Contribute With Your Voice to EdAcc!
Follow the next steps to send us a conversation!
- 1. Find a conversation partner. You, both should know each other in advance (e.g., friends or family).
3.1. Prepare the recording: Here you can find a detailed document of how to do so. I summarize the steps below. Your participant numbers are:
- NO NEED to turn on the camera turn it on only if both paritcipants are ok on sharing video data.
- If you decide to turn on the camer, remove the name of Zoom so it does not appear in the recording.
- Record two audio channels: Make sure that Zoom (or software that you use) is set up to record an audio channel for each participant. Here is how to do it on Zoom.
- 3. Start the Zoom recording:
- 3.1. Read the text passage included at the beginning of this document out loud.
- 3.2. Have a relaxed conversation of minimum 15 minutes: you can talk about any topic, in the attached document you can find some suggestions
- 3.3. Complete the consent form.
- 3.4. Send us the recording: compress both wav/mp4 in
You can drop the file in this Google Drive Link or send it to use via e-mail (using your own cloud file system)