[0:38] Hello, uh this meeting we are- it's fo- should be focused on the conceptual design of the remote control. [0:48]
[0:39] Hello. [0:40]
[0:40] Hello. [0:41]
[0:41] Mm-hmm. [0:41]
[0:49] Um the goal of this meeting is to reach a decision at the end on the concept and I think the last time we talked about an- a lot and we had a rough idea of what is going to be, but uh in th- at the end of this meeting we have to to reach a decision. [1:10]
[1:12] So, uh [1:12]
[1:14] we will have again three presentation, from all of you, and uh I hope it will be fast because I would like to have time to [1:23]
[1:24] for long discussion and [1:26]
[1:27] and decisions. So, who wants to start? [1:32]
[1:33] I s- [1:34]
[1:33] Okay. [1:34]
[1:34] Okay. [1:34]
[1:35] No, no, you you can start. [1:37]
[1:37] So start, uh [1:38]
[1:37] Okay, I'll start. Can you open my presentation, please. [1:40]
[1:40] $ [1:40]
[1:43] Uh. @ [1:45]
[1:50] I'm number four. [1:51]
[1:54] Trend. Yep. [1:55]
[1:54] This one? [1:55]
[2:01] Can you pass the mouse, please. $ Oh okay, that's fine. Okay. Um so basically I just want to presented to you - present to you some recent results we've had from um looking at uh um some remote control market research and some fashion trends around the world. Um [2:21]
[2:03] Turn. [2:5]
[2:22] the fashion trends we got from talking to our our contacts in the fashion industry based in Paris and Milan. # Um % so f- from our market research basically we've come to the conclusion that a fancy look and feel, um as opposed to a functional look and feel, is our number one priority. Um fancy is is is is the, you know, highest priority. Secondly um that our remote control needs to be techn- technologically innovative. Um so this is t- number two priority but it's two times less important as the fancy criteria. Um and third thirdly the easiness of use is is the um is is important as well, but again two times less important as the technologically innovativeness* of the remote control. [3:15]
[2:44] Hmm. [2:45]
[2:44] Hmm. [2:45]
[3:19] % From our f- fashion people in Paris and Milan, um we've discovered that this year um fruit the fruit and vegetable motif will be the most important thing in in clothes, shoes and furniture. So, # I'm pretty confident that our remote control fits into the furniture category. And also um the feel of material this year um is expected to be spongy. [3:46]
[3:48] Okay. [3:48]
[3:48] Um so hopefully our remote control reflects that s- in some way. [3:54]
[3:54] What does it mean, spongy? [3:55]
[3:55] Uh sort of um squishy. Um. Yeah soft, like a uh like a sponge. $ I don't know. Yeah. Um so in conclusion, we need a- our remote control needs to be something that's really fancy, um has lots of technolog- tech- technology in it. # Um somehow would be good to have it related to fruit and vegetables with a spongy feel. And that it's easy to use and from our last meeting our- you know Fabian told us that w- you know one of the requirements is that we have to reflect the look and feel of our - of th- the Real Reaction company. Um. [4:36]
[4:00] Like soft, or something? [4:2]
[4:01] # [4:1]
[4:03] Like a sponge. $ Yeah. [4:4]
[4:05] Okay. I will see. [4:7]
[4:18] $ Okay. [4:19]
[4:18] $ [4:19]
[4:20] $ [4:22]
[4:33] $ [4:34]
[4:34] $ [4:35]
[4:36] Yeah, uh yeah. Easy to use, is it uh [4:41]
[4:37] # That's it. [4:38]
[4:41] a- as much as important than technology or fancy thing. It's less important, right? [4:47]
[4:48] Less important. So um fanciness first and then two ti- you know, half as important as that is technology- technology, and half important as technology is easy to use. So. [5:0]
[4:49] Yeah yeah. [4:49]
[4:52] Okay. [4:53]
[4:58] @ [4:59]
[5:01] So, Hamed, can you @. [5:4]
[5:03] Yeah. The second one. Could you please show the presentation number three. [5:9]
[5:05] Mm-hmm. [5:5]
[5:11] I think the biggest struggle will be the easy to use feature. $ We'll see. [5:15]
[5:14] $ Um. Number? Three. [5:19]
[5:14] Yeah. [5:15]
[5:18] Three. [5:19]
[5:22] This one? [5:22]
[5:23] # [5:23]
[5:23] # [5:24]
[5:25] Yes. [5:25]
[5:30] @ Just- Could you please check if it is the first one or the second. [5:35]
[5:36] Uh, n- n- no, it's the first one. The second one. [5:40]
[5:40] So it's not this one. [5:40]
[5:40] Uh yeah. [5:41]
[5:48] Okay. [5:48]
[5:51] @ [5:51]
[5:54] Okay. So I am going to talk about - a little bit about how this remote control should be appear to be more easy to use. I think uh I think the feature easy to use is more important than being fancy, but okay, we can discuss about it uh later. Um # generally, generally uh this remote control uh uh should be should be something, in my opinion, uh the first feature is just to be easy to use. So, the more frequent buttons should be larger, they should be placed in a good position uh uh inside the remote control. And uh s- uh I can conclude like this, that we shouldn't need to learn how to use it. It should be - we shouldn't need to es- open a a t- book and uh start reading and uh learning how to use this uh this uh remote control. [6:57]
[6:57] # Okay. So what I found out that uh as I said uh I think it's better to put uh more frequent uh uh uh ke- uh buttons which are used more in the middle of the remote control, and they should be bigger in size. Uh the shape of remote control should be in a way which can - which should be taken easily in hand. It should not be completely like uh a cube. It should be it should have round edge, so uh then it's easier. And maybe uh just like some toys, some joystick which is easier to take inside the hand. And uh also f- uh uh m- because because customers doesn't like to buy lots of battery, it should not uh consume lots of energy. [7:52]
[7:31] Exactly. [7:32]
[7:56] Okay. And my personal p- uh preference is uh, as I said, uh just putting this buttons in a special places and covered some buttons which are not used uh that much like settings button, like mobile phone. Usually some mobile phone cover the dialling number part, so we can cover these buttons which are not used or uh number buttons for the for the for the can- channels, and just put uh volume change or s- ch- can- uh channel change buttons uh uh in the remote control. And if the user needed to do some more complex task uh he he can open the cover and then change settings or something like this. [8:46]
[8:46] Uh. And also uh I think if we put some some some some some buttons inside of the remote control it can be used easier. Not on remote control. I dunno if I can explain well. But uh just inside. For example, a sliding or rolling uh uh d- uh stuff, if we put it inside then we can easily manipulate with uh thumb. So it can be another uh preference. And uh I dunno but uh I think usage of a speech recogn- uh r- recogniser can be good. I know that it consumes lots of energy, but if we do it in some way that it asleeps* when there is no sound and when it detects some sound it may consume less energy. And I think it's good because it's something new and usually young people like something new. So it may not be very useful but because it's new, people may buy it. [9:53]
[9:53] Uh I personally think there should be a big difference between uh between something. Otherwise they prefer to buy something which is coming from a famous company, or. [10:6]
[10:07] Okay. That's mine. [10:9]
[10:10] Okay. @ [10:13]
[10:11] Uh okay, so good news from me uh uh for me from Hamed, but bad news from Bob obviously, because spongy design, I don't like it as @ - Okay, so could you please, Fabien, open it. [10:26]
[10:20] $ [10:23]
[10:22] $ [10:24]
[10:25] Yeah. [10:26]
[10:25] $ [10:26]
[10:26] I'm person two. [10:29]
[10:30] And which one, uh probably the first one. I'm not sure but check the first one. [10:37]
[10:38] I - Most of the things I have to write myself on the board, but - Yeah, that's it. Just - [10:46]
[10:44] This one, yeah. [10:44]
[10:49] It's only this slide? Yeah. This this is just uh one thing I wanted to mention and show you that I just uh I just found this, that our company uh developed a s- a seven f- seven fingers or I'll just - Yeah, seven seven inch T_ - T_F_T_ screen, which is good news for us, since we wanted to include a display there. Uh so I I probably draw it down raw scheme. This is this is the stuff that I can use to - Okay, so the - this will be like the overall scheme or overall requirements from the engineering point of view. [11:37]
[11:07] Inch. [11:8]
[11:20] Oh, @. [11:21]
[11:25] Oops. [11:26]
[11:37] Uh first thing is uh this will be the overall shape, no uh I'm not speaking about the real shape of the device, but the shape of the inside of the device. So there will be some circuit uh for the power. [11:54]
[11:56] So, say power circuit here. Uh the main energy will be taken from batteries that we can uh uh - And if we decide to use the speech recognition stuff there, we must use additional source of energy, which I found the best is to use the solar cells which can which can uh supply everything. I was computing all the all the things related to the speech recognition, and it's okay to use just uh two batteries and solar cells, so. So no problem. There can be also solar cell. Uh the main board with all the circuits will take at least seven to seven centimetres, so this is my like hard requirement for the guys from the design. So at least seven to seven. [12:44]
[12:42] Mm-hmm. [12:42]
[12:44] It depends where you put your screen, because the screen is uh seven inch, so it depends on you where- where you put it. It doesn't matter. Um it's just one cord from from the main board to the screen which can be elsewhere. So this will be T_F_T_. And on the main board we have the um interface to the microphone, which is somewhere, [13:10]
[12:49] $ [12:50]
[13:11] say here. Interface to the microphone. Then the graphical card uh for the T_F_T_ and the third unit is the I_R_. The good news is that we can uh we decided to use the infra-red unit because our company has also developed the chip for communication by the infra-red, including all the stuff inside, so it will be very cheap for us. So infra-red here. So the - once again the overall requirements, seven to seven centimetres for the board, which has to be - which can be spongy but has to be this size, and the T_F_T_ which is seven inches. Um I have to check what I wanted to - [13:56]
[13:57] Uh from my point of view I don't care about the about the material used for the overall des- uh ov- all the device. [14:8]
[14:09] Can you fit any uh for example a T_F_T_ or any electronic device in a spongy thing, or is there any problem for that? For example, put electronic card on a spongy thing, I can I can imagine it could be a problem. [14:23]
[14:17] # [14:18]
[14:23] A- all these things in in uh in this box are okay to put in in any shape, basically. But we have to take care of the T_F_T_. Well, sponginess. Maybe it a good feature, since it takes - if it's around the T_F_T_ then it's good, because it's just keeps it safe, I dunno. [14:44]
[14:29] Yep. [14:30]
[14:38] Okay. So - [14:39]
[14:43] Well maybe it can have two shells, a hard shell inside and a spongy shell outside. [14:50]
[14:44] So- [14:44]
[14:48] Okay. Maybe put electronic in a box and a spongy thing around. @ maybe after. [14:55]
[14:54] Well, it's maybe related to the U_I_. A- Yeah, that's all from me. [15:0]
[14:55] So - [14:55]
[14:56] Yeah. [14:57]
[14:56] Ca- [14:56]
[14:58] Can I ask a question. % [14:59]
[15:00] This seven inch T_F_T_ screen, how big is it in reality? [15:4]
[15:02] Yeah? [15:3]
[15:05] Well, seven to seven inches. [15:7]
[15:07] So like that. [15:8]
[15:09] Yes. [15:9]
[15:10] That's quite big. [15:11]
[15:10] $ [15:13]
[15:10] $ [15:13]
[15:11] $ [15:12]
[15:13] Uh uh have we decided that we're gonna use this T_F_T_ screen? [15:16]
[15:16] No, I don't think it's seven by seven, I think it's seven - the diagonal is seven. Usually when they say seven inch I think it's the diagonal. Yeah. $ I dunno I dun- I dun- One each @. But, yeah, @. [15:30]
[15:17] Yeah but - [15:18]
[15:19] To be honest, I was - [15:21]
[15:21] But I mean even even that is like this big. [15:24]
[15:22] Yeah yes @. [15:23]
[15:26] # $ [15:27]
[15:26] @ [15:27]
[15:30] Yeah, honestly speaking I was thinking that it was seven centimetres initially, but it's seven inches. But I I think we can we can cut it. [15:37]
[15:33] Yeah. [15:34]
[15:39] You can cut the T_F_T_ screen. $ [15:42]
[15:39] $ Let's go. $ [15:44]
[15:39] $ [15:40]
[15:40] Yeah, no no problem, because because because then the size of the graphic card will be one fourth. So $ - [15:48]
[15:47] $ So let's cut the T_F_T_. [15:52]
[15:48] $ [15:49]
[15:50] Yeah, but no problem to to me to cut the screen. [15:52]
[15:52] Mm. [15:52]
[15:52] Okay, so - [15:53]
[15:53] So so for the same price we have four screens now #. [15:56]
[15:55] Mm. [15:56]
[15:57] Okay. [15:57]
[15:57] These technical engineers, huh. [15:59]
[15:59] So, what's the size of the device? [16:1]
[16:02] Ah well this is like this is almost nothing. Seven to seven to at least well some three millimetres or something. [16:10]
[16:10] Even from my perspective seven t- seven centimetres by seven centimetres is still - [16:14]
[16:15] Yeah, but we wanted the big buttons and stuff like that, you know. [16:19]
[16:17] Is it - Can you hold that, or? [16:18]
[16:20] Because if it's t- too small we can we can lose it, at home, you know. [16:25]
[16:24] # [16:24]
[16:25] What user wants. He wants a small remote control, or? Uh uh with big buttons. It's difficult. $ A sm- [16:35]
[16:29] Uh. [16:30]
[16:29] Yeah, a small c- control that they can hold in hand. [16:31]
[16:29] I thought that it it should fit in the hand or something. [16:32]
[16:31] Yes. [16:32]
[16:33] # [16:34]
[16:34] But is something that's seven centimetres square e- easy to hold? [16:37]
[16:37] $ [16:37]
[16:38] W- I I think so. I- if the roller buttons are on the side you don't have to catch it like that, but just like this, and you know follow follow - Well, that's that's no task for me, but well seven to seven at least yeah, but - [16:53]
[16:50] # [16:51]
[16:50] # So maybe you can finish your presentation, and afterwards we will discuss about all this. [16:57]
[16:54] Oh, okay. Okay thanks @. [16:59]
[16:54] Maybe this @. [16:56]
[16:55] Okay. [16:55]
[16:58] That's it. Okay. So. # [17:1]
[17:05] @ No. [17:7]
[17:12] Uh, so I think we have a lot - We have to take decision today, so I think we have to do some work to finalise* our idea and take decisions. Uh first I think energy it's a key problem because uh it depend what can we have as feature if we use only batteries, for example, or something like that. Because can we have L_C_D_ and speech recognition with battery, and it's also r- related* to the size of the of the devi- of the device? [17:51]
[17:44] Not - [17:44]
[17:50] J- uh just a point to the energy th- things. If we use the batteries, and the additional so- solar cell, then it's okay for L_ uh speech recognition and L_C_D_, so no problem in energy, I think. [18:5]
[18:03] Okay. So - Okay. [18:6]
[18:06] So but - [18:7]
[18:06] But we have to use the solar cell. Otherwise not. [18:9]
[18:08] Uh like - but using how many batteries, for example? Are- are- what- Maybe what is the size of the battery @- [18:18]
[18:15] # [18:16]
[18:17] Yeah I was thinking just common A_A_ cells. [18:20]
[18:21] Okay. Uh one two - [18:23]
[18:21] So like three to five centimetres, I dunno exactly, but. [18:25]
[18:24] Okay. [18:25]
[18:26] So if we use s- solar cells, um where is the sun if someone's watching T_V_ inside? [18:32]
[18:29] S- [18:30]
[18:31] Uh d- doesn't need to be sun. It it's just the daylight, you know. [18:36]
[18:34] $ [18:34]
[18:36] $ Okay. [18:38]
[18:37] The television lights. $ [18:39]
[18:37] Yeah well I I suppose that I suppose that uh that this remote control won't be in the in the room like this, where there is light only when when there are people, but. [18:48]
[18:38] $ [18:40]
[18:44] $ [18:47]
[18:46] $ [18:46]
[18:46] Mm-hmm. [18:47]
[18:48] At least when there is T_V_ you can get light from the T_V_. $ I dunno. [18:54]
[18:50] Yeah from the T_ $ - I don't think it's enough, uh. [18:54]
[18:51] Yeah. [18:52]
[18:54] Okay. [18:55]
[18:56] Okay. Mm. [18:58]
[18:59] Ah it's a it's a compromise, no? [19:2]
[19:03] # [19:4]
[19:04] At least it's new and maybe technology- New technology. Yeah. [19:10]
[19:08] It's it's quite innovative, yes. [19:10]
[19:08] Yeah, that's why I wanted to to include the speech recognition, because you wanted all the new things. [19:13]
[19:10] Hmm. [19:11]
[19:11] Um. [19:12]
[19:12] And if you watch T_V_ outside it's $ very useful. $ [19:17]
[19:15] $ [19:16]
[19:16] So I think before talking about the other thing, it's important thing it's the case. Uh what what are gonna be the size, because its weight drives the other - what we are going to use as features and so on. For example for the for the L_C_D_, if we choose to have a small device, we cannot use this um a such a a a screen. [19:39]
[19:18] $ [19:18]
[19:38] Uh the s- the screen is okay, but the board, uh that's the problem. [19:42]
[19:43] Well what what would you guess as a shape? Or what what would be the shape? [19:48]
[19:47] Mm. [19:48]
[19:49] I think I think their being uh large or small is not important. The only important thing is to be able to take it in uh inside hand easily. So let's say an average size, okay, and it should not be very heavy also. And I prefer to - is it shouldn't have a uniform shape, so in the middle it should be a little bit thinner, maybe maybe. So we c- it's like like some joysticks*. You can take uh some some joystick you can take inside hand easier because it's it's designed for your f- uh taking into account your finger shape and your palm shape. So the general shape should be like this. I think uh seven centimetre by seven centimetre is a little bit large. So uh seven - not seven but let's say five by ten it's- I think it's - that's my opinion. It's easier. [20:52]
[20:00] Mm. [20:1]
[20:41] Okay. [20:42]
[20:51] Which is the same area. [20:52]
[20:53] # Okay. [20:54]
[20:53] Yeah. $ [20:55]
[20:53] Could you re- could you redesign your board? [20:56]
[20:56] Five to ten. Well that - [20:59]
[20:57] Oh, five five centimetres by ten centimetres. [21:0]
[21:00] Yeah, right. Yeah, I think it's feasib- Well one um um - How could we do it? We could put the board next to, well, under the L_C_D_ and for example make the L_C_D_ be totally unrelated to the thing that you hold in your hand. Like holding something, and the L_C_D_ to be just on top of it, you know somehow. Well - But maybe let's stick to the s- spongy thing, like one unit. Well fi- five to ten it would be feasible. [21:34]
[21:01] Yeah. [21:2]
[21:14] Mm-hmm. [21:15]
[21:28] Oh. [21:28]
[21:31] I've I s- I think the easiest thing would be to to have a smaller L_C_D_, if it's possible. [21:38]
[21:37] Mm. [21:38]
[21:40] Okay, so five to ten, I I think it's it's feasible. I'll make it. [21:45]
[21:43] Okay. So we are agree with a small [21:46]
[21:46] @ Or uh or I don't know but I don't want to now invent something new, because we didn't discuss about it. So using some L_C_D_s we can touch, so we can remove uh keys and just uh having uh, I dunno the name, L_C_D_ responding* to fingers. Touching the screen. Something like - Mm like tactile. [22:8]
[21:46] Fo- Five by ten. [21:48]
[21:46] L_C_D_. # [21:48]
[22:04] Yeah. [22:5]
[22:06] Tactile* or something, yeah. Touch screen, yeah. [22:9]
[22:07] Mm, touch screen. [22:8]
[22:10] So - But for now if we don't want to use such kind of screens I I think we using a a smaller screen is better, because - [22:19]
[22:14] Yeah. [22:15]
[22:20] The problem is we have a limit in a month of time, so we cannot do something very new. [22:25]
[22:24] Mm-hmm. [22:24]
[22:24] # [22:24]
[22:26] So - [22:27]
[22:26] So let's go for a small L_C_D_. [22:28]
[22:27] Okay, so- [22:27]
[22:28] A smaller s- [22:29]
[22:28] Yeah, so so just just give me the the the five by ten numbers that you find the best and send it me and I will work it out. [22:36]
[22:33] Yeah okay. [22:34]
[22:35] Okay. [22:35]
[22:35] So, five by s- ten. [22:37]
[22:37] @ [22:37]
[22:38] Hmm. [22:39]
[22:46] Um so what about, so the case we talked about. Um something easy to use, you said something easy to use but how does that fit in a fashion way, like with fruit and vegetable, and about the colour and logo of the of the company and so on, now, can we do that? [23:9]
[23:12] My first idea is because [23:14]
[23:15] our colour is more yellow, and the - it should be easy to take in a hand, I thought about banana, or something like that, which is fruits, and - [23:25]
[23:25] Seven to ten banana. [23:27]
[23:26] $ A big banana. $ [23:30]
[23:27] $ [23:30]
[23:27] $ [23:29]
[23:28] Okay. Rather mango or something or. [23:32]
[23:31] Um. $ [23:32]
[23:32] Well it's it's definitely the obvious choice, with the colour of our company. I mean what other what other fruit and vegetables - Do you know of any any other fruit and vegetables that are yellow? [23:41]
[23:35] Yeah. Yeah. But it's just an idea. I dunno what you think about, but - [23:41]
[23:36] @ [23:37]
[23:41] Yeah. [23:42]
[23:43] # [23:44]
[23:44] I dunno if it can fit with the technology. You are the specialists of that. [23:48]
[23:48] You mean banana. [23:50]
[23:50] $ [23:52]
[23:52] Well, but - [23:54]
[23:56] If it's @ $ - If it - If the banana is big enough. [23:59]
[24:00] $ [24:3]
[24:00] $ So - [24:4]
[24:00] $ [24:4]
[24:01] Then, yes. $ [24:3]
[24:04] But if you want to look at the screen @, no. Well - [24:8]
[24:07] $ [24:8]
[24:10] Yeah, and- [24:11]
[24:11] $ [24:11]
[24:11] I think this @ is not good. $ [24:14]
[24:12] The screen has to be % square? Or it can be like a a shape, quite, uh with curves. [24:21]
[24:18] # Well, it can be whatever you want. But if it's square then we get four screens out of one by cutting just. But if you want some shape then we can only get like two screens out of seven to seven inches, so. [24:33]
[24:22] It could. $ [24:24]
[24:28] $ [24:29]
[24:29] Yeah. [24:29]
[24:32] Mm. [24:32]
[24:34] It's like more more expensive to have shape like that. But I don't care. You know, if we fit* this requirement. [24:41]
[24:40] Well - [24:40]
[24:43] I'd like a shaped screen. I think that's more important than saving a bit of money on on the T_F_T_ screen. [24:49]
[24:45] Okay - [24:46]
[24:45] Okay okay. [24:47]
[24:48] Mm. [24:48]
[24:49] Yeah, m- maybe the banana could be like a bit uh fatter than than the c- c- common one. But - [24:56]
[24:54] Yeah. Yeah, it should remember banana, but it's not - doesn't have to b- to be uh uh really the size and exactly the shape of a banana. [25:4]
[24:55] @ [24:55]
[24:57] $ [24:59]
[24:59] Like modified banana, okay. [25:1]
[25:06] Well it - we'll stick to banana, or? [25:9]
[25:07] So we are agree with the banana thing? Okay. [25:10]
[25:09] Okay. [25:9]
[25:09] Yeah, banana's good. Okay. [25:11]
[25:10] Okay. [25:11]
[25:13] Mm-mm. [25:14]
[25:16] So, @ the last point we decided it's infra-red, I guess. Everybody's agreed. [25:25]
[25:24] Yeah, I think infra-red*. [25:26]
[25:24] Yeah, yeah. [25:25]
[25:26] Sure. [25:26]
[25:28] Uh, so that's it I think about the concepts. You have other thing to add to this point, or uh no? So, uh about the user interface, so we are going to use L_C_D_. In the last meeting we talked about uh hidden buttons. [25:50]
[25:52] I don't know what we are going to do with that. You talked about the buttons on the side - [25:57]
[25:54] Like like peeling of the banana you s- $ [25:57]
[25:56] Yeah, peeling of the banana. [25:58]
[25:58] It would be cool, yeah. $ Peeling of the banana, you know, should should discover the other buttons, which are hidden. [26:5]
[25:58] Mm what? [26:0]
[26:00] $ [26:0]
[26:01] Yeah. [26:2]
[26:02] $ Yeah. [26:6]
[26:02] $ [26:4]
[26:04] Mm. [26:4]
[26:06] $ [26:9]
[26:07] Okay. And you mean the first layer would be spongy. $ So - $ Is it is it possible to do that? It would be a great idea, but is it possible technically? [26:24]
[26:11] $ [26:11]
[26:11] Yeah. $ [26:13]
[26:12] $ First layer obviously spo- Yeah, w- It's it's like silly, but the people will really appreciate it, yeah I think. [26:19]
[26:26] Uh # - [26:29]
[26:26] Like doing a spongy layer of the banana, and you open it. [26:31]
[26:29] I think if we if we have a spongy layer on the outside of the banana then it's easy to make that, you know, to manipulate that to hav- be a cover that you can pull off and - [26:41]
[26:32] Yeah. [26:33]
[26:36] Mm-hmm. [26:37]
[26:37] Yeah. [26:37]
[26:38] Yeah, some - [26:39]
[26:38] Yeah. [26:38]
[26:41] Something like a plastic cover covering uh some interface, U_S_B_ interface as in the in uh digital camera. If you see it's like peeling. You open a plastic cover and you see some U_S_B_ interfaces, some some interfaces for adaptor. So keys can be uh buttons can be covered like this, with a plastic cover and uh when* uh and when you open this cover it's like peeling a banana. So, something like this. $ [27:11]
[27:12] Yeah, but do you see that as a [27:14]
[27:15] rigid thing, or like like a banana, something very soft, you can open like banana, or. [27:21]
[27:22] Well is it possible to make it soft? [27:24]
[27:24] Yeah, yeah, yeah it's a lic- like a plastic cover, so. $ [27:28]
[27:25] Yeah. [27:25]
[27:27] So I think if it's so then it's cool? [27:30]
[27:28] So, I dunno what you think, Bob, but it would be great for users I think, and very good for marketing. [27:35]
[27:33] I think for sure. Definitely. The softer the better. [27:36]
[27:36] Yeah. $ [27:39]
[27:36] $ Cool. [27:39]
[27:37] $ [27:38]
[27:39] Yeah. [27:39]
[27:42] Honestly speaking, I cannot imagine it, so far, but it will be terrible. $ [27:48]
[27:45] $ [27:46]
[27:45] $ Yeah. [27:46]
[27:48] $ Um. [27:50]
[27:52] Mm. [27:53]
[27:53] And setting buttons [27:54]
[27:56] hidden in @. [27:57]
[28:14] Mm, other remarks, or something, or. [28:20]
[28:21] Something we didn't talk about yes- yet, or. [28:24]
[28:27] I think [28:28]
[28:29] we are almost there @. Uh maybe, how can we, if we have a soft thing, [28:36]
[28:38] like this, and to open it we have to attach it somewhere, I dunno how to do that technically, or. [28:45]
[28:43] # [28:44]
[28:46] Mm-hmm. [28:47]
[28:47] And how - $ [28:48]
[28:47] Pof*. [28:48]
[28:48] We could use Velcro. [28:49]
[28:49] Yeah, maybe. [28:51]
[28:50] Or uh ma- maybe a magnetic [28:53]
[28:53] Yes, yeah @ it's a good idea. [28:55]
[28:56] thing. [28:56]
[28:56] Ma- magnetic* @ oh. [29:0]
[28:56] Magnetic @. [28:58]
[28:59] Mm. Yeah or a - Yeah it can is- it can be a plastic cover uh sticking to the to the all the stuff like uh with magnetic p- uh magnetic uh magnetic uh # materials in the border, so it's it* sticks like refrigerator door, completely. [29:20]
[29:21] Okay. [29:22]
[29:21] And when you try to open it, it will be opened easily. So you you can be sure that it will not be open while you're uh while* while uh you are commonly using uh buttons on the banana. [29:36]
[29:35] Okay. [29:36]
[29:46] And what would be the matter here of the first layer I mean? [29:50]
[29:51] Mm. Likes. [29:53]
[29:54] Soft plastic, or - [29:56]
[29:56] Yeah, I imagine some sort of vinyl thing. [30:0]
[29:59] Yeah, yeah, yeah. [30:1]
[30:01] In a in a sort of a with a suede sort of feel. [30:6]
[30:07] Maybe. [30:7]
[30:07] Well since since the since the things like the like the screen and um how to say that, solar cell has to be has to be like kept [30:18]
[30:20] kept in the shape, we cannot b- uh - So we need that the that the peeling - [30:29]
[30:31] uh [30:31]
[30:32] I dunno but we should we should take care of these two two things. So, if if uh the solar cell won't be visible while the banana is closed, then the material must be able to put the light inside, you know. So that we can reach the energy out of it - out of that. [30:52]
[30:52] Mm. So you're saying is it possible to have a solar cell and this removable cover and- [31:1]
[30:54] Mm. [30:54]
[31:00] It is possible, but, well if it - [31:2]
[31:02] And a and a banana. [31:4]
[31:04] Mm. [31:4]
[31:04] I dunno. I dunno how to how to do it if if t- if to if it's better to put the solar cell to the t- to the peeling or outside it, or or inside. But then it must be some window there, you know. [31:20]
[31:14] Hmm. [31:15]
[31:15] Yeah. [31:15]
[31:20] Okay. [31:20]
[31:20] Mm. [31:21]
[31:22] And something we forgot, maybe, uh about the speech recognition system, are we going to use it, or not? [31:29]
[31:28] $ [31:29]
[31:30] Yes, I think. I think so. [31:32]
[31:31] I think it's important. I think - One of our p- priorities is tech- technology. And - [31:37]
[31:32] It i- Yeah, it seems feasible, and it would be something very great. So we have the de- design, the- a good shape, new and so on, and we have also the technology thing w- will be. And even the easy to use thing, so it will be perfect. So we add also the speech recognition device. [31:52]
[31:36] Mm. [31:37]
[31:41] Mm-hmm. [31:41]
[31:44] Mm-hmm. [31:45]
[31:45] Mm. [31:45]
[31:48] Mm. [31:48]
[31:49] Yeah. [31:50]
[31:50] Yeah. [31:50]
[31:52] I agree. [31:53]
[32:01] So, that great. We have decided everything. And think we are on a good way. [32:8]
[32:10] So, um [32:11]
[32:13] uh the next meeting will start in thirty minutes. [32:17]
[32:18] Um, so uh the the Industrial Manager uh will uh will work on the look and feel design. The User Interface uh uh Mana- uh Manager will work on the user interface device. And the the Marketing Expert will do the first project evaluation. [32:46]
[32:46] Okay. [32:47]
[32:48] So, I hope you can do that in thirty minutes. $ And uh, yeah, I [32:55]
[32:51] $ [32:52]
[32:52] $ [32:53]
[32:56] uh I think you should work together, s- you uh Hamed and Peter, to work uh in a in a first prototype, and uh [33:6]
[33:07] more about the shape and so on and how you can manage to put everything together. And um as usual you will receive some specific instructions on. So thank you all everybody, and see you in thirty minutes. [33:24]
[33:20] Okay. [33:21]
[33:24] Okay. Thank you. [33:25]
[33:25] Okay. [33:25]
[33:26] Thank you. [33:26]