Since it was established in 1979, SAFECOMP has contributed to the progress of the state-of-the-art in dependable applications of computer systems. 

SAFECOMP is an annual event covering the state-of-the-art, experience and new trends in the areas of computer safety, reliability and security regarding dependable applications of computer systems. 

SAFECOMP provides ample opportunity to exchange insights and experience on emerging methods and practical applications across the borders of different disciplines.

Scope of the Conference
SAFECOMP focuses on safety-critical computer applications and is a platform for knowledge and technology transfer between academia, industry and research institutions. Papers are invited on all aspects of dependability and survivability of critical computer-based systems of systems and infrastructures. Due to the increasing integration and evolution of hybrid systems, SAFECOMP emphasises work in relation to human factors, system evolution, dependability and survivability. Nowadays practical experience points out the need of multidisciplinary approaches to deal with the nature of critical complex settings.

SAFECOMP, therefore, is open to multidisciplinary work enhancing our understanding across disciplines.

SAFECOMP welcomes original work neither published nor submitted elsewhere on both industrial and research experience. Examples of industrial and research topics include:

Industrial sectors:  Accident Reports and Management - Aerospace and Avionics - Automotive - Banking and E-commerce - Bluetooth Devices - Critical National Information Infrastructures - Distributed and Real-time Systems - Firewalls - Medical Systems - Networking and Telecommunication - Open Source Software - Power Plants -Programmable Electronic Systems - Railways - Responsibility in Socio-Technical Systems - Robotics - Safety Guidelines and Certification -Safety Standards - Safety-Critical Systems and Infrastructures - Smart Card Systems

Research areas: Fault Tolerance - Commercial-Off-The-Shelf and Safety - Dependability Analysis and Modelling - Dependability Benchmarking - Design for Dependability - Diversity - Empirical Analyses - Evolution, Maintenance and Dependability - Formal Methods and Dependability - Human Factors and Dependability - Internet Dependability - Intrusion Detection - System Modelling and Engineering - Qualitative Approaches for Dependability - Quantitative Approaches for Dependability - Safety, Reliability and Security - Safety and Risk Assessment - Dependable Structures - System Dependability - Verification, Validation and Testing