The OGSA-DAI system provides an extensive suite of activities that can extract, transform, deliver and store data held in a variety of distributed data resources. While it is easy to add new activities to provide new functionality it would be of great interest to be able to add new behaviour to OGSA-DAI workflows dynamically.
Two approaches to achieve such dynamic behaviour are: (a) being able to specify URLs that contain remote compiled java code that can be uploaded to an OGSA-DAI repository and it's classes made available to the activities and (b) create activities that accept code scripts (e.g. javascript) which specify the dynamic behaviour needed. In both cases we need ways of interfacing between OGSA-DAI's activities and the external code whether compiled (a) or interpreted (b). Vertical to the mobile code challenges are security issues which should be given some consideration.
Technical Details
One can think this project in phases: