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K. Zutis, Trucco, E., Hubschman, J. P., Reed, D., Shah, S., and van Hemert, J., Towards automatic detection of abnormal retinal capillaries in ultra-widefield-of-view retinal angiographic exams, in Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 2013.
F. Zhu, Rodríguez, D., Carpenter, T., Atkinson, M., and Wardlaw, J., Parallel perfusion imaging processing using GPGPU, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, p. -, 2012.
F. Zhu, Rodríguez, D., Carpenter, T., Atkinson, M., and Wardlaw, J., A Parallel Deconvolution Algorithm in Perfusion Imaging, in Healthcare Informatics, Imaging, and Systems Biology (HISB), San Jose, California , 2011.
F. Zhu, (PhD Thesis) Brain Perfusion Imaging - Performance and Accuracy. 2012.
F. Zhu, Rodríguez, D., Carpenter, T. K., Atkinson, M. P., and Wardlaw, J. M., Lesion Area Detection Using Source Image Correlation Coefficient for CT Perfusion Imaging, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 950 - 958, 2013.
F. Zhu, Carpenter, T., Rodríguez, D., Atkinson, M., and Wardlaw, J., Computed Tomography Perfusion Imaging Denoising Using Gaussian Process Regression, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2012.
G. Yaikhom, Atkinson, M., van Hemert, J., Corcho, O., and Krause, A., Validation and mismatch repair of workflows through typed data streams, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, vol. 369, no. 1949, pp. 3285-3299, 2011.
G. Yaikhom, Liew, C., Han, L., van Hemert, J., Atkinson, M., and Krause, A., Federated Enactment of Workflow Patterns, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6271. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, pp. 317-328, 2010.
G. Wickler, Beckett, G., Han, L., Koo, S. H., Potter, S., Pringle, G., and Tate, A., Using Simulation for Decision Support: Lessons Learned from FireGrid, in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2009), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2009.
M. Wewior, Packschies, L., Blunk, D., Wickeroth, D., Warzecha, K., Herres-Pawlis, S., Gesing, S., Breuers, S., Krüger, J., Birkenheuer, G., and Lang, U., The MoSGrid Gaussian Portlet – Technologies for the Implementation of Portlets for Molecular Simulations, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG10), 2010.
J. Watt, Ajayi, O., Jiang, J., Koetsier, J., and Sinnott, R. O., A Shibboleth-Protected Privilege Management Infrastructure for e-Science Education, in Sixth IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2006, Singapore, 2006, p. 357--364.
Y. Wang and Han, L., On Zero-symmetric BZ-algebras, Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, vol. 23, no. 6, p. pp 755~761, 1997.
D. W. Walker, Atkinson, M. P., and Sommerville, I., Special Issue: Selected Papers from the 2004 U.K. e-Science All Hands Meeting, All Hands Meeting 2004, vol. 19. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Nottingham, UK, pp. 129-131, 2007.
A. Voss, Asgari-Targhi, M., Halfpenny, P., Procter, R., Anderson, S., Dunn, S., Fragkouli, E., Hughes, L., Atkinson, M., Fergusson, D., Mineter, M., and Rodden, T., Fostering e-Infrastructures: from user-designer relations to community engagement, in Symposium on Project Management in e-Science, Oxford, 2008.
A. Voss, Mascord, M., Fraser, M., Jirotka, M., Procter, R., Halfpenny, P., Fergusson, D., Atkinson, M., Dunn, S., Blanke, T., Hughes, L., and Anderson, S., e-Research Infrastructure Development and Community Engagement, in All Hands Meeting 2007, Nottingham, UK, 2007.
A. Voss, Asgari-Targhi, M., Procter, R., Halfpenny, P., Fragkouli, E., Anderson, S., Hughes, L., Fergusson, D., Vander Meer, E., and Atkinson, M., Adoption of e-Infrastructure Services: inhibitors, enablers and opportunities, in 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, Maternushaus, Cologne, 2009.
A. Voss, Asgari-Targhi, M., Procter, R., Halfpenny, P., Dunn, S., Fragkouli, E., Anderson, S., Hughes, L., Mineter, M., Fergusson, D., and Atkinson, M., Widening Uptake of e-Infrastructure Services, in 4th International Conference on e-Social Science, Manchester, 2008.
J. Vilaplana, Solsona, F., Abella, F., Filgueira, R., and Torrento, J. Rius, The Cloud Paradigm Applied to e-Health, BMC Med. Inf. {&} Decision Making, vol. 13, p. 35, 2013.
L. Vaccari, Shvaiko, P., Pane, J., Besana, P., and Marchese, M., An evaluation of ontology matching in geo-service applications, Geoinformatica, pp. 1-36, 2011.
