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Week 5 Announcement

Oct 14 · 1 min read

Below are your tasks for AML for this week.


  • Watch the videos for the new lecture topics for week 5 - Optimisation and Generalisation. The links to the videos and slides are on the Schedule page. We will discuss these in the Q&A session in week 6.
  • Ask questions on Piazza for any parts you are not clear about.


  • Lab 2, which will cover Exploratory Data Analysis, Visualisation, and PCA, will take place this week. Note the time and location of your lab session so that you turn up on time.
  • You should have started working on Lab 2 in advance of your scheduled lab session.
  • You can the solution for Lab 1 linked on the Schedule page in week 3.


  • The next tutorial will take place in week 6, you can find the tutorial sheet in the schedule for week 6. We would recommend that you attempt all the questions in advance of your tutorial session.


  • Please note the assignment of groups has been released. Get in touch if there are any issues.

Week 4 Announcement

Oct 7 · 1 min read

Below are your tasks for this week.

Q&A Session

  • Attend this week’s class session (Tue 8th at 4:10pm).


  • Attend Tutorial 1 this week in Appleton Tower 5.04.
  • Check which Tutorial (i.e. “workshop”) session you are assigned to - this may have changed at the end of last week.
  • The solutions for Tutorial 1 will be online at the end of this week.


  • Watch the videos for the two new lecture topics for this week - Representing Data and Exploratory Data Analysis. Note, there is only one video in the playlist for Representing Data.
  • Ask questions on Piazza for any parts you are not clear about.


  • After you have finished this week’s tutorials and lectures, start Lab 2 which will take place next week.
  • The solution to Lab 1 is now online.


  • Get started on your coursework.

Week 3 Announcement

Sep 30 · 1 min read

Below are your tasks for this week.


  • Watch the videos for the new lecture topics for week 3 - Linear Regression and Decision Trees. The links to the videos and slides are on the Schedule page. We will discuss these in the Q&A session in week 4
  • Ask questions on Piazza for any parts you are not clear about


  • Lab 1, which will cover Classification, Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression, will take place this week. Note the time and location of your lab session so that you turn up on time
  • You should have started working on Lab 1 in advance of your scheduled lab session
  • You can the solution for Lab 0 linked on the Schedule page in week 2


  • Your first tutorial will take place in week 4, you can find the tutorial sheet in the schedule for week 4. We would recommend that you attempt all the questions in advance of your tutorial session


  • We will discuss the planning and structure of the coursework in this week’s class session on Oct 1st

Week 2 Announcement

Sep 23 · 1 min read

Below are your tasks for this week.


  • Make sure you have watched the videos from week 1 so that you do not fall behind
  • Watch the videos for the new lecture topics for week 2 - Naive Bayes Classification and Logistic Regression. The links to the videos and slides are on the Schedule page. We will discuss these in the Q&A session in week 3
  • Ask questions on Piazza for any parts you are not clear about


  • Complete the introduction Lab 0. If you are having issues with this Lab, please let us know on Piazza or during the class session in week 2
  • Start working on Lab 1 in advance of your scheduled lab session in week 3

Week 1 Announcement

Sep 17 · 1 min read

Greetings AML students!

Thanks for attending the AML class session today! If you were not able to make it, the recording is available in Learn.

Below are your tasks for this week.


  • Watch the videos for the two lecture topics this week - “Introduction to ML” and “Introduction to Classification”. Make sure you are logged in to see the files.
  • Ask questions on Piazza for any parts you are not clear about, but check if others have asked the question first.

Introduction Lab

  • Attempt Lab 0 in your own time. The link is available on the scheduled page on the course website for week 2.
  • In the readme for the labs you will also find instructions for how to use Noteable and how to import the lab files.

See you next week in the Q&A Session.

Best wishes
Oisin Mac Aodha and Siddharth N.
AML Course Organisers

Week 0 Announcement

Sep 10 · 1 min read

Greetings AML students!

This is an announcement for all those registered for Applied Machine Learning (AML - INFR11211) in semester one. Please read this carefully as it contains important information.

The full course schedule and lectures are available on this page.

Class Sessions

The first class meeting is next week (Tuesday 17th September) at 4:10pm in Lecture Theatre G.03 - 50 George Square.

Make sure to attend this session on time as we will discuss many of the logistics of the course and you will also have an opportunity to ask questions there. It will be recorded in case you cannot make it.

Lectures, Labs, and Tutorials

The lectures for AML are pre-recorded and will be available from our course website one week in advance of each topic. There will also be an in-person tutorial or lab session held every other week, with labs in weeks 3, 5, 7, 9, and tutorials in weeks 4, 6, 8, 10. We will discuss this in more detail in our class session on Tuesday.


For any queries, please come to the class session or post on Piazza, i.e. don’t respond to this email.

We hope that you will learn a lot about machine learning and how to apply it over the semester!

Best wishes
Oisin Mac Aodha and Siddharth N.
AML Course Organisers