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OGSA-DAI Status and Benchmarks

TitleOGSA-DAI Status and Benchmarks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsAntonioletti, M, Atkinson, M, Baxter, R, Borle, A, Hong, NCP, Dantressangle, P, Hume, AC, Jackson, M, Krause, A, Laws, S, Parsons, M, Paton, NW, Schopf, JM, Sugden, T, Watson, P
Conference NameAll Hands Meeting 2005
Conference Start Date20/09/05
Conference LocationNottingham, UK

This paper presents a status report on some of the highlights that have taken place within the OGSADAI project since the last AHM. A description of Release 6.0 functionality and details of the forthcoming release, due in September 2005, is given. Future directions for this project are discussed. This paper also describes initial results of work being done to systematically benchmark recent OGSADAI releases. The OGSA-DAI software distribution, and more information about the project, is available from the project website at

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