TY - JOUR T1 - Generating web-based user interfaces for computational science JF - Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience Y1 - 2011 A1 - van Hemert, J. A1 - Koetsier, J. A1 - Torterolo, L. A1 - Porro, I. A1 - Melato, M. A1 - Barbera, R. AB - Scientific gateways in the form of web portals are becoming the popular approach to share knowledge and resources around a topic in a community of researchers. Unfortunately, the development of web portals is expensive and requires specialists skills. Commercial and more generic web portals have a much larger user base and can afford this kind of development. Here we present two solutions that address this problem in the area of portals for scientific computing; both take the same approach. The whole process of designing, delivering and maintaining a portal can be made more cost-effective by generating a portal from a description rather than programming in the traditional sense. We show four successful use cases to show how this process works and the results it can deliver. PB - Wiley VL - 23 ER - TY - JOUR T1 - Distributed Computing Education, Part 4: Training Infrastructure JF - Distributed Systems Online Y1 - 2008 A1 - Fergusson, D. A1 - Barbera, R. A1 - Giorgio, E. A1 - Fargetta, M. A1 - Sipos, G. A1 - Romano, D. A1 - Atkinson, M. A1 - Vander Meer, E. AB - In the first article of this series (see http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/MDSO.2008.16), we identified the need for teaching environments that provide infrastructure to support education and training in distributed computing. Training infrastructure, or t-infrastructure, is analogous to the teaching laboratory in biology and is a vital tool for educators and students. In practice, t-infrastructure includes the computing equipment, digital communications, software, data, and support staff necessary to teach a course. The International Summer Schools in Grid Computing (ISSGC) series and the first International Winter School on Grid Computing (IWSGC 08) used the Grid INFN Laboratory of Dissemination Activities (GILDA) infrastructure so students could gain hands-on experience with middleware. Here, we describe GILDA, related summer and winter school experiences, multimiddleware integration, t-infrastructure, and academic courses, concluding with an analysis and recommendations. PB - IEEE Computer Society VL - 9 UR - http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=4752926 IS - 10 ER -