[0:06] Did you get my email with the slides? [0:10]
[0:25] Ah. Tricky. [0:26]
[0:37] I guess I have to change the pen otherwise. Will be completely different. [0:43]
[0:42] Dunno. Maybe they're supposed - the pen's supposed to go over the seats. [0:47]
[0:50] Might be seat floor rather than person. [0:51]
[0:53] Yeah, put it back. [0:54]
[0:54] Yeah. And do you think # it's @. [0:59]
[0:56] Yep #. [0:58]
[0:58] % Okay. [1:3]
[0:59] Yeah. Jo's making faces at me. $ [1:1]
[1:03] Yeah. [1:4]
[1:05] So. [1:5]
[1:07] Matthew is uh late again. [1:9]
[1:09] Mm-hmm. [1:10]
[1:10] # Probably an important man. Um. [1:16]
[1:19] So well it is important for him to be here uh. [1:23]
[1:23] $ Yeah. [1:24]
[1:26] So what can you - @? [1:28]
[1:26] He he he - [1:27]
[1:28] You did work together didn't you? [1:30]
[1:29] Yeah we will - yeah, so I will be able to to summarize uh our meeting, but still I think uh it would be in- very important if the uh as um main designer. [1:44]
[1:37] Yes. [1:37]
[1:46] I think we can put on the @ here. [1:48]
[1:48] Yes. Yes. [1:50]
[1:56] Uh basically w- yeah we we designed the two uh items. [2:5]
[2:04] Mm. Um yes but w- we - [2:7]
[2:05] Um, can we have a phone, can someone - [2:12]
[2:08] # [2:9]
[2:12] # [2:14]
[2:14] Yes, maybe we should phone him. [2:16]
[2:16] it's really w- well designed $. [2:19]
[2:17] Um well - [2:18]
[2:18] Mm. [2:19]
[2:19] Um, when he is not here we will just we just have to continue. Um so just for record I I will take uh notes again. [2:27]
[2:19] Mm, object tracking. [2:22]
[2:23] $ [2:23]
[2:25] Yeah. [2:25]
[2:28] Okay. [2:28]
[2:29] And um [2:30]
[2:31] well % first thing uh I was uh uh I got an email from uh from my superior again that we really should stay within the budget of the uh twelve Euro and fifty cents. It's uh well he said to me well uh [2:53]
[2:46] 'Kay. [2:47]
[2:54] when you stay in it's good, when you don't stay in you have to redesign. There is no # uh no negotiation uh $ possible in this matter. [3:5]
[3:06] So we have to consider that. [3:8]
[3:08] Yep. [3:9]
[3:08] # Good. [3:10]
[3:13] Um [3:14]
[3:15] so maybe Anna, you can have your presentation. [3:20]
[3:19] Well* we can't - no - we can't do evaluation 'til we have a design. [3:22]
[3:32] Okay Matthew. Nice uh you are here. [3:35]
[3:35] Great. [3:35]
[3:36] Great. Great. Oh ma- maybe then you can start now with mm presenting your uh your designs. [3:42]
[3:43] Yep. [3:43]
[3:44] So I will start by the the basic one that uh [3:49]
[3:50] fits into uh eight Euros actually, right, seven eight Euros, and uh well first for both they have um a special shape, maybe the designer can uh explain better than me, but uh it's like a surf board. And you you are supposed to surf to browse to surf T_V_, maybe the web, and uh it's kind of interesting shape because um unconsciously people want to s- to surf $ when they see this stuff. And also it's not too far from um a mobile. [4:38]
[3:56] Mm-hmm. [3:57]
[4:13] Mm 'kay. [4:14]
[4:29] $ [4:31]
[4:30] $ [4:31]
[4:32] $ [4:32]
[4:33] $ [4:33]
[4:34] Or browse. [4:35]
[4:38] Mm-hmm. [4:39]
[4:38] Mm. [4:39]
[4:39] So people are used to that kind of shape, right. Don't take care too much about the colour because w- yeah we don't take - yeah. So here would be basically the the the infrared uh uh led yeah L_A_ L_A_ L_E_D_, [4:56]
[4:39] Mm. [4:39]
[4:41] Mm-hmm. [4:42]
[4:45] Now we are supposed to give some oper- offers right now. [4:48]
[4:50] % [4:50]
[4:53] # I - yeah. [4:55]
[4:53] Eye. [4:53]
[4:53] Mm-hmm. [4:54]
[4:56] L_E_D_. [4:57]
[4:57] the on-off button, in red. Here would be the volume. On the on the left, okay, so @ easy to turn on t- and off. And um so this is a very cheap version so there are - maybe you can carry on uh Matthew. [5:16]
[4:59] Mm-hmm. [4:59]
[5:03] Oh yeah. [5:3]
[5:04] Uh-huh. [5:5]
[5:05] Mm-hmm, hmm. [5:5]
[5:06] Yes. [5:6]
[5:16] Also % so you have uh uh browsing the channels, actually so you can go up and down the channels, uh, if you have a video or something you can forward, back. [5:32]
[5:23] Mm-hmm. [5:23]
[5:24] Yeah. [5:24]
[5:32] How can you change from V_C_R_ to uh T_V_, by the way? [5:36]
[5:32] Oh @ no no no, this is a single - this this is a model with just the T_V_ one. No no just sorry, this is a standard T_V_ one, we are not talking about that. So and then we have usually there twelve keys but we know that we rel- that we have only ten digits. The extra two are for uh having or giving an option for uh having more than one channel. [5:37]
[5:37] Oh @ no no no, this is a single - this this is a model with just the T_V_ one. No no just sorry, this is a standard T_V_ one, we are not talking about that. So and then we have usually there twelve keys but we know that we rel- that we have only ten digits. The extra two are for uh having or giving an option for uh having more than one channel. [5:59]
[5:41] Okay yeah. Yeah yeah. [5:43]
[5:42] Ah, okay. [5:43]
[5:51] Mm-hmm. [5:51]
[6:00] And the other one is for the teletext or something you want to browse through from that. Actually. [6:5]
[6:03] Yeah. [6:3]
[6:04] Mm-hmm. [6:5]
[6:05] Okay so it's it's t- a very basic remote then, it's only - [6:8]
[6:07] It's a very basic minimal thing which you can - which is which is also available in the market, actually that's what it @ - that it - # i- and would cost us to build it about eight Euros. [6:20]
[6:09] Mm. [6:9]
[6:10] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [6:11]
[6:17] # [6:17]
[6:17] Mm. [6:18]
[6:18] Seven, eight, ei- eight Euros. [6:20]
[6:18] Mm. [6:19]
[6:20] Exce- except for the for the special shape, the surfing board, it has a quite a a conventional layout of buttons uh. [6:29]
[6:25] Yeah. [6:25]
[6:28] Yeah. [6:28]
[6:29] Yeah. [6:29]
[6:30] So this one model and uh - yeah. Sure. [6:37]
[6:32] Can I see? [6:32]
[6:33] Thanks. [6:34]
[6:37] Okay I like the volume control, that's good. [6:39]
[6:38] @ $ [6:41]
[6:39] $ Th- # this is a magic one but I know we don't want to talk about that, you know like $ uh i- i- i- it is a very futuristic, it's like uh it's like a brain machine interface and all this stuff we are thinking about in the future, it can come. $ So that uh # - then what we look t- yeah. [7:5]
[6:45] $ [6:47]
[6:46] $ [6:48]
[6:51] # [6:52]
[6:54] Uh-huh. [6:55]
[6:55] Yeah. [6:55]
[6:56] $ [6:56]
[6:57] So it doesn't actually have buttons. [6:59]
[7:04] Did you wanna see? [7:5]
[7:06] Mm-hmm. Yeah no you can carry on, I just [7:8]
[7:07] This is a model, yeah. [7:9]
[7:10] look how it feels all. Yes it really feels like like like a mobile phone. [7:14]
[7:14] Mm. [7:14]
[7:14] Yeah. [7:14]
[7:14] Yep. [7:15]
[7:15] Just I'm - I really want to talk to it. But @. $ So but but continue with your uh mm-hmm. [7:25]
[7:16] Yeah actually, yeah. [7:17]
[7:18] $ It won't talk back. $ [7:21]
[7:19] $ [7:21]
[7:24] Uh so well then the this is the # a more a little uh smooth and it gives a lot of functionality, uh in this way, so all we have uh th- you see there are only six keys, but don't worry they are ma- they are doing the job of twelve keys actually here. [7:43]
[7:30] @ [7:31]
[7:42] Right. [7:43]
[7:43] Mm. [7:44]
[7:44] And so they have more space actually and uh it's easy to uh use this and uh you have um so this is a standard uh @ uh infrared eye, and then you have a power button, which l- volume, what you have, and then other than that you have uh channel up and down and uh f- slow pause* or s- slow lo- yeah s- pause* or stop, and uh then uh you can uh you have a L_C_D_ display, here and uh y- this is a functional thing which can change like it's a toggle switch which could change the function say, y- you press it - [8:31]
[7:45] Mm-hmm. [7:46]
[8:02] Mm-hmm. [8:3]
[8:10] Play, pause. [8:11]
[8:20] Mm-hmm. [8:21]
[8:31] From D_V_D_ player to television or something*. [8:33]
[8:32] Yeah. I really can change it, so - [8:34]
[8:33] Exactly yeah. To audio and to video on demand. [8:37]
[8:34] Yes*. [8:34]
[8:35] Mm. [8:36]
[8:35] Instead of having many switches, y- # [8:38]
[8:37] Mm-hmm. [8:37]
[8:37] Yes and and and then you get feedback via the L_C_D_ yeah. [8:41]
[8:40] The L_C_D_ can display what is that on that, and uh well you can have a integrated microphone over here, or in the button th- here, so which can uh basically you want to do a speech recognition and uh that channel a lot of information can be di- displayed here directly on the um on your on your display. And here is a small L_E_D_ which is like blinking one, which tells you like uh are you running out of the battery, and which is can be useful for the locating as* I was talking earlier okay. And uh well then we have a cover basically, basically you don't need much of the time this, # when you need you can use it, and this gives additional functionality that tomorrow you want you can add a tactile thing [9:32]
[8:42] Yes. [8:42]
[8:42] Mm-hmm. [8:43]
[8:48] This is the orange button, the # microphone. [8:51]
[8:51] Mm-hmm. [8:52]
[9:03] An- yeah. [9:4]
[9:09] Mm-hmm. [9:10]
[9:17] Yeah. [9:17]
[9:17] Mm-hmm #. [9:18]
[9:23] Yeah. [9:23]
[9:33] $ Crazy dis- designer, okay. $ [9:38]
[9:33] to this cover you know. Design enter $. [9:38]
[9:33] Mm. [9:34]
[9:37] Yeah* but but but but uh i- in there uh when this is closed, will it also uh cover up the L_C_D_ screen? [9:44]
[9:41] Yeah. [9:41]
[9:44] Yeah yeah yeah yeah. [9:44]
[9:44] Yeah. It's basically to do that. [9:46]
[9:46] But but the L_C_D_ screen I mean is a very uh [9:50]
[9:46] Yeah. [9:46]
[9:51] # [9:53]
[9:52] well an eye-attracting feature which* shouldn't be shouldn't be - [9:56]
[9:54] Actually when you are watching the T_V_, # when you are watching anything or listening to them, you hardly care about what is getting displayed here, you know, uh you want to uh - and this gives a protection to the L_C_D_ actually, giving a cover to that actually. Gives a protection because when it falls down or something [10:14]
[9:56] Oh actually - well. [9:58]
[10:01] $ [10:3]
[10:03] That th- that's true. [10:5]
[10:11] Mm. [10:11]
[10:15] it it is it is is is it gives a protec- it's more robust that way. Uh yeah. And you have very good chances - [10:23]
[10:16] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes, more robust. [10:18]
[10:19] Yes okay. [10:20]
[10:20] Mm. [10:20]
[10:23] It's low weight. You have to see yeah yeah the the components we put inside is very low weight. [10:28]
[10:24] Yeah. [10:24]
[10:28] Yeah. [10:28]
[10:28] Mm-hmm. [10:29]
[10:29] So the the cost is actually a bit more, it's uh $ it's it's sixteen Francs. [10:35]
[10:33] It - [10:34]
[10:36] Sixteen Euros. [10:37]
[10:37] Sixteen Euros sorry. [10:38]
[10:37] @ Okay. [10:38]
[10:38] # [10:39]
[10:38] So it's well outside the budget then. [10:40]
[10:40] Then it's out of budget. But the the main point we we talk about that with our uh manufacturer. And they say basically that the S_R_ system would be uh something like three Francs per item - so- three Euros sorry. And um - [10:58]
[10:42] But w- [10:43]
[10:47] Yeah. [10:48]
[10:54] Three Euros. [10:55]
[10:58] That's on top of the sixteen, or is it part of that? [11:0]
[11:00] No no no, part of that, yeah. [11:1]
[11:01] Part of that @. [11:2]
[11:02] So that takes it down to thirteen Euros without the speech recognition. [11:5]
[11:04] Yeah, yeah. [11:5]
[11:04] # Mm 'kay. Hmm. @ [11:8]
[11:06] # Yeah. [11:7]
[11:07] Mm-hmm. [11:8]
[11:10] Well uh if you - we can have - if you have new more ideas we can add new more uh some more keys if you want to you know # - [11:19]
[11:17] Mm-hmm. [11:18]
[11:18] Well I think th- th- yeah we should # stick with uh a number of keys because if we add too much then [11:25]
[11:22] Mm. [11:23]
[11:25] Yeah it it should not be cluttering up everything. [11:27]
[11:25] Mm-hmm @. [11:27]
[11:26] it's too - [11:26]
[11:27] What's this one on the side? [11:28]
[11:29] Ah that's for the - it's kind of a L_E_D_ for indicating your battery and as well as it's like a blinking one you know you can keep it aside. [11:37]
[11:30] Locati-. Location. [11:32]
[11:32] Ah okay. [11:33]
[11:35] Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. I like the shape of them, I do like the [11:38]
[11:36] Yeah. [11:36]
[11:39] Yeah. [11:40]
[11:39] the size and the the shape. [11:41]
[11:40] Well well - [11:40]
[11:42] Mm. Be- before ta- talking about the money and what's possible and what is not possible, maybe Anna you can uh give our uh give us your um - [11:52]
[11:46] Mm-hmm. [11:46]
[11:52] Okay. And maybe we run the evaluation on both of the products, both of these two. [11:55]
[11:55] Yes. Evalua- evaluation and also the evaluation criteria, so what what is important to look at. [12:2]
[12:00] Okay. # [12:1]
[12:02] Basically this is what we've talked about already, um, from the marketing point of view. We just wanna make sure that we've taken into account - Yep. [12:11]
[12:04] Mm-hmm. [12:5]
[12:10] Well just [12:10]
[12:11] do it quickly if if we al- already @. [12:15]
[12:14] So it's just a shortlist of criteria on um the things that we've identified as being important to selling the product. Um we just go through these and rate them as a group and then at the end we'll make an evaluation based on that, so just average the score of those items, so - [12:32]
[12:16] Mm-hmm. [12:17]
[12:33] # These are the things we identified as being important. Um @ the three things were look and feel, innovation and ease of use, were the three important components um appealing to the correct demographic so using those things in the right way to appeal to our demographic. And then goin- following the company motto, following the fashion trends and putting that into the product as well. [12:56]
[12:42] Mm-hmm. [12:43]
[12:58] So well do you wanna go through and put through those on the the two products now or do we wanna discuss them further and then evaluate them? [13:5]
[13:06] Um, n- no why not why not discuss uh discuss it now, @ - [13:11]
[13:10] Okay. [13:10]
[13:12] So f- just go through onto the whiteboard I guess. Not sure how this is gonna come out. [13:16]
[13:32] So the first one was really # very far below budget, would you want to take the price down of the end product according to that or just have the high profit on it? 'Cause if we're only going to make it for eight Euros then we have a - [13:44]
[13:44] Mm, well my my personal view is uh w- when when this one is eight Euros we must think how can we improve it. [13:55]
[13:55] Mm-hmm. [13:55]
[13:56] And then - I mean w- w- w- you must just see it # - we can still spend this four and a half Euro and [14:4]
[14:02] Mm-hmm. [14:3]
[14:04] Yep. [14:5]
[14:06] to r- because th- th- th- the the selling price is already prite- fik- uh uh quite fixed on twenty five Euros [14:15]
[14:15] Mm-hmm. [14:15]
[14:15] Mm-hmm. [14:16]
[14:16] so we just have to offer as much as as - well value for the for the customer uh he can have for twenty five Euro. [14:24]
[14:20] Functionality*. [14:22]
[14:30] Okay so look and feel, innovation - [14:32]
[14:37] @ [14:37]
[14:40] And now it @ easy to use. [14:42]
[14:43] Easy to use. [14:44]
[14:43] # [14:44]
[14:45] Mm. [14:45]
[14:51] @ target. [14:53]
[14:53] Mm-hmm. [14:54]
[15:01] And trends. [15:2]
[15:07] Oh, you following the idea of using the um removable covers on these? Is that part of both of them or? [15:13]
[15:12] Um well w- w- we can still discuss that. So um, and together with evaluating this uh we we might come with new ideas I mean adding things or uh removing uh of- options because they are too expensive, but [15:29]
[15:15] Okay. [15:15]
[15:23] Mm-hmm. [15:23]
[15:29] Mm-hmm. [15:29]
[15:31] um [15:31]
[15:33] I've received uh a framework which we can do this. I mean did you have this this Excel sheet? [15:42]
[15:39] Mm-hmm. [15:39]
[15:42] No. [15:43]
[15:43] No. [15:43]
[15:43] No okay, this is these are the the the latest prices of our production uh uh production unit for several components, so we can uh see whether the the price is is within the twelve Euro uh fifty cents uh. [16:0]
[15:43] No. [15:44]
[15:49] $ [15:50]
[15:58] Mm-hmm. Okay. [16:0]
[16:01] So maybe we can start with this, uh, calling this one. $ [16:4]
[16:04] Okay. Yep. So it's the pink. [16:6]
[16:06] Th- th- this is the first design. [16:8]
[16:09] And the other one's green. [16:10]
[16:15] Yes. [16:15]
[16:15] Okay, so look and feel? [16:17]
[16:18] Where um one is # I've broken the pen again. [16:23]
[16:24] Uh there is another pen. [16:25]
[16:24] S- yeah. Get that one. Um w- # one's bad and seven's the best. Sorry, one's true and seven's false. One's the best. [16:34]
[16:35] Okay. [16:35]
[16:35] So on a scale of one to seven? [16:41]
[16:35] 'Kay. [16:36]
[16:36] Okay. So. Look and feel. [16:38]
[16:42] Well you already feel that uh pretty much I think $. [16:45]
[16:45] $ @ [16:46]
[16:53] In i- in my opinion [16:55]
[16:55] Mm-hmm. [16:56]
[16:56] purely feel is is is very good, is very good in your hand, so I I I would consider two or or may- maybe even one for feel. But that's just half, we should also consider look, and then [17:8]
[16:57] Mm-hmm, yeah. [16:59]
[17:01] Mm-hmm. [17:1]
[17:04] Mm-hmm. [17:4]
[17:08] Mm-hmm. [17:8]
[17:11] i- it looks [17:11]
[17:13] quite conventional. [17:15]
[17:15] Mm. [17:15]
[17:17] Don't you agree? [17:17]
[17:17] Mm yeah. [17:18]
[17:18] On the scale u- it's between functional and fancy basically we're looking at, so - [17:24]
[17:20] So maybe two*. Hmm. Hmm. Ma- ma- ma- ma- maybe say say five [17:25]
[17:26] I - It's my opinion, but I don't know what what- [17:29]
[17:28] Well I will give it maybe - we have anyways - the way we have designed it's like the surf as you say $ you know. It - though the look is fine but uh still I will give four in that case you know. [17:42]
[17:34] Mm-hmm. [17:35]
[17:36] Yeah. [17:36]
[17:42] Yeah. Four maybe. [17:43]
[17:43] Four? Okay. [17:43]
[17:43] Four yeah that - [17:44]
[17:43] Four, four. Now we- th- th- then we settle on four. [17:45]
[17:45] Mm-hmm. [17:45]
[17:46] Yeah. [17:46]
[17:48] I will gi- yeah. [17:49]
[17:51] @ [17:52]
[17:53] Uh. [17:54]
[17:53] 'Kay. Can you maybe fix the other - [17:55]
[17:55] Yeah. If you press like this not like this @ then you - [17:59]
[17:56] Mm. [17:56]
[18:01] @ [18:2]
[18:01] No that's the - ink's dried. [18:4]
[18:02] No. C- can you get the batteries? No no the battery has fallen down, that's i- [18:6]
[18:05] Battery's low, isn't it the ink? The b- that's the that that one? @ battery there. [18:13]
[18:09] Yeah. [18:9]
[18:15] But - [18:15]
[18:16] No no it's not that, it's how to close a battery. [18:19]
[18:20] Okay. [18:21]
[18:24] Okay? Now it should be @. [18:26]
[18:25] Mm. [18:26]
[18:28] No I think it's lost a battery. [18:29]
[18:29] Mm, try it, just try it. Oh it will not ri- mm, mm. [18:34]
[18:31] No it's - It would still write but it wouldn't pick it up with the sensors. [18:36]
[18:37] Is there another battery there? Oh yeah. [18:40]
[18:41] You got a second? [18:43]
[18:44] Try a - [18:44]
[18:45] Well we won't be able to tell. [18:47]
[18:47] Yes, it it has a - mm. [18:49]
[18:52] # [18:53]
[18:54] Perfect. [18:55]
[18:55] Is that working? [18:57]
[18:56] $ [18:57]
[19:00] Did it come out? Good. Okay. Because we'll be able to see it still even if it wasn't working, it's just a normal whiteboard marker but it wouldn't be picked up on the the actual whiteboard. [19:9]
[19:02] Good. Good. [19:3]
[19:06] Yeah, yeah. [19:6]
[19:09] Yep. [19:10]
[19:10] Okay. So then then - [19:13]
[19:13] And the other one? [19:15]
[19:16] Wow. [19:17]
[19:17] # [19:18]
[19:17] $ [19:18]
[19:19] Ah. [19:19]
[19:19] I think it's slightly better, um, [19:21]
[19:20] Mm. [19:21]
[19:23] it's hard to tell from just the plasticine, but - [19:25]
[19:23] I - I - [19:24]
[19:25] I - [19:25]
[19:27] When we want to include - I I I'm doubting about this this component. [19:31]
[19:31] It it it it breaks in your - [19:33]
[19:31] Mm. [19:31]
[19:33] 'Kay maybe - [19:34]
[19:34] No actually this is this is not going to protrude actually, it- it's n- i- it is jus- [19:39]
[19:34] Mm. [19:34]
[19:38] Okay. [19:38]
[19:39] It's not a button it's a led, it's a - [19:41]
[19:40] It's a led actually which which 'll be covering in a curve - [19:43]
[19:43] Ac- actually yeah it should be embedded. [19:45]
[19:44] Mm, yes I see, mm okay. [19:48]
[19:45] It's - will be embedded there so it won't be really you know protruding or something. [19:50]
[19:46] Mm-hmm. Yeah. [19:47]
[19:46] Yeah. [19:47]
[19:48] Oh you can push push it again, you can push it. [19:51]
[19:51] Yeah. The other thing is, is the left hand one protruding? 'Cause if people are left handed they want to use the other hand, maybe it won't work so well. [19:58]
[19:52] Yeah. [19:52]
[19:54] Yeah. [19:54]
[19:56] # Yeah. No you - it it not protruding actually, it will go in better into that - [20:2]
[20:02] Okay. [20:2]
[20:02] Well r- r- [20:3]
[20:04] I'd say two or three for that one, personally. [20:6]
[20:07] Mm. [20:8]
[20:09] Probably more towards three than two. [20:10]
[20:11] $ [20:12]
[20:11] I think the look is better but the feel is is is worse. So so $ I would also say this is four. But w- w- do you - what do you think? [20:20]
[20:17] Okay. [20:18]
[20:20] Uh it's fine I think. My - just that um the feel is that um [20:26]
[20:27] you - right now you you don't see the feel because right uh for example if you press it quite inside now like this, now it's embedded one. [20:36]
[20:35] Yeah. [20:36]
[20:36] Mm. Mm. Yes. [20:38]
[20:38] This is how embedded one will - [20:39]
[20:39] Yes, it basically is the same shape. [20:41]
[20:41] Yeah. It's a bas- basically the same thing actually. You will be - Except that in this c- [20:47]
[20:44] Mm-hmm. Mm. [20:45]
[20:46] And the L_C_D_ makes it better. Yeah. [20:48]
[20:48] Yeah #. And # you might have a slight thing for to forward and - [20:52]
[20:49] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. [20:50]
[20:49] Mm, okay. [20:51]
[20:51] So I will say two. [20:53]
[20:52] Yeah it's d- it's definitely more fancier than that one. [20:54]
[20:53] Yeah, yeah. [20:54]
[20:54] Yes, okay @. [20:55]
[20:54] I would say two, three. [20:56]
[20:55] Okay. [20:56]
[20:56] Yeah. [20:56]
[20:57] So, consensus? Two or three? Two? [21:0]
[20:59] Two? Mm. Two's good yes. [21:1]
[21:00] Yep. [21:0]
[21:03] @ looking like - [21:4]
[21:04] Um, 'kay. Innovation. The first one, not really muc- [21:8]
[21:07] Basically there is no innovation in the first one compared to what exists in the market, right? [21:13]
[21:10] Mm. [21:10]
[21:12] Yeah. Do we - [21:14]
[21:13] No but except for the design of the surf $. You should be rea- $ [21:19]
[21:15] # Yeah. The surf uh design* $. [21:17]
[21:16] Mm. [21:16]
[21:17] Mm. [21:17]
[21:17] What - What features are we actually including? Are we including like a location kind of thing like trying to find it? [21:23]
[21:20] # [21:21]
[21:23] There's nothing like that? [21:25]
[21:23] Uh no I think it's more of the feel. [21:25]
[21:25] But th- is there any- there's no actual innovation in that at all, it's just a straight-out remote control. [21:29]
[21:28] Yeah, yeah. Yeah. [21:30]
[21:29] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The only innova- innovation is the shape. [21:33]
[21:30] Yeah. [21:30]
[21:31] Okay. [21:31]
[21:33] Yeah @. [21:35]
[21:33] Say about that. [21:34]
[21:34] Okay. So there's no - this uh look and feel thing, though that's not a technological innovation. So I'd be up for seven for innovation. [21:42]
[21:34] S- so that - [21:35]
[21:38] Yeah. You're right @. [21:40]
[21:38] Yeah. [21:38]
[21:40] Yeah. [21:41]
[21:46] And the - [21:47]
[21:49] And the second one is really uh state of the art, uh in terms of innovation. And um with many more functionalities, and can open and close the the bottom part. [22:5]
[21:52] Yep. [21:52]
[21:56] Mm. [21:56]
[22:04] Yeah, it gives it - [22:6]
[22:05] Yes. A- and the L_C_D_ screen is - [22:8]
[22:08] Yeah. [22:9]
[22:09] That's that's that's well it's quite innovative. [22:13]
[22:12] And all the scrolling uh buttons and menu and pro- programmable device behind this. [22:19]
[22:19] Mm. [22:19]
[22:20] Uh could put it at one or two I would say. [22:23]
[22:23] Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. [22:26]
[22:23] Okay. [22:24]
[22:24] Personally. [22:24]
[22:24] Yep. [22:25]
[22:26] So what is it, what are the innovations with this? Got the L_C_D_ screen. [22:29]
[22:29] Uh - [22:29]
[22:30] Yeah automatic speech recognition. [22:32]
[22:32] Is that in this one though? Is this - 'cause this is the - [22:34]
[22:35] Th- th- there were different options we discussed then, we discussed the one that was in budget and the one that was out of budget. [22:40]
[22:35] No, we ha- [22:36]
[22:41] We just diske- discuss it as you designed it and then we will will try to get it in the budget. [22:47]
[22:44] Okay. So the cost for these were - what was the cost for the first one? Eight Euros? [22:50]
[22:44] Yeah. [22:44]
[22:46] So # - [22:46]
[22:49] Eight. [22:49]
[22:49] Eight. [22:50]
[22:51] Well actually we have yeah to check again yeah. [22:54]
[22:54] Yeah, eight Euros yeah. [22:55]
[22:55] And this one was sixteen Euros. [22:57]
[22:55] Yes. [22:56]
[22:56] Sixteen. [22:56]
[22:56] Sixteen Euros. [22:57]
[23:02] Okay. So. [23:3]
[23:06] Innovation for this one is two? One? [23:9]
[23:09] It's a two, I would say two @. [23:12]
[23:11] Two. [23:12]
[23:11] Two? [23:11]
[23:11] W- W- un- to be one what would do we nee- actually, yeah, I don't see - okay, one would would be without buttons, $. [23:22]
[23:16] Why it is one. [23:17]
[23:19] $ [23:21]
[23:20] $ [23:20]
[23:21] A man - w- w- [23:22]
[23:22] Mm. Well the speech recognition is a very good innovation I believe it, so @- [23:27]
[23:22] Yeah. [23:23]
[23:23] Yes. [23:23]
[23:23] Bu- [23:23]
[23:25] Yeah. So maybe we can put one. [23:27]
[23:26] This this is it w- with the speech recognition? [23:29]
[23:29] It's using speech recognition, yeah. [23:31]
[23:30] Okay yeah. [23:31]
[23:30] Well. Gi- given that $ that it works, $ then it's I think one. [23:36]
[23:32] Yeah, one, yeah. [23:33]
[23:32] Give it a one? Yep. [23:34]
[23:37] Okay. Ease of use? [23:39]
[23:37] @ [23:37]
[23:38] $ Uh - [23:40]
[23:40] So the first one is really standard, so everybody i- including our grandmothers can use it, right? [23:47]
[23:43] Mm. [23:43]
[23:44] He is used to it act- [23:46]
[23:45] Yeah. [23:46]
[23:46] Mm. [23:46]
[23:47] They are used to it actually. [23:48]
[23:48] Yep. So that's maybe a a two for ease of use. [23:51]
[23:50] Yeah. [23:51]
[23:51] Here there may - [23:53]
[23:53] Um, the other one is quite easy, tho- though. [23:58]
[23:58] Uh, though it has more functionality I think it shouldn't be for the user to learn it actually. It shouldn't be diffi- [24:6]
[24:03] Okay. [24:3]
[24:04] Hmm. [24:5]
[24:05] So maybe a three or a four. [24:7]
[24:07] Uh yeah, actually in fact I think it will be - Yeah # - [24:13]
[24:12] One- me- um we hope - maybe sometimes people get uh scared with the number of buttons. [24:18]
[24:18] Mm. [24:18]
[24:18] Yeah but $ y- [24:20]
[24:19] And there is a - like I would say three. Or maybe four @. [24:23]
[24:23] Okay. [24:23]
[24:24] Well we have reduced the keys actually you see. Three is fine with me. [24:28]
[24:24] Consensus? Three or four? [24:26]
[24:26] Three, I would. Three. [24:28]
[24:27] Yeah, yeah because it's n- uh it's not like a big one with uh one hundred buttons or so, @ - [24:33]
[24:28] Three? Okay. [24:28]
[24:32] Yeah it's a - actually the user has to put some effort to do - use that actually, it's not so easy, like this one the normal. [24:40]
[24:33] No. [24:34]
[24:36] Mm-hmm. [24:37]
[24:38] Yeah. [24:38]
[24:40] Yes but then when when he is used to it, i- i- it is quite easy. [24:44]
[24:44] Is quite easy yeah. Initially there there is a lot of effort, yeah. [24:47]
[24:45] So so I think th- three is good. Yeah. [24:47]
[24:47] Okay. [24:47]
[24:48] Good. What's the next? [24:49]
[24:48] So three's uh how well it goes to the target demographic. [24:52]
[24:52] So we're d- we're still thinking twenty to forty year olds? That's - [24:55]
[24:52] Mm. [24:53]
[24:52] So - [24:53]
[24:54] Twe- twenty to forty, yes that's - [24:56]
[24:56] This one would be uh for grandmothers $. [24:59]
[24:58] Mm. [24:58]
[24:58] $ [24:59]
[24:59] Oh no, this would I I would I would give this model to the old people actually. Yeah. [25:4]
[25:00] No. [25:1]
[25:02] Yeah, grandmothers, yeah. [25:3]
[25:04] Mm-hmm. [25:4]
[25:04] So sh- completely changed our demographic there, it's not part of the the funky young thing. [25:8]
[25:05] And - [25:5]
[25:08] Well exce- except for the surfing shape. I mean that's that's something which which has an appeal on this group I think, but - [25:14]
[25:09] Yeah that's true. [25:10]
[25:11] Yeah. [25:11]
[25:12] Yeah. [25:12]
[25:14] If it was the very bottom price range or it was like between this and another one we did the same thing then I can imagine it being - applying to the the demographic yeah. That's - it's still - Ye- [25:25]
[25:14] Yeah. [25:15]
[25:23] Mm w- w- w- we - after this we can can consider uh for instance, making this more attractive to to the demographic [25:30]
[25:30] Mm. 'Cause we have got room, we've got some budget there to add a few things to it, that's right. [25:33]
[25:32] Mm. [25:32]
[25:34] But as it is now, I w- would say [25:36]
[25:37] mm, six, something*. [25:38]
[25:38] Yeah. [25:39]
[25:39] Mm-hmm. [25:40]
[25:42] Oh yeah, @. [25:44]
[25:43] Do you agree? [25:44]
[25:44] And - [25:44]
[25:45] I - Well I think - [25:46]
[25:46] Yeah because it's so important - it's i- it was written that it really* so important, the um the the look and uh taking care of its - it targets, the right range of people, right? [25:59]
[25:59] Yeah. Uh yeah but but if you sell it in the market it's going to be cheap, actually. [26:5]
[25:59] Mm. [25:59]
[26:05] Yeah. But w- [26:6]
[26:05] So - [26:6]
[26:05] But it's going to be cheap whatever though, it was set with i- we've got a set price. [26:8]
[26:07] And people can still decide to use the cheaper one [26:11]
[26:12] Yeah. [26:12]
[26:12] instead of a - [26:13]
[26:13] But for us it's # yeah # we have a constraint that we need to sell at twenty five Euros. [26:18]
[26:17] Mm, yeah, indeed. Th- t- t- [26:19]
[26:18] Yeah. There's nothing that would make me spend an extra k- few Euros on that one rather than another one. [26:22]
[26:18] @ [26:19]
[26:21] Yeah. [26:21]
[26:21] Ju- just think, twenty five Euros, I mean it's not going to be cheaper. [26:25]
[26:24] Okay. [26:24]
[26:25] Okay. So in that case well it's fine then. We can - yeah. [26:28]
[26:26] Yeah. [26:26]
[26:28] Mm. Mm. Okay. [26:29]
[26:28] Okay. Um and the demokraphi- demographic of the second one? [26:31]
[26:32] And the demographics of - [26:33]
[26:33] It's got the got the the toys in it, it's got the L_C_D_ screen and - [26:36]
[26:35] Yeah tha- tha- tha- tha- tha- that's - I think it's better, because of the L_C_D_ screen which is really an appeal on the on the on the [26:40]
[26:37] Mm. [26:37]
[26:41] Yeah. [26:42]
[26:42] on the @ and on the - [26:43]
[26:43] Yeah. And if you want to target - yeah if we we wish to to sell four millions of this, I think for this audience we need absolutely the L_C_D_ screen. [26:54]
[26:54] Mm-hmm. [26:54]
[26:55] Mm. So, the L_C_D_ screen uh attracts, yes. Because it - [26:59]
[26:58] Yeah. I think especially if we're gonna n- have an L_C_D_ screen on a low range product then that's good. [27:3]
[27:03] Yeah. [27:4]
[27:04] Mm, ma- maybe that's something to consider, yes #, so. [27:7]
[27:06] Mm. Okay. [27:8]
[27:08] Wh- what - what - [27:10]
[27:11] I'd probably go with three again for that one. [27:12]
[27:12] Yeah I think it's uh - it has more market actually. [27:16]
[27:14] Or even - [27:14]
[27:16] Even one and two. [27:17]
[27:17] Mm-hmm. [27:17]
[27:17] Y- yeah, you know - two. [27:19]
[27:17] No s- say t- two. Two? [27:20]
[27:18] Or two. [27:19]
[27:18] Okay. So, two, yeah? [27:20]
[27:19] Yeah. Two yeah. [27:20]
[27:20] Yeah two yeah. Because tomorrow this will be more appealing because you can add # lot of sophistication on that. Because then you you have it uh d- you have lot of things which you can include for the people to - [27:33]
[27:27] Mm-hmm. [27:27]
[27:30] Yeah. [27:31]
[27:32] Yep. And especially I guess 'cause this has the speech recognition as well, and that makes it more appealing, it's more of a a new fun toy. [27:40]
[27:41] We have to practically test it. The field test will tell you how good. $ [27:46]
[27:43] Mm-hmm. [27:43]
[27:44] Yeah. [27:44]
[27:45] Okay. [27:46]
[27:46] Okay, the final point, trends. [27:48]
[27:47] And following the trends. So the trends were the fruit and vegetables and the spongy feel. [27:53]
[27:47] The trends. [27:48]
[27:53] Mm. Mm. # [27:55]
[27:54] So as it is, not really doing either of them. [27:57]
[27:58] I think - [27:59]
[27:59] Spongy, [28:0]
[28:01] uh, that means that it goes in in the water. $ [28:4]
[28:04] $ [28:4]
[28:04] Mm-hmm. [28:5]
[28:05] Well, the spongy could be part of the the feel of the buttons as well, I know some - have you tried the mobile phones that have got the kinda spongy buttons and - not not exactly spongy but I'm thinking one of the Nokias that's got like you ca- it hasn't got individual buttons it's got just a one bit on it and so you can - that feels kinda spongy. [28:20]
[28:12] Uh okay. [28:13]
[28:16] Mm. [28:17]
[28:17] Yeah I know. [28:18]
[28:21] But this one includes this feature, right? Spongy buttons. [28:24]
[28:24] Yeah. We we we we we yeah, it's the way they are going to be, actually. [28:28]
[28:25] So it's sort of, yeah. [28:26]
[28:27] Mm. Okay. [28:28]
[28:27] So - [28:28]
[28:28] Mm. [28:29]
[28:29] Uh the maybe in the colour we can make it uh fruit and and veggie. [28:35]
[28:35] But that's if you're using the covers. Or is it just one - [28:37]
[28:36] And the- then we can al- yes. We can - we can consider uh uh is it possible do you think, to to make a cover [28:43]
[28:36] Yeah. [28:37]
[28:44] for s- such a phone? I mean - [28:46]
[28:46] Well they make it for mobiles, it can't be that much more complicated. [28:49]
[28:48] But why do you want to cover that actually? In that uh w- in the mod- [28:51]
[28:51] Well just with the with the flexible plastic uh - [28:54]
[28:55] So you got the option of having different colours or different textures. [28:57]
[28:56] Yeah. This is possible. [28:58]
[28:58] Uh uh y- are you sure? [29:1]
[28:58] I th- I th- I think* @ - [28:59]
[29:04] Yeah I think yeah it should be possible like what we do with the mobile phone, yeah. [29:7]
[29:06] O- o- or just two things which can be put on each other. [29:10]
[29:10] Mm. % [29:11]
[29:11] Yeah exactly like Nokia phones #. [29:13]
[29:12] Mm. [29:13]
[29:13] # Yes, exactly like it. Uh, so [29:17]
[29:14] Yep. [29:14]
[29:18] Maybe we can # but we have to decide it, we can put the the # the fancy f- look of vegetables for instance, to to these covers and s- now try to invest in the in in the features. [29:33]
[29:28] Mm-hmm. [29:28]
[29:33] I think the - if we do the cover that's really going with the company's philosophy of having the fashion in in electronics, it lets people have the latest fashion even next year when fruit and vegetables might be out, you'll still be able to put a new cover on it and then it'll still be in fashion. [29:46]
[29:39] Mm. [29:40]
[29:44] Mm mm mm mm mm. [29:45]
[29:45] Yeah. [29:45]
[29:46] 'Cause sometimes look at this computer, th- this laptop, it's all black, and uh it's quite conventional, and sometimes people don't like too much flashy colours like this one presented here. So maybe we could do like in the range the set of what we propose a black one, very standard one, that meets the the requirements of th- such people that want really standard uh things. [30:12]
[29:50] Mm. [29:50]
[29:56] Mm. [29:56]
[29:57] Mm. [29:58]
[30:02] Mm. [30:3]
[30:04] Yep. [30:4]
[30:04] Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. [30:5]
[30:06] Yep. [30:6]
[30:11] Mm. [30:11]
[30:12] Mm. Mm. [30:12]
[30:13] And then you have the option of having the different colours, different covers. [30:16]
[30:15] Yes. So so so that that would make the trends equal, so we we we really have - don't have, [30:21]
[30:15] Yeah. [30:15]
[30:20] Mm. There's n- yeah. 'Cause that's the that's the feature that could be included in either of them. Although it is more with the spongy buttons on the um [30:27]
[30:22] I mean - [30:23]
[30:25] Mm. [30:25]
[30:28] Yeah, so a a point better for the for the number two #. [30:33]
[30:28] Yes, indeed*. [30:29]
[30:28] on the other one. [30:29]
[30:31] Okay. So. Two and three, or one and two? [30:34]
[30:35] Yes. [30:36]
[30:36] @ [30:37]
[30:37] Yeah, it's one. [30:39]
[30:37] Say, say one and two. One and two. [30:39]
[30:38] # [30:38]
[30:38] Mm-hmm. [30:40]
[30:39] $ [30:40]
[30:40] Okay. [30:40]
[30:41] So le- le- let's see. So d- this one has spongy* but- buttons? [30:46]
[30:44] Okay. [30:45]
[30:47] Yeah, it says a - [30:48]
[30:47] Yeah, the blue one uh spongy. [30:48]
[30:49] Mm, I see, yes okay. Good. [30:51]
[30:50] Okay so the average of that is [30:52]
[30:53] three six nine divided by five, so five - [30:59]
[30:58] Just add it. You know. Three, six, seven. [31:3]
[30:58] Nine. [30:59]
[31:00] One point six, one point - [31:2]
[31:00] mm [31:0]
[31:01] nine by five, one point s- eight? [31:3]
[31:02] @ [31:2]
[31:03] One point eight yeah. [31:4]
[31:08] This one, eleven thirteen nineteen twenty one, divided by five is four point two yep. [31:14]
[31:12] Four point - [31:13]
[31:14] Uh four point two. [31:15]
[31:16] Very good. [31:16]
[31:17] Okay. But we still got a very different price for those two so they're not really comparable yet anyway. [31:21]
[31:20] Mm-hmm. [31:20]
[31:21] We - we must try to get them closer. [31:24]
[31:22] Yeah, it's right, yeah that's right. [31:24]
[31:23] # Yep. [31:24]
[31:25] Both in i- i- or we just have to choose. And adapt. Because, when we choose for this one we have to # we have to make it more attractive and w- when we @ to d- for this one we have to make it more cheap. [31:39]
[31:25] Wow. [31:26]
[31:30] Yep. [31:30]
[31:32] % [31:32]
[31:35] Mm-hmm. [31:35]
[31:38] Well it's easier to just make that one cheaper by just taking the speech recognition out. That'll basically take us down to the budget. [31:44]
[31:39] $ [31:40]
[31:43] Yes, well - [31:43]
[31:44] # But I'm # now - did y- did you work with the same prices that I have here? [31:48]
[31:50] So I I give yeah I just give a call with the manufacturer* uh and uh I explained them and they told me this could be possible for sixteen* Fr- Euros. Uh unfortunately we didn't see this chip, uh Matthew, so maybe we have to recap with this one. [32:9]
[31:58] Mm. [31:58]
[32:04] Yeah. Yep. [32:4]
[32:05] Mm, tha- [32:6]
[32:10] Maybe we ought to reconsider everything with this, yeah. [32:12]
[32:13] Well yes, well uh re- reconsider it. So # let's let's try to to model this this phone in this sheet, uh what kind of energy source uh I I - we didn't speak about that. It's a - it's a normal battery, or - [32:26]
[32:18] Mm-hmm. [32:19]
[32:27] Yeah, it migh- It - it'll need uh more than a conventional one, it won't be uh just - maybe you might use a A_A_ battery actually. [32:38]
[32:39] What do you say, Mael? [32:41]
[32:41] For this one it's a normal battery @. [32:43]
[32:42] Yes. Just so one battery. 'Kay. [32:45]
[32:46] Electronics. @ given speech recognition I think w- you should go for the less* fancy* chip. [32:51]
[32:52] Yeah. [32:53]
[32:53] Uh sample speaker, yeah. [32:55]
[32:54] Yeah, yes, or sample sensor, yes. [32:57]
[32:57] Sample, yeah, this one. [32:58]
[32:58] Yes, this one. Okay. Case? [33:1]
[33:02] Um, [33:3]
[33:03] So - [33:5]
[33:05] Curved. Double curved yeah right. It's uh - [33:8]
[33:07] # I see - # I- [33:9]
[33:10] Double curve*. [33:10]
[33:10] Mm. [33:10]
[33:12] @ [33:13]
[33:12] Yeah, it's gonna be more than just the biggest case, definitely. [33:14]
[33:14] Mm. [33:15]
[33:14] So which one are we talking to? [33:16]
[33:16] Are you talking about this or that? [33:18]
[33:17] Well - [33:17]
[33:18] Either of them. [33:19]
[33:18] Oh yes, we are talking about, but they have the same shape, but, actually bu- [33:23]
[33:19] Mm-hmm. [33:20]
[33:21] Mm. They're both going to be not basic cases. [33:24]
[33:22] Yeah. [33:22]
[33:25] So th- th- this would be double curves? [33:27]
[33:27] Mm-hmm. [33:28]
[33:28] Yeah. [33:28]
[33:29] 'Kay. [33:30]
[33:32] Uh, plastic would be the material. [33:34]
[33:33] Yeah. The basic one, yep. [33:34]
[33:35] Is it zero Franc? $ [33:36]
[33:37] A special colour? # [33:40]
[33:40] Uh special colour, now we leave it to the covers. [33:43]
[33:44] Uh - [33:45]
[33:45] So now we're either going button or L_C_D_s, L_C_D_ display. [33:48]
[33:46] Push. [33:46]
[33:49] Mm, yes, but - [33:49]
[33:50] L_C_D_ is @. It's okay. Just say L_C_D_ @. [33:54]
[33:54] Is that price per unit, or for the whole [33:57]
[33:58] Yeah th- now this is per per unit, this number of components. [34:1]
[33:58] Ah good. [33:58]
[33:58] thing? [33:58]
[34:00] So it would need twelve buttons. [34:2]
[34:01] Yeah, we might need a scroll wheel, right, for that? [34:4]
[34:04] No but for this one it's twelve Euro. [34:6]
[34:05] No, for that one also. [34:7]
[34:07] There are twelve? [34:8]
[34:08] So, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, t- [34:13]
[34:09] Yeah that's a scroll. [34:10]
[34:17] Yes. Twelve I believe. [34:18]
[34:20] So this comes to eighteen. [34:22]
[34:22] Mm. And that's without any special button supplements. [34:25]
[34:26] Yeah, one scroll wheel you might need. [34:28]
[34:28] So - [34:30]
[34:30] So we'd have a special colour, special form and special material on all of them. They're not just standard buttons. [34:34]
[34:33] Uh - [34:35]
[34:36] So I think - but th- do you agree th- that thi- [34:39]
[34:38] Wait a minute, it's not it's not double curved, it's single curved, right? Because it's - there is no like [whistles]. [34:44]
[34:45] Yes I- [34:46]
[34:45] But I thought it would be curved on two - it's like it's curved on the sides and curved on the top and bottom as well, that's what I thought. [34:50]
[34:49] Yes I'm I'm no- I'm no- I'm not sh- [34:51]
[34:51] sure. [34:52]
[34:53] Well it's @ you know this curve like this so, it's w- there is only [35:0]
[34:54] Yes I kno- undes- I understand what you mean, yes. [34:56]
[35:01] is is is there is nothing like y- you know in the other stuff there are - yeah concave. So I think we can put um - [35:8]
[35:05] You talking about concave curves? [35:6]
[35:05] Uh-huh. [35:6]
[35:07] Both. [35:7]
[35:09] You think a single curved? [35:10]
[35:09] # the single curved in the sixteen. [35:11]
[35:13] That makes uh seventeen. And what are just - The bt- buttons, we have twelve buttons, are you sure? Yeah. $ [35:22]
[35:20] Yes. # $ [35:22]
[35:21] Mm. [35:21]
[35:22] Uh - [35:23]
[35:23] We have more, we've got those - the scroll wheel on the side and yeah - [35:26]
[35:24] So I had a bad uh [35:26]
[35:26] Bad estimate, right? [35:27]
[35:27] W- # d- # we have - we haven't talk about a @, but that's no- a @ is very exp- inexpensive I believe but it is not in the list. [35:35]
[35:27] The sc- [35:28]
[35:27] bad estimation. [35:28]
[35:33] Mm. [35:33]
[35:36] We've got a scroll wheel for the volume don't we, or is it some other thing that's not on there. [35:40]
[35:40] W- ho- h- is this a scroll wheel or is this a a a sort of button which can be pressed on two sides uh so for higher and lower? $ [35:49]
[35:43] No no no. [35:43]
[35:49] 'Kay we've only got five minutes left guys so we need to wrap it up pretty fast. [35:52]
[35:53] Yes, a kind of scroll wheel. [35:54]
[36:02] So this is even more than the um [36:3]
[36:04] Mm. Mm-hmm. [36:6]
[36:04] than the cost you gave, the sixteen Euros. [36:5]
[36:10] # [36:11]
[36:10] Okay, so based on that, yeah, um where is the es- okay sample speaker - [36:18]
[36:19] That is the sample sensor and sample speaker. [36:21]
[36:22] So - um - [36:24]
[36:24] But still, yeah it @- [36:26]
[36:26] We just need that actually. [36:28]
[36:29] We're - [36:29]
[36:31] We need one. [36:31]
[36:38] We - [36:38]
[36:39] We could go for the for the for the for the for a simple chip, but then we can't have the the speech recognition, yes? Yes? [36:47]
[36:48] No we cannot, yeah. So - [36:50]
[36:49] So so w- when we w- a- this would this would be cutting the speech recognition. [36:54]
[36:49] S- [36:50]
[36:51] But the um - [36:53]
[36:54] Yeah but if you have the - near the L_C_D_ you can um # choose - select between um you know like uni- universal between audio, T_V_ and V_C_R_, and this needs a needs a advanced chip. [37:8]
[37:08] Transti- [37:9]
[37:09] Right, Matthew? [37:10]
[37:10] Oh I - # i- it - [37:12]
[37:11] Or regular chip? [37:12]
[37:13] I think it's going to be - y- y- yeah it's th- with the regular chip, yeah. [37:17]
[37:14] I think yeah regular, today we you can do that with regular chip. [37:17]
[37:16] Say @ say it's regular, regular chip, and we still on fifteen, so - [37:21]
[37:18] Yeah. Okay. Okay. [37:20]
[37:20] Yeah. [37:20]
[37:21] So. And what about the number of buttons* buttons uh - [37:25]
[37:25] Yes but that - maybe - [37:26]
[37:27] # my- Matthew? [37:29]
[37:28] Well we can just say [37:29]
[37:30] Uh - [37:31]
[37:32] @ [37:33]
[37:34] one. [37:34]
[37:34] When you look at this w-, this u- uh item, - [37:39]
[37:40] Yeah. [37:40]
[37:40] Ca- l- we are just - when we just want to uh to cut the number of buttons we have to make seven to to fit in in twelve twelve fifty. [37:50]
[37:43] But # - [37:44]
[37:51] So is it possible? [37:51]
[37:52] # But that's seven basic buttons right, seven buttons without any adds-on, without special colours or form or material. [37:58]
[37:58] That'll be - then we have uh have to ask the user to press it several times. [38:3]
[37:59] Mm-hmm. [37:59]
[38:02] You cannot make a phone to your boss saying twelve fifty is really $ [38:8]
[38:06] $ [38:7]
[38:07] $ [38:8]
[38:08] No no, he- he- he- I- I- [38:11]
[38:09] really low, no? [38:10]
[38:09] Well - [38:10]
[38:09] # [38:10]
[38:11] So @ the L_C_D_ display* is is three Francs, sorry three Euros, by itself. [38:16]
[38:15] Mm-hmm. [38:15]
[38:16] And uh we don't want to to change that right? We we really want a L_C_D_ other- otherwise we w- wouldn- not get the market. [38:23]
[38:19] Uh - [38:20]
[38:21] Mm-hmm. [38:21]
[38:23] Otherwise y- you ha- you have a s- ve- very normal uh thing like this. [38:29]
[38:24] It's evident. [38:25]
[38:29] Yeah. [38:30]
[38:29] Mm. [38:30]
[38:32] So twelve Euro fifty, we got two off of the battery, we can't do anything about that, so ten fifty, if we want an L_C_D_ dispra- display, that's seven fifty [38:41]
[38:32] And I dunno - [38:34]
[38:42] um, so we've got seven fifty to use for the case and for the buttons. [38:47]
[38:49] Mm. [38:49]
[38:50] And the chip. Sorry the chip's up there already. [38:52]
[38:53] Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. [38:55]
[38:55] So we're gonna have to scale this down to get within budget, there's no doubt about that. [38:58]
[39:01] # A- [39:2]
[39:02] So wha- what what each of us think about the - because it's measure point the L_C_D_, um - [39:10]
[39:12] Do you think it's important? [39:13]
[39:13] Or we could even replace them by buttons actually. [39:16]
[39:15] Because sometimes whe- when you watch the T_V_ in fact, you have a big display and maybe you don't need one more in your hands? I dunno, I'm just asking. [39:24]
[39:22] A- actually it depends, it depends what kind of functionalities you want to add into it, for example if you add two more functionalities then better you add two more buttons, or - and you'll have L_C_D_ display which is - that is going to bring the cost by two two Euros at least. [39:37]
[39:23] Mm - [39:23]
[39:23] Mm. [39:23]
[39:27] Yep. [39:27]
[39:31] Mm. [39:32]
[39:33] Yeah. [39:34]
[39:36] I think, unless we can really drive these prices down we need to get rid of the L_C_D_ display. [39:41]
[39:41] Okay so we can get rid of it and then add a couple of buttons. [39:46]
[39:42] Yeah, it's true yeah. [39:43]
[39:44] But uh, do we want that? [39:46]
[39:48] On the market point of view, yeah. What do you think uh, L_C_D_ is a major feature, or? [39:55]
[39:53] Mm. I- [39:55]
[39:55] For the price, it's gonna be what we can afford, and it's looking like we can't afford the L_C_D_ display, there's no way we can get it in there. [40:1]
[40:02] I @ think we have to come to a decision now, just I I think we we what we just do i- is vote [40:8]
[40:03] # Mm. [40:4]
[40:09] about the uh the L_C_D_ uh display so - [40:12]
[40:10] Mm-hmm. [40:11]
[40:12] You assume, you want a democratic voyt- vote, right? Okay. [40:15]
[40:15] Yes. Yes. Yes. $ One man one vote. $ S- so who thinks the the L_C_D_ disply- display should be i- should be in it? [40:23]
[40:17] Okay. [40:17]
[40:25] I th- I'd like t- it to be in but I can't see it happening. I can't see it fitting in. [40:28]
[40:27] Mm. Mm-hmm mm-hmm. $ [40:31]
[40:28] I think but - [40:29]
[40:29] $ We need to be. $ [40:31]
[40:30] Bu- y- you're a power voter - uh veto anyway as Project Manager. [40:33]
[40:32] Mm-hmm, I know, but - [40:34]
[40:33] Yeah. @. [40:35]
[40:34] Yeah but the only thing is that what is the multiple functionalities you want to include with that. [40:40]
[40:40] @ well we have to make a decision now, that's it. [40:43]
[40:42] Yeah. [40:43]
[40:42] Yes. So uh uh having an L_C_D_ s- display is just uh uh have very very limited amount of buttons. Is that acceptable? Ca- can I have - can the functions be implement in an - [40:55]
[40:56] Yes. [40:56]
[40:57] You've - you you agree. [40:59]
[41:00] W- I I I just - [41:1]
[41:00] So hav- hav- having seven buttons, instead of twelve. [41:3]
[41:03] Yeah. [41:4]
[41:04] So that wou- would be cutting cutting suh- say about these buttons #. [41:9]
[41:08] Because one yeah th- show me that uh actually we could in fact we move these three buttons and have three uh possibilities for each of the three here. Here one, at the middle, and at the [41:24]
[41:21] Mm. [41:21]
[41:25] Mm. I think then we- we're really losing ease of use*. [41:28]
[41:25] bottom. [41:25]
[41:28] Okay, @. [41:29]
[41:28] That will create another problem. For the people to use it. [41:32]
[41:33] It's not going to be easy. [41:34]
[41:34] Mm. So um I I think we should we should cut the L_C_D_ screen. That that's that's my opinion. [41:42]
[41:35] Okay. [41:35]
[41:35] Okay. [41:35]
[41:35] Doing that. [41:36]
[41:42] No, it's okay, you uh cut the L_C_D_ screen* and introduce two more buttons. [41:46]
[41:43] Just - [41:43]
[41:47] Okay. So L_C_D_'s out, is speech rec* out now? We've - [41:50]
[41:50] The speech recognition is out. [41:53]
[41:52] Yep. [41:52]
[41:53] Uh where, L_C_ - [41:55]
[41:54] Because of the budget, yeah. [41:56]
[41:56] Yep. [41:56]
[41:56] Okay w- we now we can just uh - [42:0]
[41:59] So are we basically back to the original one now, back to the first version? Which turns out to be on budget exactly, pretty much. [42:7]
[42:07] Yeah. [42:8]
[42:08] With these new costings. So @ just look at - forget that one and look at that one now. [42:12]
[42:09] Yes. [42:10]
[42:12] Yes. Yes. I th- I th- I think w- we just go for this one and that that now twelve Euros is the [42:18]
[42:12] Yeah. [42:13]
[42:15] Mm. [42:16]
[42:19] Yep. [42:19]
[42:19] is is the price, okay. My m- my supervisor will be glad that it's fifty cents cheaper than he expected*. [42:26]
[42:21] Okay. Well that's that's - [42:22]
[42:24] Yep. [42:24]
[42:24] Actually yeah, we we we will not need the really uh expert designers um because the amount, yeah. [42:33]
[42:25] So. [42:26]
[42:30] Mm. [42:30]
[42:30] Yeah. [42:30]
[42:33] Yep. So w- we can go back and l- talk to the suppliers maybe and see if we can drive the prices down to add a few more things in but that's all we can do with the restrictions* we have at the moment. [42:42]
[42:33] Okay. [42:34]
[42:42] Okay, good. Then we @ the same. Thank you. That was it. $ [42:48]
[42:45] Okay. That's it. [42:47]
[42:46] Mm-hmm. [42:46]
[42:47] $ Thanks. [42:49]
[42:48] Cool. [42:49]
[42:51] Okay. [42:51]