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C. Gao and Han, L., A new multifractal traffic model based on the wavelet transform, in ISCA 14th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing systems, Texas, USA, 2001, pp. 157-162.
J. D. Garcia, Carretero, J., Pérez, J. M., Carballeira, F. G., and Filgueira, R., Specifying use case behavior with interaction models, Journal of Object Technology, vol. 4, pp. 143-159, 2005.
S. Gesing, Kacsuk, P., Kozlovszky, M., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., Grunzke, R., Herres-Pawlis, S., Krüger, J., Packschies, L., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Schäfer, P., Steinke, T., Fabri, A. Szikszay, Warzecha, K., Wewior, M., and Kohlbacher, O., A Science Gateway for Molecular Simulations, in EGI User Forum 2011, 2011.
S. Gesing, van Hemert, J., Kacsuk, P., and Kohlbacher, O., Special Issue: Portals for life sciences---Providing intuitive access to bioinformatic tools, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 23, no. 23, p. 223--234, 2011.
S. Gesing, Grunzke, R., Krüger, J., Birkenheuer, G., Wewior, M., Schäfer, P., Schuller, B., Schuster, J., Herres-Pawlis, S., Breuers, S., Balaskó, Á., Kozlovszky, M., Fabri, A. S., Packschies, L., Kacsuk, P., Blunk, D., Steinke, T., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Jäkel, R., and Kohlbacher, O., A Single Sign-On Infrastructure for Science Gateways on a Use Case for Structural Bioinformatics, Journal of Grid Computing, vol. 10, pp. 769-790, 2012.
S. Gesing, Grunzke, R., Balaskó, Á., Birkenheuer, G., Blunk, D., Breuers, S., Brinkmann, A., Fels, G., Herres-Pawlis, S., Kacsuk, P., Kozlovszky, M., Krüger, J., Packschies, L., Schäfer, P., Schuller, B., Schuster, J., Steinke, T., Fabri, A. Szikszay, Wewior, M., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., and Kohlbacher, O., Granular Security for a Science Gateway in Structural Bioinformatics, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Science Gateways for Life Sciences (IWSG-Life 2011), 2011.
S. Gesing, Glatard, T., Krüger, J., Olabarriaga, S. Delgado, Solomonides, T., Silverstein, J., Montagnat, J., Gaignard, A., and Krefting, D., Eds., HealthGrid Applications and Technologies Meet Science Gateways for Life Sciences, vol. 175. IOS Press, 2012.
S. Gesing, Atkinson, M., Klampanos, I., Galea, M., Berthold, M. R., Barbera, R., Scardaci, D., Terstyanszky, G., Kiss, T., and Kacsuk, P., The demand for consistent web-based workflow editors, in Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, New York, NY, USA, 2013.
S. Gesing, Herres-Pawlis, S., Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Grunzke, R., Kacsuk, P., Kohlbacher, O., Kozlovszky, M., Krüger, J., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Schäfer, P., and Steinke, T., A Science Gateway Getting Ready for Serving the International Molecular Simulation Community, in Proceedings of Science, 2012.
S. Gesing, Kohlbacher, O., and van Hemert, J. I., Portals for Life Sciences—a Brief Introduction, in Proceedings of the IWPLS09 International Workshop on Portals for Life Sciences, 2009.
S. Gesing, Marton, I., Birkenheuer, G., Schuller, B., Grunzke, R., Krüger, J., Breuers, S., Blunk, D., Fels, G., Packschies, L., Brinkmann, A., Kohlbacher, O., and Kozlovszky, M., Workflow Interoperability in a Grid Portal for Molecular Simulations, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG10), 2010.
S. Gesing and van Hemert, J. I., Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Portals for Life Sciences, IWPLS09 International Workshop on Portals for Life Sciences. e-Science Institute, Edinburgh, UK, 2009.
S. Gesing, van Hemert, J., Koetsier, J., Bertsch, A., and Kohlbacher, O., TOPP goes Rapid, in Cluster Computing and the Grid, IEEE International Symposium on, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, 2010, p. 598--599.
S. Gesing, Herres-Pawlis, S., Birkenheuer, G., Brinkmann, A., Grunzke, R., Kacsuk, P., Kohlbacher, O., Kozlovszky, M., Krüger, J., Müller-Pfefferkorn, R., Schäfer, P., and Steinke, T., The MoSGrid Community - From National to International Scale, in EGI Community Forum 2012, 2012.
S. Gesing, Web-based Science Gateways for Structural Bioinformatics. University of Tübingen, 2013.
M. Giacobini and van Hemert, J., European Graduate Student Workshop on Evolutionary Computation. Budapest, Hungary, 2006.
M. Giacobini and van Hemert, J., European Graduate Student Workshop on Evolutionary Computation. Valencia, Spain, 2007.
J. Gomes, David, M., Martins, J., Bernardo, L., Garcia, A., Hardt, M., Kornmayer, H., Marco, R., Rodríguez, D., Diaz, I., Cano, D., Salt, J., Gonzalez, S., Sanchez, J., Fassi, F., Lara, V., Nyczyk, P., Lason, P., Ozieblo, A., Wolniewicz, P., and Bluj, M., Organization of the International Testbed of the CrossGrid Project, in Cracow Grid Workshop 2005, 2005.
J. Gomes, Borges, B., Montecelo, M., David, M., Silva, B., Dias, N., Martins, J. P., Fernandez, C., Garcia-Tarres, L.,, Veiga, C., Cordero, D., Lopez, J., Marco, J., Campos, I., Rodríguez, D., Marco, R., Lopez, A., Orviz, P., and Hammad, A., A Grid infrastructure for parallel and interactive applications, Computing and Informatics, vol. 27, no. 2, 2008.
J. Gomes, David, M., Martins, J., Bernardo, L., García, A., Hardt, M., Kornmayer, H., Marco, J., Marco, R., Rodríguez, D., Diaz, I., Cano, D., Salt, J., Gonzalez, S., Sánchez, J., Fassi, F., Lara, V., Nyczyk, P., Lason, P., Ozieblo, A., Wolniewicz, P., Bluj, M., Nawrocki, K., Padee, A., and Wislicki, W., Experience with the international testbed in the crossgrid project, Advances in Grid Computing-EGC 2005, vol. 3470. Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, Amsterdam, pp. 172-271, 2005.
A. Grant, Antonioletti, M., Hume, A. C., Krause, A., Dobrzelecki, B., Jackson, M. J., Parsons, M., Atkinson, M. P., and Theocharopoulos, E., OGSA-DAI: Middleware for Data Integration: Selected Applications, in ESCIENCE '08: Proceedings of the 2008 Fourth IEEE International Conference on eScience, Washington, DC, USA, 2008, p. 343.
R. Grim, Jansen, M. L. M., Baan, A., van Hemert, J. I., and de Wolf, H., Use of Evolutionary Algorithms for Telescope Scheduling, in Integrated Modeling of Telescopes, 2002, vol. 4757, p. 51--61.
A. Grimshaw, Morgan, M., Merrill, D., Kishimoto, H., Savva, A., Snelling, D., Smith, C., and Berry, D., An Open Grid Services Architecture Primer, Computer, vol. 42, p. 27--34, 2009.
P. T. Groth, Gil, Y., Cheney, J., and Miles, S., Requirements for Provenance on the Web, IJDC, vol. 7, pp. 39-56, 2012.
