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Rapid featured in the newsletter of the Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology

RapidSeis: a NERIES spin-off pilot

The objective of this six-month pilot project was to provide a simplified system to perform analysis of seismic waveform data through a web browser. The specific aims were that no data or application be download to the user’s computer, for the user to create algorithms to customise the analysis and to allow sharing of algorithms within the seismological community.

The project was funded by JISC who provided partial support for one of the researchers and allowed the three teams based at the University of Liverpool, ORFEUS and the UK National e-Science Centre in Edinburgh to meet regularly. The project culminated in a two day RapidSeis Workshop held at Liverpool in November 2009, where the results of the pilot project were presented along with representations from other groups about their latest developments in web services related to Seismology.

(source: under "News and Events => Newsletter")

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PDF icon NERIES Newsletter No8.pdf755.1 KB