The Eleventh European Conference
on Cognitive Ergonomics
8-11 September 2002
Catania, Italy
SAFECOMP 2002 will be co-located and coordinated with The Eleventh Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, ECCE-11. The ECCE-11 conference is organised by EACE - the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics. The ECCE series of conferences has been organised biannually since 1982, thereby making it the oldest conference series of its kind internationally. ECCE brings together researchers in the domain of cognitive ergonomics, which aims at combining cognitive engineering and technical information processing system developments together to improve the design of joint interactive systems. ECCE-11 focuses on the practical issues of human interaction with technology in the context of work and in particular how human cognition affects, and is affected by work and working conditions. Human work has irreversibly become work with technology and the nature of work has changed to make the role of human cognition more important. Modern society has come to depend on the safe and efficient functioning of a multitude of technological systems in areas as diverse as industrial production, transportation, communication, supply of energy, information, and materials, health and finance.
European Workshop on Industrial
Computer Systems
Reliability, Safety and Security
9-10 September 2002
Catania, Italy
The mission of EWICS is:
"To promote the economical and efficient realisation of programmable industrial systems through education, information exchange, and the elaboration of standards and guidelines"
EWICS is active in the field of Programmable Electronic Systems reliability, safety and security. It has members from most European countries, covering various fields of interests and affiliations, as well as from the USA. To achieve the above goals we