
ttkm stream agent wbmrk_tsp refresh from /tmp/tsp.csv

(9) If using a central repository would now commit back changes in schemat and then use that to upgrade the live production database in the same way.