CONCEPTUAL DESIGN MEETING: ------------------------- -ID: Rama Rao. * Issues to be addressed - Energy : Usual Battery or Solar Battery - Matterial - Control - Extra: speech reco and location -> Preferences: - Battery - Titaninum (Maybe part rubber) - Simple Button + Speech Reco, instead of LCD -> MARK: keep LCD for user informations -> SAMY: + lightness for battery + speech reco for location RAMA: OK if speaker independant -UID: Mark Twight. - Old fashioned remote control->NO - new: titanium, LCD, few button -> SAMY: What about color? -> MARK: Colored LCD, Changeable? -> RAMA: Make it an option? -> MARK FINAL QUESTION: Do we wnat a "smart device" -> Discussion on "smart" meaning: it can be locked and "knows you device" -ME: Samy Bengio. *Defining TREND: - HOw to measure trend: WEB, ask people,be inspired by others, and... invent. - Recent investigation rank: 1- fancy look-and-feel 2- innovative 3- easy to use - Recent Fashion (Paris/Milan): - Fruits and vegetables look + spongy -> RAMA: How do you get info? -> SAMY: Informators. Discussion aboout conclusion: - Speech reco - Fancy look-and-feel - Explore shape (Titanium or Spongy?) - LCD - Battery.