00:19 [whispering]
00:23 Hello.
00:25 [whispering in Dutch]
01:05 [speaks Dutch]
01:07 # [Dutch]
01:12 (And then) you have to place your laptop exactly on the marked spot.
01:16 Alright.
01:20 [Dutch]
01:23 It's important to place your laptop exactly on the marked spot (up) here.
01:27 Okay.
01:34 No, that's okay.
01:43 Joost, your mouse.
01:45 What?
01:46 No mouse needed?
01:48 I've got a touchpad. Do you know how how I can wake it up?
01:50 Mm.
01:54 A touchpad?
01:55 No, my laptop.
01:58 Slap it.
01:59 $ You with your brilliant ideas. I don't know if I can touch the power button.
02:08 Do you know how* how I can wake it up?
02:09 No. Yeah. Try the power button.
02:12 Oh.
02:14 %
02:18 Come on, move it.
02:23 Um.
02:30 Now wake up, bitch.
02:35 Huh.
02:38 F_ five.
02:41 F_ five (??).
02:43 I've lost my screen uh. $
02:45 Yeah, so did I. I closed it, that wasn- that wasn't very smart I guess. Come on. Get back to me.
02:47 I don't.
02:49 $
02:49 $
02:59 Yes.
02:59 Yes.
03:01 ($)
03:02 I closed the -
03:03 I closed it.
03:04 You've got your name. $
03:05 Yeah, my name is (name).
03:09 No, I didn't restart it, I just closed it.
03:14 Yes.
03:16 Hope it's working.
03:18 Alright.
03:21 No.
03:28 Never close your laptop.
03:31 Yeah, everybody's ready? Great. Well, welcome to the kick-off meeting. I uh forgot to put my name over here, it's uh # it's Martin
03:32 Great, thanks.
03:32 Yeah.
03:42 uh so you all know.
03:43 $
03:46 (??) this is the agenda for today. Well, the opening is what I'm doing right now. Uh we're gonna do some acquaintance acquaintance things uh (do some um)
03:50 %
03:57 examples of the tool training, the project plan discussion and the closing. We have twenty five minutes.
04:04 Okay, the project aim is to design a new remote control. Uh some of the # adje- objectives are that is has to be original and user-friendly.
04:07 Mm-hmm.
04:15 Okay.
04:15 So now we all know what our
04:17 goal is. Um - oh I forge- I forget the whole acquaintance part, but we we all know each other, we all know each other's names, Joost, (Guido, Antek).
04:25 Yes.
04:26 What's your name?
04:26 Yes, (Antek).
04:28 (Antek Ahmet.) (??)
04:29 Okay. I think we uh al- already uh been (through) that part. Okay, it consists of uh three levels of design. Uh we begin with the functional design, then we go to the conceptual design and the detailed design. Every uh level (of) design consists of some individual work, and we uh close it with a meeting. You all received an email with uh example of - explanation of what uh the particular level of design uh means to the different uh functions, and uh p- you probably read that already, so I don't have to tell you about that.
04:31 Okay.
04:32 Yeah.
05:01 Yes.
05:05 Okay, first we're gonna um uh gonna try some # different things with the tools we have over here, so you get acquainted with these uh um uh meeting tools. We have the smartboards, uh the- thes- those two boards. This is the presentation boards, wh- which one I'm using right now. You can uh um - there's a document folder called um the sh- # shared document folder, you can upload your uh documents to that folder and then you can open them over here, so you can do your PowerPoint presentations on this screen. We also have the whiteboard, uh we're gonna skip through th-
05:43 Can we see the whiteboard on our laptops? No, I saw I saw the file, the smartboard that (X_B_K_) but -
05:45 No, no, just on the on the screen over there.
05:49 Oh no, probably (??) - but I dunno if the software is on the laptops, but I - it's it's it's mainly a thing for in a meeting, so I don't think it's - I dunno if it's important.
05:56 Okay.
06:00 This is an explanation of the smartboard. There is a toolbar over here.
06:05 It's quite simple, you have to uh - the pen function, eraser function, it's like a very simple uh paint application. Uh we uh we use the same (file) during uh the whole day, and uh you can make new sheets by uh by pu- putting - pressing on the blank button. It works like this.
06:26 Oh. $ The pen is selected, yes. Oh, no no.
06:27 $
06:27 $
06:30 (With) that pen?
06:31 It's not -
06:33 (But) it is pen.
06:36 It's not working like a pen yet.
06:42 Mm.
06:42 Oh.
06:52 Uh.
06:53 Mm.
06:54 It's doing some stuff now. So you can use a pen, you can use an eraser
06:55 Little bit slower.
07:00 and you can make new fi- uh new blanks and you can change uh the line width and the colour of the pen by pressing on forward y- # you've to select the pen format,
07:15 and then select current colour or line width.
07:19 So it's quite easy.
07:22 Uh well, now you're all uh acquainted with the different tools.
07:29 (Right), we're gonna try out the electronic whiteboards. Uh every participant should draw his favourite animal and some of its favourite characteristics, on blank sheets with different colours, with different colours, with different pen widths. Well, I'll start off then. $ I'll use this uh same sheet, alright.
07:43 $
07:51 Uh, let me think.
07:55 Different colours.
07:59 Ah.
08:07 Well I'm gonna draw um a p- piranha, a a fish.
08:10 $ (??) Okay.
08:11 $
08:11 $
08:13 Uh.
08:18 #
08:19 $
08:27 Mm mm.
08:33 I'm gonna use some different (colour range) now, (some - a little white).
08:41 Looks like a fish.
08:43 I think it is.
08:48 (Um.)
08:50 ($)
09:03 Oh. $
09:06 Uh colour.
09:11 This is black?
09:13 I think so.
09:17 Yellow (??).
09:18 Oh.
09:22 $
09:22 Oh, this is just uh
09:26 $ useless uh
09:26 ($)
09:29 drawings but - oh teeth, I need teeth.
09:34 (#)
09:38 Well, they're not supposed to be green, or whatever colour this is.
09:41 $
09:42 Mm.
09:43 Okay.
09:45 What was uh - I have su- to sum up its favourite characteristics*, well I like its uh sharp t- razor sharp teeth $ plus uh the the big forehead and uh a small uh well a small actual face. And I like its overall uh agressive look and -
09:47 Different -
10:04 Well that's what I like about uh piranha. I think that's kind of what uh i- intention should be.
10:06 Okay.
10:12 Well, who wants to be next?
10:14 Nobody, I guess. $
10:15 $ I will try, yeah, I will try. Uh
10:16 You go, Guido? Okay.
10:20 Uh make a new sheet, (it's) by pressing on blank. Yeah.
10:23 blank,
10:26 okay, then pen again.
10:27 $
10:29 Yeah.
10:30 Okay.
10:31 And uh - so in the format menu you can choose the different uh colours and uh pen widths.
10:35 Okay, um
10:42 Format.
10:43 (??) control.
10:52 Uh.
10:54 Ah, purple.
10:56 Um I dunno what my uh favourite uh animal is, but the easiest animal I can think is is a bird. Uh I will
11:02 $
11:02 $
11:05 $
11:10 $ You know, I thought of that actually. Yeah.
11:10 $
11:10 (That's what I've heard.) $ # Yeah? Isn't quite - it's a little bit light.
11:16 $
11:17 $
11:18 #
11:20 $
11:20 Uh another colour maybe, red one.
11:26 A small one. Uh linewidth.
11:32 Two? Three. (Oh that's okay.)
11:40 That's another one. $ Ano- $ Uh uh $ it's a - yeah, it's the most simple uh animal I know I think. $ Um I dunno, maybe because uh there's there's (some s-) uh free and maybe in the sky or something like that. Maybe a little bit - yeah, I dunno.
11:41 $
11:42 $ Well, tell us something about uh your favourite characteristics of these uh particular birds.
11:47 Its simplicity. $
11:48 $
11:52 $
11:53 $
11:53 $
12:01 Okay. Okay.
12:04 Okay.
12:05 Well, it's clear.
12:06 So (??) more uh birds? $ (??) Okay, okay, okay.
12:08 N- no $ no.
12:08 $
12:09 $
12:10 We get your point. Okay. Who wants to be next?
12:11 $
12:14 Yeah, whatever. I'll go next. Thanks. I haven't got a favourite animal too, so -
12:14 (#)
12:21 Pictionary. $
12:22 Oh. $ What should I draw?
12:23 $
12:24 $
12:26 A cow.
12:28 $
12:28 $
12:28 $
12:29 Thank you, I'll draw a penguin. $
12:30 $ 'Kay.
12:30 $
12:36 Yeah. #
12:40 I'll draw a penguin, whatever.
12:43 I (can't) draw, so
12:46 you can start to laugh already.
12:48 $ I'll do so.
12:49 $
12:50 Whatever, something like that.
12:52 $
12:52 $
13:02 Come on.
13:04 Yeah, it's little bit hard.
13:07 Mm hmm hmm, orange.
13:09 Orange (of course).
13:13 Whatever.
13:19 $
13:20 Oh, $ it's better than your bird.
13:21 $ (??) Yeah. $ True.
13:21 $
13:24 Everything's better than your bird.
13:30 Whatever. Hey, it's blue. Mm uh, whatever. Um I like its ugliness $ and uh - yeah, whatever, the way it walks or whatever. Your turn.
13:37 $
13:37 $
13:44 Okay.
13:46 $
13:46 'Kay. $
13:48 Drawing. $
13:50 I'm going to draw a cat.
13:53 I dunno why, but a cat is a very smart animal
13:54 $
14:00 and you can have them at home.
14:04 Which is not a (??) with uh with (??) and -
14:07 $ Well, you can have a piranha at home.
14:08 $
14:10 $ Yes, $ yeah.
14:10 $
14:13 Or a line.
14:14 $
14:14 (A little bit -) $
14:15 I mean a bird. $
14:17 $
14:18 Don't mess with my bird, (yeah)?
14:19 $
14:22 It's not very uh
14:25 $
14:27 very good drawn, but you can see a cat from it. $
14:29 Hmm. It's a handicapped cat.
14:31 $
14:33 (So much) (??)
14:34 $
14:34 I don't think uh I don't think uh Darwin would agree with that. $
14:38 $
14:38 $
14:40 $ It's (??) - $
14:42 $
14:42 $
14:45 #
14:47 Uh, it's (not scared), it's crying but -
14:49 (Yeah.)
14:51 $ It's crying because it's ugl- because of its ugliness.
14:51 $
14:51 Okay.
14:53 $
14:54 $ What do you like about it then?
14:57 $ Uh it's i- most cats are small, you can (handle the -) $
15:01 Oh, okay. $ Okay. Okay. Okay, then we're through the tool training, I guess.
15:02 $
15:09 # I wouldn't call it training, bu-
15:15 Okay, this is uh something about the project finance. The selling price of our remote control is gonna be twenty five Euros, and our profit aim is fifteen million Euros, we're very ambitious on this one. $ The market range is international, so it's gonna be sold world-wide, and the production cost should be a maximum of twelve Euro fifty per remote control. So that's clear, (so you get it). Yeah?
15:27 $
15:41 Okay.
15:41 Alright.
15:43 Okay, we're now gonna discuss some stuff (when) - well, we're gonna brainstorm about what kind of (??) remote control it's gonna be. Uh well, tell me about your experiences with the remote controls. Do you have uh (??) good experiences with remote controls, or do they annoy you sometimes? Are they difficult to understand or maybe they don't interact with different kind of uh equipment very well?
16:08 Hmm.
16:08 I don't th- I don't think the four of us got problems with remote controls but if you see elderly people, all these buttons, and then they buy a new T_V_ because their previous one was stolen or whatever, and then a totally different remote control with with different functions (on) different places, and half of the functions are removed or whatever. Uh so I think what we need is is a clear uh remote control with
16:13 Yeah, okay.
16:18 Different.
16:21 Okay.
16:37 uh grouped buttons, you know, all th- all the buttons which apply to the text functions in in one uh
16:44 Different functions of of uh -
16:45 well one area or whatever, not like the button to enter text on top of the remote control and the button to um # yeah to minimise it to this this # - or whatever o- o- other functions totally somewhere else. I think we should group them, and same for the for the volume buttons and the the t-
16:57 Okay.
17:00 Yeah.
17:02 Okay.
17:04 And uh is it gonna be a remote control that's um - what it can be used for different kind of equipment, like your T_V_ and your home stereo -
17:11 Well I was I was thinking uh since a T_V_ is uh # mostly used together with a V_C_R_ or a D_V_D_ player or recorder, and not with a stereo, I think it should be good to include functions for V_C_R_s and D_V_D_ players, recorders.
17:19 Mm-hmm.
17:22 Mm-hmm.
17:28 But uh the D_V_D_ players and home cinema sets often double as stereo hi-fi sets probably. It's what - from my experience.
17:31 Yeah.
17:36 But istn't it # -
17:36 I dunno, hi-fi set is uh not often used uh as I know of in combination with a television.
17:44 But we're gonna -
17:45 It's only for television I thought, not
17:46 # Yes.
17:47 Oh, it is only for television?
17:50 Yes, it is only for television, but # -
17:52 So whe- whe-
17:54 Well
17:55 What wha- wh- wh- what uh what document -
17:56 well we're we're gonna brainstorm about that. If we think it's useful, we do it.
18:00 But where where did it - where did you find that?
18:04 Uh in the email? I thought it said uh - yeah, television remote control.
18:05 Oh, okay.
18:05 That's right, it's a television remote control, but I was thinking since it is useful, a D_V_D_ -
18:07 Yes, uh -
18:10 Yeah, but most television remote controls (support) other functions as well. So we can - oh, we have to think about that. Okay, but uh we've gonna put some a- # is is i- so user-friendliness, is a is a pri- priority in this case uh.
18:13 Yes, that's uh something extras.
18:14 True, yeah.
18:17 True.
18:18 Yeah.
18:25 Yeah.
18:25 Yeah, also no one's gonna buy it.
18:25 Yeah, yeah.
18:27 Okay.
18:27 Yeah.
18:28 I guess.
18:28 Only the experts. $
18:30 Oh, this th- maybe is uh some aspect of the - or some point at which we can excel by making it very (usable). Tha- well, then you're you're the usability uh man, so this (is) gonna be a very important task for you then.
18:41 $ Oh my God.
18:43 Yeah.
18:43 Okay.
18:45 Okay. Well, other ideas, how can we make it trendy or something, d- # by just sh- shaping the look of it?
18:50 To go with to go with fashion and -
18:52 Maybe a can opener underneath it? $ I dunno, or someth- something special, like uh M_P_ three player inside of it, or uh or it will (dent) production cost is gonna be (??) probably.
18:54 $
18:54 $
18:54 $ For (there). Uh.
18:59 I I n- uh I think i-
19:03 Yeah, way too high.
19:03 I th- I think y- we have to keep it simple, to get a whole market. It's international, so we have to use a standard.
19:06 Yeah.
19:08 Okay. Maybe with different type of f- fronts or uh - well, it has to be something # spectacular or - which makes it - we could skip back to the goals probably. Uh
19:12 Oh that's an idea of course, yeah.
19:19 Mm-hmm.
19:21 original, trendy, and user-friendly - well, we als- already talked about user-friendliness - yeah well, something trendy and original, well that that goes hand in hand I guess. When something is original, tends to be trendy. (Probably uh) we should make combination of that.
19:25 Hmm.
19:30 # Yeah.
19:38 'Kay, so you # - the um technical part of the process is something you're gonna look after for, so you have to think about what kind of uh equipment you want to uh, you know, you want to manage with it, well it's an important part for you then (??) to the user-friendly part of it.
19:55 (User) friendly.
20:00 Well, and you uh should look out for what makes it trendy. $ Well, you know, l- like some special feature* or some (??) that it gets some gadgetness or something.
20:09 Yeah.
20:11 Yes, what the market wishes.
20:12 Okay.
20:15 Well, the closing. Next meeting starts in thirty minutes. Individual (actions), so the the Industrial Designer will w- or the working design, of course, we uh
20:26 already s- said that. The User Interface Designer # - is it a User Inter- User Interface - the technical functions design, and the Management Expert of - uh Marketing Expert, user requirements specifi- well, that's a- was already clear to us. Specific instructions will be sent to you by your personal coach. I don't know how much time we have left - oh, not many I guess. We started at twelve -
20:32 (??)
20:33 Yeah. $
20:51 You just got a message.
20:52 Oh, and what does it (say)?
20:53 And it said uh five minutes so we got four and a half.
20:54 Well, I didn-
20:58 Okay, well um -
20:58 I didn't get a message.
21:00 No.
21:02 He's the - whatever.
21:02 Oh, the Project* Manager.
21:04 Team Leader. $
21:05 No, we're uh ahead of schedule then.
21:05 Team Leader. $
21:08 He is the whatever. $
21:09 You close it.
21:11 I'm gonna make some minutes or take some minutes. $
21:15 # Yes.
21:16 And uh it's it's clear you can put uh stuff in the project documents presentations, you can all - or we're all uh -
21:21 Project doc-* project documents is for showing uh on the whiteboard. Yeah.
21:25 Yeah, but we're all familiar with uh uh Microsoft PowerPoint, are we? Yeah, okay. I'm gonna wri- write some stuff down and then we're ready.
21:30 Yeah.
21:32 Alright.
21:35 Okay.
21:38 Or we can leave already s- I guess. Do you guys (wanna go) or sh- should we uh - or is important that we leave at exact the -
21:40 # Yeah.
21:45 No.
21:45 No. I don't think so. Yes? Great.
21:46 Okay.
21:48 (I don't think - oh.)
21:49 Yes.
21:50 Oh.
21:52 We'll see each other in uh thirty minutes.
21:54 # Yeah. Good luck.
21:56 $
21:57 Yeah, good luck.
21:57 I will need it.
22:00 # $ I won't need it.
22:16 [whistling]