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Historical Interest Only

This is a static HTML version of an old Drupal site. The site is no longer maintained and could be deleted at any point. It is only here for historical interest.

e-Science Data Information & Knowledge Transformation

edikt produces new knowledge by using computational science to extract information from vast datasets, and generate models through simulation. Researchers at the University of Edinburgh can get access to a range of computational resources.

eDIKT2 has the following key objectives:

  • To broaden the impact of eDIKT by developing and supporting a wider community within the University of Edinburgh that use research computing.
  • To provide a Grid portal giving research computing users access to facilities, documentation and assistance.
  • To provide a User Support Helpdesk for research computing users.
  • To provide a team of software developers working with researchers to develop new computational tools and techniques.
  • To build, and maintain a new computational infrastructure.

Funding body: 
1 June 2006 to 31 May 2010
Project members: 
Project Status: 