[0:00] Hey look, these are @ microphones they uh they're for women's shirts. [0:0]
[0:00] Hey look, these are @ microphones they uh they're for women's shirts. [0:5]
[0:07] No no it's the opposite. [0:9]
[0:09] Um okay, # so um # let's start. [0:13]
[0:15] Um thanks for coming again to this meeting. I hope it won't be too long and especially* that we'll make some progress on uh this uh on this small task that is putting people in our new rooms. Uh I hope you had fun in uh, well, designing something or uh asking the people about their preferences and uh things like this. So yeah, that's what I was talking about, it's for women's shirts. Um # so um well, I think you remember all the constraints and the new settings, I think, you'll be more and more used to it as as soon as we move. So we have these one person, two person and three person rooms. Um and so that makes, I think, eighteen places. # And we had about fifteen people and some uh spare uh spare mm - well, working places to to put - um may I first uh provide the answers to the the questions from the last time? [1:15]
[1:15] # And I also checked with uh Maggie and Pierrette. [1:18]
[1:18] Oh, great, yeah. So that will be part of the - your uh your solution or suggestions to solution. But regarding the constraints um there is no immediate plan to to make separations between the rooms so that means basically - well, we have to do with this setting and uh # it's it's quite difficult to make new doors and new walls, so I think we shouldn't count on them in the next uh four years maybe. And they don't want us to sh- I mean they don't want to provide an extra working # space for Gisella with the other I_T_ admins, which we could understand, because it's sort of full over there, but uh at least that's what they said. [2:0]
[1:47] Great. [1:48]
[1:59] Come now, it's not full over there. $ [2:2]
[2:01] So it seems we uh $ yeah the # - well, we cannot change the habits of the whole school just for us. Though it wouldn't be a bad thing maybe, but uh # we'll see. So regarding the possibility to put four people in one of the two uh three person rooms, um well, it's not very easy, we'll have to play uh quite uh quite wisely with the furnishing. It it looks like it's not impossible, at least on the one that is a bit uh longer, on on the right. So uh the one uh here. It should be possible to put four persons. If we could avoid it, it would much simplify things, but uh, well, we'll see. [2:42]
[2:09] $ [2:10]
[2:13] % [2:14]
[2:40] The the question is is it is it against the regulation - security regulation of the school. That's that's the important point. [2:47]
[2:45] No. No no no. [2:46]
[2:45] No uh no. And and I and I went over and I looked at that room, too. There's plenty of space for four people. [2:51]
[2:51] Okay. [2:52]
[2:52] Yeah, I think, yeah. It it's more a matter of how to arrange the furniture, but uh since we are experts at this task - uh okay, so maybe we could count on on four places, but the final decision is not really ours, so uh we'll see actually # this - [3:8]
[2:56] Yeah. [2:57]
[2:57] $ [2:59]
[3:06] That would be fine if one of the person is fifty per cent. So me, for example. [3:10]
[3:10] Exactly. Or one of the intern positions, the people who might come or something like that. Um okay so these were the um # the answers. So actually I I did my uh my proposal as a slide. Would you like me to start or would you like me to end? It's uh - [3:30]
[3:11] Ah. $ [3:13]
[3:14] Exactly. Yeah. [3:15]
[3:26] Mm. Well just t- just to uh uh complete uh, I talked both with Maggie and Pierrette and both of them are happy to share offices. They have no problem whatsoever. [3:38]
[3:27] Please. [3:28]
[3:33] Oh, great. [3:34]
[3:37] % [3:38]
[3:38] @. [3:38]
[3:39] Uh they're they're easy, but uh could be uh as Pierrette has right now, that she cou- she is happy to continue to share with uh Marianne, uh and and Maggie, for example, to share with uh - it could be with Bruno, because they work on the SwissTra together and they like to gossip together, so @. [3:55]
[3:46] Mm-hmm. [3:47]
[3:51] Okay, okay. [3:53]
[3:55] Beautiful. Okay, then let me um explain very briefly the the rationale for for this. So it's the same uh schema that you know. In red you have the uh uh - oh, excuse me, that's quite uh annoying, excuse me. Um hello. [4:14]
[3:55] $ [3:57]
[3:55] Yes. That looks good. [3:56]
[4:00] % [4:0]
[4:16] # [4:16]
[4:16] Oh, yeah, um, can I can I call you a bit later in about half an hour. I'm just in the middle of a meeting and I'm talking. [4:22]
[4:19] People sh- yeah that's - [4:22]
[4:19] People who don't turn off their phone in a meeting. It's fantastic. [4:24]
[4:24] Oh okay, thank you. Bye-bye. Um, sorry for this. # Fortunately we were just uh the four of us. Um. $ Okay, so, let me get back to - into the proposal after the brief interruption. Um so the names are in red. Now um - well, one of the reasons at least for me for doing this was to more or less group people uh with - within projects, because I I think that sometimes they ju- they just discuss together and uh it's easier if they are in the same office. [4:58]
[4:24] @. [4:25]
[4:25] Let me check that I $ @ I di- I didn't. S- [4:29]
[4:26] $ [4:27]
[4:58] And um which is quite happy actually, I I also thought that some professors might enjoy, or at least uh don't don't say anything about, being with their assistants. So I was happy to hear Susan uh saying that Maggie and Bruno could @ well together, and Pierrette and uh Marianne in in the same office. [5:20]
[5:11] Yeah. [5:11]
[5:20] Um so what I can say is uh that # I also understood that Susan would be rather in favour of uh, well, having her own office, so uh it's it's it's working like this. I put the lounge in the middle. It's also one of the rooms with the fewer uh - the fewest uh windows. So I think that's not a problem, because you're not going to just stay there and stare outside. Uh but it's it's nicer to have a nicer view from your office, I guess. I don't know. Yeah, maybe, I thought in an angle, but that's obviously not very - [5:58]
[5:30] Yes. $ [5:31]
[5:49] Yeah, but putting the printer in the lounge is just killing the lounge. [5:52]
[5:54] $ [5:56]
[5:55] It's not a question where it is, it's a question of you are printing all the time so - [6:0]
[5:56] No yeah. [5:57]
[5:59] Yeah, why not put the printer out in the hallway? [6:1]
[6:00] uh - [6:0]
[6:00] Yeah. Okay and so next to the photocopy maybe it wouldn't be a bad place. Here? Okay. [6:8]
[6:01] Yeah, that's that's a possible. # [6:4]
[6:03] % [6:4]
[6:04] Yeah. Why not? [6:6]
[6:06] It is there enough space there for a photocopy and printer. [6:9]
[6:10] Yeah, we'll have to check tha- yeah, but the printer is quite small if we fi- find just a small table for it. @ maybe one day we'll have a photocopy that is also a printer. So - okay, but uh I* wouldn't well insist on this I think - okay, so the printer, well, we'll remove it if we work from this uh this solution. So uh I_M_two is more or less in the upper left side. Um I said more or less um uh upper uh lower left side uh you have SwissTra and @, so the two projects from the list. And then @ on the on the right side. [6:50]
[6:10] The photocopy is a bit big. [6:12]
[6:50] Maybe not a ver- a very good solution for Gisella. If you can suggest something uh better, because she's with two people who uh - well, two P_H_D_ students, and it's true that she has, yeah, a lot of phone calls to make, but um it's some way to to solve some constraints. I think this is a very open thing. Uh if you want we can use this document or we could just, say, first listen to your suggestions and see if we erase everything or just do some modifications using this one. [7:21]
[7:20] Well, I've a question. What's the justification for giving Nancy her own office? [7:26]
[7:22] # [7:23]
[7:27] Um yeah, maybe not a very strong one. Then they - maybe you are - you have better suggestions. Um it was I think sort of one of the uh places they re- that remain and I I think, yeah, there is no strong constraint and uh - well, she's a smoker, but the policy is that we don't smoke, so it's even better if she's uh with a second person. [7:49]
[7:44] @ uh I would have I would have a provocative suggestion to put Gisella - to switch Nancy and Gisella. [7:51]
[7:45] # [7:45]
[7:45] Mm doesn't help, yeah. [7:46]
[7:47] % [7:47]
[7:52] Uh-huh. Okay. [7:55]
[7:54] Put Gisella, the fax, and the printing machine - the printer in the one person room as a as a - [8:1]
[8:00] Well, Gisella will $ not be very happy about that uh. We tried that and Gisella really didn't like to have a printer and people in and out all the time and uh - [8:9]
[8:00] Uh-huh. [8:0]
[8:07] Okay, so the printer that's that's not the s- not the hard constraint but uh - [8:11]
[8:08] Mm-hmm. [8:9]
[8:10] Uh remember Andrei, that was uh - yeah yeah. [8:14]
[8:10] Yeah mm. Yeah, that was the case and uh she was a bit uh reluctant, but - [8:17]
[8:14] 'Cause I really do think it's important to have [8:16]
[8:17] an admin room clearly identified as an admin room and only an admin room, where you have files, where - yeah, you can close it, you have the personal files of the of the people of the of the of the unit etcetera, etcetera. [8:29]
[8:18] Mm-hmm. [8:19]
[8:22] Yeah, we could store files there and things like that. Mm-hmm. [8:26]
[8:30] Okay, so if you want I can already do this change here. [8:35]
[8:31] So for instance I @ be fully against the fact that my personal files are in f- in a in a room that is not specifically dedicated for that. [8:39]
[8:41] Because the professors uh, you have personal printer or there is only one printer? [8:45]
[8:41] Sorry you're - [8:44]
[8:48] Um. [8:49]
[8:48] Because if not the person - the printer can go in a room of three people. [8:51]
[8:52] That's typical of case where there's the lab and there's # the printer is there. [8:56]
[8:55] Mm-hmm. [8:56]
[8:57] @ printer can be in the in the in the corridor. That's uh that's uh that's perfectly alright. [9:1]
[8:59] Yeah, th- yeah th- when - the printer is, yeah, it's it's the main one. We have a secondary one which we could try to accommodate in another room, but it's basically, yeah, the peop- the the printer where everybody prints. Um so I change this. [9:13]
[9:11] % [9:12]
[9:14] So maybe I would suggest # let me le- k- can I hear also - let us* hear from you. And then if we can work out a solu- a common solution from this one, then we go back to to this slide. And if not, um we'll just, well start from scratch. Um. [9:32]
[9:31] I'm perfectly alright to share the room with you has a view on the old town. That's um - [9:36]
[9:35] $ [9:36]
[9:37] Mm-hmm. Okay. [9:38]
[9:38] You have to be aware of what I was saying last time - was that you have to suffer some suffer from fro- from phone calls. [9:46]
[9:42] Yeah. [9:42]
[9:43] Lot's of phone calls. Yeah. [9:44]
[9:46] Yeah, I'll try. I'll bring my walkman and uh - [9:50]
[9:47] % [9:47]
[9:48] So if you have a walkman that's $ that's good. [9:52]
[9:50] $ Earplugs uh whatever. $ [9:54]
[9:51] $ [9:51]
[9:53] $ [9:54]
[9:53] Yeah. Uh David, you had also uh - what's - [9:58]
[9:57] Yeah, okay, for me uh, as uh I don't know l- uh the people a lot, uh @ you suggested that uh there's a la- a lack of men $ s- so, I would re- certainly put uh not two men in the same office. I would try to share them $ with the women so uh for example @ in your slide I could uh switch either you or Martin with uh uh the other room. This one. [10:25]
[10:12] Ah. [10:13]
[10:26] Uh-huh. Oh let me put the plan, sorry. I will display uh - yeah, this is the empty one. I don't want to influence you. So so you would put uh - [10:35]
[10:27] So. [10:28]
[10:29] Yes please. [10:30]
[10:35] So, yeah, you have to show us which one you were talking about David, we didn't - [10:38]
[10:38] Yeah. [10:38]
[10:39] Yeah yeah, I was wanting to change this wa- [10:42]
[10:41] Yeah. [10:41]
[10:41] Ah the centre room. [10:42]
[10:42] Mm-hmm. @ you can you can even stand and just show us there. [10:45]
[10:43] Mm-hmm. [10:43]
[10:43] $ Yeah, but I need your uh your slide, because I was talking about your slide. [10:45]
[10:45] $ Yeah, but I need your uh your slide, because I was talking about your slide. [10:50]
[10:50] Okay, so we would prefer the names. Okay I I don't want to influence you too much, but uh mm I'm perfectly happy to start with this as the basis and then change things. [11:1]
[11:01] Yeah, because there are plenty of things that are that are okay so uh - [11:6]
[11:04] Yes, so here you can see that the the # the men is - I mean, they are always sh- sharing the room with a g- with a woman. I mean, there's Bruno, me, uh Pierrette and Nikos is a guy also. [11:16]
[11:05] Yeah, maybe in different, just - [11:7]
[11:16] Uh-huh. Oh - [11:18]
[11:16] Yeah but for Pierrette an- and Maggie it's uh it's @. [11:20]
[11:21] It's a wish or it's uh it's because they - [11:24]
[11:21] Mm-hmm. Or actually, Pierrette is a woman too. Yeah, it's the feminine of Pierre. [11:28]
[11:24] Oh. $ Sorry for this. [11:27]
[11:28] Mm-hmm. So I mean, this is perfectly* fine, I will just send Martin and Andrei for Maria or or Yalina or Nancy, maybe. [11:35]
[11:36] So - [11:37]
[11:36] I didn't get your solution @. What was it again? [11:39]
[11:39] Yeah, here there are two men. So I mea- $ yeah. I @ it's nice. I don't think @ I mean there's a lack of men here, in in in this $ in this lab. So I would change one, switch one. [11:52]
[11:41] So? [11:41]
[11:42] Uh he wants to mix sexes. [11:44]
[11:44] Uh-huh. [11:44]
[11:44] Ah, okay. [11:46]
[11:45] # @ bad. [11:47]
[11:48] $ [11:52]
[11:53] Yeah. [11:54]
[11:54] But that's not so much a question of uh men or women, it's more the question of, as I said, that's uh - [12:0]
[12:02] Um here you have only P_ you have P_H_D_ students that are a* group. There you have s- senior researchers that are a group, which is to me more - [12:10]
[12:08] Mm-hmm. [12:8]
[12:11] Unless it corresponds to some specific demand like it is in the case in Maggie - Maggie's case and Pierrette's case. I think that's a very efficient way of doing things, because - [12:21]
[12:13] Yeah. [12:14]
[12:20] Mm-hmm. [12:21]
[12:22] Yeah, and for me it's also - uh I would prefer maybe not to be in a three person office, just to be a bit calmer, and, Martin, so I'm very happy with you since I proposed it. $ But I could also be happy with most of the other people, so even in a three person room. It's it's fine. Okay, so let's keep in mind, maybe, this uh constraint of balancing the the genders $ uh we'll see if we can uh do something for it. [12:49]
[12:26] Yeah, mm I'm perfectly happy with with Andrei so $ @. [12:32]
[12:31] $ [12:32]
[12:33] @. [12:34]
[12:36] Sure but um - [12:38]
[12:44] $ [12:45]
[12:50] Andrei did you ask these people if this was okay with them? [12:53]
[12:53] Uh I've asked some of them, and I've also used a little bit uh what I've - well, I mean the the present arrangement, just not to to shock people too much. And it's also people that I know um get on well - quite quite well together, and also work on the same project, like for instance, Marianne, uh uh the Finnish Marianne, and uh Nikos who interact quite a lot on uh on @. Um, yeah, Maria and Yalina seem uh to go on one quite quite well. [13:26]
[13:27] Uh Nancy had no strong preference, specially since she's no longer allowed to smoke in in her office. Um yeah, so I think, well, at least as far as I I asked there was no major objection. [13:43]
[13:42] But isn't there just a a a question of proximity @ you put David with Agnes? [13:46]
[13:48] Um but isn't Agnes working [13:50]
[13:53] um in a # in a more substantial way in uh with people like uh either Maria or Yalina? [14:0]
[14:02] Um. [14:3]
[14:04] Yeah, that's true. That's true. I um - # so we could put Nancy with David and uh put Agnes - yeah. [14:14]
[14:05] Yes. [14:5]
[14:10] 'Cause - [14:11]
[14:13] Yeah, but Agnes is also working with David, so - [14:15]
[14:15] @ but we agree* that it's not important to to share the room with someone that has the same project. # [14:21]
[14:15] Yeah, yeah, I I know. [14:17]
[14:19] Mm-hmm. [14:20]
[14:19] No, that's true that's true. @ the other constraints are are satisfied somehow so - [14:25]
[14:26] Mm-hmm. [14:26]
[14:27] @ quite happy to have the the full room some fifty per cent of the time. [14:32]
[14:34] Yeah, that's a small advantage and uh I - it's a bit more uh more comfortable, actually. Um. [14:41]
[14:34] $ [14:37]
[14:34] @. [14:35]
[14:39] Yeah, but there's - [14:40]
[14:39] No but what I mean it was was the three - the two three person rooms, I think that they can mix them the way they want. I mean if they prefer to be uh Maria tha- uh Yalina and Nikos, and @ Nancy and Marianne on the other side - well, no that's not completely equivalent, because Nancy @ all are P_H_D_ students or masters students, but Nancy. Correct? [14:57]
[14:57] Mm-hmm. [14:58]
[15:00] Yeah, but that doesn't mat- that's not important. [15:3]
[15:02] Oh. [15:3]
[15:04] There w- one question I was wondering about though, 'cause three is always uh - well the more people in a office uh the less ideal, that wouldn't it maybe be better to put David in, since he's only half-time. So that way, then [15:17]
[15:04] Yeah, maybe. [15:5]
[15:10] Yeah. [15:11]
[15:11] Mm-hmm. [15:13]
[15:16] Yeah. [15:16]
[15:17] Yeah. Very good. Mm-hmm. [15:19]
[15:18] Yeah. [15:19]
[15:18] there's not three people all the time. [15:20]
[15:19] Yeah. So I would switch David and Nancy typically. [15:22]
[15:23] Mm-hmm. Yeah, probably - [15:25]
[15:24] Which doesn't mean that David should be in this room. He could be in the other one. For me uh the two three people rooms are really - they have to be uh re-shuffled according to people personal preferences. But I definitely would put uh Nancy with Agnes in the two person room. [15:40]
[15:28] Mm-hmm. [15:29]
[15:32] Yeah. [15:33]
[15:32] % [15:32]
[15:34] Yeah. [15:34]
[15:35] So Agnes has worked - [15:38]
[15:40] Mm-hmm. They they have worked together on @, so this makes some sense. Um at - yeah, I mean - [15:51]
[15:44] Yeah. [15:45]
[15:47] But again, it's also a question of personal preference. I mean you you can't be in a room with person you don't want to be with. $ [15:53]
[15:52] Yeah, as far as I know I think it's probably quite a good uh uh good match. [15:58]
[15:57] Is there anyone that is* going to finish @ P_H_D_ or or leave or - [16:1]
[16:01] Uh no. Uh Maria is Maria is the closest, but she's still not uh uh - yeah. [16:7]
[16:03] First one should be Maria, but it's still uh one and a half. Okay, let's switch uh - [16:11]
[16:08] @. [16:9]
[16:08] I see if you do it this way, you mean that in the two three people room there will be one that is not so overloaded, because of David, because David will be part time and the other one not so overloaded, because there is uh one free position uh, knowing that this one free position uh will not stay free very long. $ [16:25]
[16:15] Mm-hmm, yeah. [16:16]
[16:22] # [16:23]
[16:25] No, because don't forget we already have somebody coming in uh January. [16:29]
[16:29] Yes so - [16:30]
[16:30] Mm-hmm. [16:31]
[16:32] At least one person. [16:33]
[16:33] @ I'll just uh - [16:35]
[16:33] And this is still a worry for me, because we are still - we don't still - still don't have enough space for the visitors. [16:41]
[16:42] Unless we put them in the lounge. [16:44]
[16:42] Yeah*. Mm yeah, I I don't think - [16:47]
[16:44] Yeah. Or we make four space in the three people rooom. [16:48]
[16:44] $ [16:46]
[16:45] Therefore I w- [16:46]
[16:48] Yeah. Yeah. [16:49]
[16:50] Yeah, so s- s- okay so since we are supposed to do a final proposal. Sorry, uh let me move the printer um # next to the photocopier. [17:4]
[16:51] We need to have at least three visitors' position, because - positions, because - [16:56]
[17:01] Outside. [17:2]
[17:04] Yeah. [17:4]
[17:04] Yeah. [17:4]
[17:05] Okay. And we'll find some way to um, well, attach it to a wall or something like this. [17:12]
[17:12] $ So that we keep it, you mean. [17:14]
[17:15] Yeah, I think so, yeah. $ Um okay, so that's the uh - mm-hmm. Uh I don't think we can put visitors in the lounge, it's uh - [17:26]
[17:26] It depends it depends on how we think about the lounge. If it's thought as being a reading room. No. If it's thought as the que- that that's really a very important question to me. Do we do we put priority on the fact of being able to read newspapers in our in our offices or in our uh work place? We can read newspapers elsewhere. [17:45]
[17:29] Yeah*. Yeah. [17:32]
[17:45] Mm-hmm. [17:46]
[17:46] And I really do think it's more important for lab to be able to decently uh welcome visitors that come to the lab than to have a place for reading newspapers. Newspapers you can read them home. @ know we can go to the cafeteria or you can sit somewhere else. You can go on the balcony if it's if it's in the summer. So I I don't understand why we why we should put priority on lounges if we if we don't have enough space for accommodating visitors. That's just not not according to my priorities. [18:14]
[18:00] Yeah. [18:0]
[18:03] It's - [18:5]
[18:10] Mm-hmm. [18:11]
[18:12] How [18:13]
[18:14] how would it be to put the lounge in one of the smaller offices? Like in, well, in in one of the one person offices? W- I I know they are actually quite uh quite demanded, so um I th- I think, Susan, you are very happy with this solution, so # okay. In Gisell- [18:33]
[18:22] $ [18:24]
[18:24] $ [18:24]
[18:29] Yes, yes. $ [18:33]
[18:30] S- so let's let's put the lounge in Susan's office, and Susan's in Susan in the lounge with three visitors mm? $ [18:38]
[18:30] $ [18:32]
[18:34] $ [18:34]
[18:34] $ That's an excellent idea. $ [18:39]
[18:35] $ [18:36]
[18:36] No, but a lounge in a one person room is really too small. [18:40]
[18:39] Yeah, it's probably too small. Okay, yeah, doesn't work. Mm. [18:44]
[18:40] It's too small for a uh yeah. [18:42]
[18:43] I would advocate to just remove the lounge. We - it's a luxury for us. We don't have space for a lounge. It's - let's be - you you cannot you cannot go at the at the at the at the in front of your colleagues and saying, I p- if I have to choose between uh reading my newspaper and disc- and having a a decently welcomed uh v- uh research visitor, I prefer to read my newspaper. That's just not that's just not realistic. I mean, we are researchers. [19:7]
[18:46] Mm-hmm. [18:47]
[18:49] Okay, let's be innovative. Um. [18:53]
[18:52] $ [18:55]
[19:05] Mm-hmm. But the problem is it it has been decided by everyone and approved by the school that we we need the lounge, so I I think it's simply not - [19:15]
[19:15] No no, I don't think we can choose @. [19:17]
[19:17] # No actually, uh I I'm sorry, it's uh - yeah. Mm-hmm. [19:24]
[19:18] But then? [19:19]
[19:20] Then you have the three people room, that @ positions, split it in two parts as as Susan was was uh proposing last time was a ha- was a wall and you have a lounge there @ can read your newspapers and we have a full two room - two person room where we can certainly accommodate three visitors. And at least we have some uh free margin for the next two years, or the next year*. [19:43]
[19:30] % [19:30]
[19:41] Oh. Okay so so how do we split the room? [19:45]
[19:46] The the three people @ over there. [19:48]
[19:46] We put it - the the furniture that we got for our reading room, we put it into the other half of the three person room. [19:54]
[19:49] This one. Uh-huh. [19:51]
[19:54] Yeah. And put uh uh mm - [19:59]
[19:55] Mm-hmm. So - [19:57]
[19:55] # Would that fit? [19:56]
[19:57] A little divider of some kind. [19:59]
[19:58] Yeah. But what about if people want to have a small discussion in the lounge? [20:2]
[20:01] They are not supposed to have a discussion in the lounge, they are supposed to read their newspapers. [20:5]
[20:06] And to drink their coffee. [20:7]
[20:06] Well, not the newspapers, because no - scientific articles. [20:10]
[20:07] Well not just newspapers. [20:8]
[20:10] $ [20:11]
[20:10] Uh scientific articles. No that's not - that wasn't the goal. The the goal of the lounge was was a place where you can relax. [20:17]
[20:12] Journals. [20:13]
[20:13] $ [20:13]
[20:17] Uh-huh. Yeah. [20:19]
[20:18] But also to read articles. [20:20]
[20:20] @ you can do it in your office. [20:22]
[20:22] So you would like to put it, yeah, within - yeah, and then who who - yeah. [20:27]
[20:25] @ it's it's it's you have a good chairs to read newspapers that you don't want to break you heart - your your your your back @ your office. [20:33]
[20:32] Yeah. Yeah okay, but then that means that we'll put the lounge on the right side, uh here. And uh here we'll put two places for visitors. Three. But that means the office will be at least for the moment empty. That looks very bad. [20:49]
[20:37] Yes. [20:38]
[20:38] Mm-hmm. [20:38]
[20:39] Yes. [20:39]
[20:43] Three. [20:43]
[20:47] No, we have our visitor that is arriving. Uh what did you say, Susan? [20:52]
[20:51] It's not a visitor. It's a a new p- p- full-time person arriving in January. [20:55]
[20:53] @ uh okay. # [20:55]
[20:55] Okay, so that could take the the free place over there. Uh I mean - [21:0]
[21:00] No, that's where we're gonna put the lounge. $ [21:2]
[21:00] No no. $ That could take one one positions in the in the lo- in the - [21:7]
[21:02] No. [21:3]
[21:05] Let's put m- Maria or Yalina in the in the in this place. [21:8]
[21:09] Yeah, I think - okay, so we need what, two, three positions and one new # person arriving, X_ or something like that. [21:19]
[21:19] Ah okay, that that's an idea. @ if if if if you forget about the lounge. $ What you could do is to move either Mari- Maria or Yalina in the in the mm - what is currently the lounge. That means that we have one person there with one free position. [21:34]
[21:19] Well for - [21:20]
[21:21] Okay. [21:21]
[21:23] Mm-hmm. [21:23]
[21:28] Mm-hmm. [21:29]
[21:35] We have one free position in the in the room that Maria or Yalina is coming from and one free position over there. So we have three position distributed over the rooms where we can accommodate* - [21:46]
[21:41] Mm-hmm. [21:42]
[21:46] And and where is the lounge? [21:47]
[21:47] No lounge. [21:48]
[21:47] No lounge. [21:48]
[21:48] No no no no, we we have to - [21:50]
[21:48] No okay, # no way. I'll I'll have my head cut off if we don't have a lounge. So uh - [21:53]
[21:50] Louge*. [21:51]
[21:50] $ [21:55]
[21:52] You take the furniture of the lounge and you put it in the corridor. [21:56]
[21:52] Yeah yeah yeah. [21:54]
[21:56] $ [22:0]
[21:56] # No, there's no space. # The lounge is in the free space. [22:1]
[21:56] No no no no, let's do the lounge corner. Okay. At least. I mean otherwise I cannot really defend it, because it it was agreed and we cannot just come back on every every decision we made. [22:9]
[22:08] After all that we went through to get the budget for it, we really have to uh - [22:12]
[22:11] Yeah, I think so, yeah. [22:12]
[22:11] @ you you will explain to your visitors that unfortunately they have a position in the toilet, because there is a reading room where people have to relax. [22:19]
[22:13] Okay. [22:14]
[22:14] $ [22:15]
[22:15] $ [22:15]
[22:16] $ [22:20]
[22:18] $ No, wait a minute, yeah. [22:22]
[22:19] Well, let's have the visitors first. Okay, so what we need is a new and two @. So - [22:26]
[22:26] % [22:26]
[22:28] I think we can put, what, Maria or Yalina? I don't want to separate them really, but uh - [22:34]
[22:35] Oh. Mysel-, I don't like that office actually. Um so I was thinking to put here - [22:42]
[22:42] It could be Nikos, for instance. Could put - you @ can switch. [22:46]
[22:46] No, we are not gonna keep Marianne in a three uh person place uh, just having Marianne in the lounge. Yeah. [22:52]
[22:50] But it's a lounge. [22:52]
[22:53] Yeah, now @. so it's either - [22:55]
[22:56] Y- we could put the visitor with you, Martin, but it's probably - okay, let's try @ le- let's try this. Uh let's try Maria here. Oh, @ you don't mind? [23:7]
[22:58] # [22:59]
[22:59] Yeah but then - [23:0]
[23:00] # [23:1]
[23:02] Yeah you could # you could put me there. I mean, Andrei. [23:5]
[23:02] # [23:3]
[23:05] # [23:5]
[23:07] Because I will be there half time, and the visitors probably will not so much complain about phone calls. [23:13]
[23:09] Perfect. [23:9]
[23:12] But wait a minute, then Andrei has a two person office all for himself. $ [23:18]
[23:16] No no, we'll put a visitor place in there. [23:18]
[23:20] If you don't mind. [23:21]
[23:21] Well there is this full-time person arriving in - I I think it's really important to to plan with that. [23:26]
[23:23] Yeah. [23:24]
[23:25] Wha- what's what's her name again, Andrei? [23:27]
[23:27] Uh I think it's Paola. [23:29]
[23:29] Paola. [23:29]
[23:29] Yeah. [23:30]
[23:30] Um. [23:31]
[23:31] @ would it be possible to have Paola in your office? [23:33]
[23:35] Yeah, could be. [23:36]
[23:36] 'Cause that's that's something that we we should be deciding. Either you want to keep me in your office, which is alright, and then we have to forsee a place for Paola somewhere. I I think that's that's not realistic to have a planning @ - $ [23:50]
[23:37] If - [23:38]
[23:39] Yeah. Mm-hmm. [23:41]
[23:42] No, I I would prefer you, I think. [23:44]
[23:45] Okay, let me keep you. [23:48]
[23:47] Okay. Martin goes back to Andrei. [23:49]
[23:50] Okay, we'll put Paola and a visitor here. [23:55]
[23:52] Why didn- [23:53]
[23:57] So Paola is the new person. [24:0]
[23:59] % [23:59]
[23:59] Yeah. [23:59]
[24:01] And a visitor, uh vis*. Is that vis* one? And then we'll we'll still have probably some way to put a second visitor here. Vis* two. [24:10]
[24:02] That's visitor one. [24:3]
[24:12] Oops. [24:12]
[24:13] Sorry, it's not very nice, but - [24:15]
[24:13] Mm. [24:14]
[24:18] Does this display better? [24:20]
[24:25] Um Paola - well, @ Paola being new, I I think it would be better to put her with somebody else. [24:31]
[24:26] I think it's not bad. [24:28]
[24:29] Yeah, don't put her alone. Uh-huh. [24:31]
[24:30] @ somebody else @. [24:32]
[24:34] Well, the the lounge* can not be in here t- with two people. I mean, you cannot go there and discuss and and two people working there in the room. [24:42]
[24:37] Yeah. [24:38]
[24:42] Not supposed to discuss, you are supposed to relax. [24:45]
[24:42] Yeah. No, but we said that we won't discuss - or maybe if we organise some kind of, you know, coffee at the end of the day, or a drink, then the two people will stop working. I don't know, maybe they won't be happy. Okay then, Martin let let me put you in that office and I'll put Paola with me. No? [24:59]
[24:50] $ [24:51]
[24:55] # Sure not me. $ [24:57]
[24:58] No no put - why not Maria or Yalina? [25:0]
[25:02] So Martin goes where? [25:3]
[25:04] Martin stays. Maria's. [25:6]
[25:04] Because you don't want to separate Ma- Maria and Yalina? Why? [25:8]
[25:05] Yeah. [25:6]
[25:07] Okay. [25:8]
[25:09] 'Cause Yalina, i- it's not even sure she stays. It's a master student so uh - [25:14]
[25:09] Yeah, okay. [25:10]
[25:11] Yeah, that's true. Okay, so let's put Maria in the separate office. [25:16]
[25:15] Yeah. [25:15]
[25:17] And we have, yeah, and we have two visitors and a masters student and a p- and a part-time person. [25:22]
[25:21] And we have Paola. [25:23]
[25:24] @ I was thinking the other way around. $ [25:26]
[25:26] Oh sorry, what were you thinking? [25:28]
[25:27] To keep Paola with Maria in the two people room and to have this one with* two, Yalina and David in the three people room. [25:37]
[25:37] So who is with Maria here? Okay. [25:40]
[25:39] Paola. [25:39]
[25:41] Yeah. And no visitor? [25:42]
[25:42] No, that's a two people room, so - $ [25:44]
[25:45] Yeah, but that means that this room, the middle one, would be quite empty. All the - I mean, two visitors and the fifty per cent pers- person, I don't think it's very uh reasonable. [25:55]
[25:48] Yep. [25:48]
[25:50] No, Yalina is there, David is there - [25:52]
[25:57] @ but you need to have to put visitors somewhere, I mean uh - [26:0]
[25:58] Well, we have - [25:58]
[26:00] Uh yeah. [26:2]
[26:00] Yeah, but let's split them a little bit, so that when there are no visitors, at least people are - [26:4]
[26:03] Ah. [26:3]
[26:04] No, the rooms have to look like they're sort of occupied uh. Oterwise, we might uh lose room or two. [26:10]
[26:07] Yeah, I think so. [26:8]
[26:10] Oh. [26:10]
[26:11] Okay. [26:11]
[26:11] So this goes - here goes visitor two. Paola is there. Here goes visitor one. And is this better? [26:20]
[26:11] $ That's true. # [26:13]
[26:12] $ [26:13]
[26:14] This is always the game. $ [26:16]
[26:21] Except that we cannot read it, but [26:24]
[26:25] apart from this - [26:27]
[26:25] Well - [26:27]
[26:29] It's a little bit crowded in @. [26:31]
[26:32] 'Cause you have - well, not yet, of course, because Paola is not - has not arrived, but uh starting from January, you will have two full-time person plus one part-time person plus one visitor that's - [26:44]
[26:36] Mm-hmm. [26:37]
[26:42] Yeah, okay. Let me call this visitor one, which implies that uh it will be the first one occupied by a visitor when they come. And this visitor two which means it's like a, well, you know, second uh second chance. [26:58]
[26:46] 'Kay. [26:47]
[26:49] Okay. [26:50]
[27:00] But why couldn't we basically - [27:3]
[27:05] Move you, David, in this two people room with Maria? [27:10]
[27:11] Or we could. What would this change? [27:13]
[27:12] Maria plus one half pa- uh half-time person? [27:15]
[27:15] Mm-hmm. [27:16]
[27:18] And you have Paola, Yalina, one visitor position, and I still keep hope that uh Marianne, Nikos - that the lounge will on the, # on on the # on the long term disappear, because anyhow I don't believe there can be a lounge where - in a place where there are already two people working. So the lounge will just die after some point and it uh it - [27:38]
[27:30] $ [27:31]
[27:37] No, but but look, Martin, it's quite a long room, it has two doors - [27:42]
[27:40] Still, I mean, @. [27:42]
[27:42] % [27:43]
[27:43] Ah okay, ah it has two doors. Yeah, that's true. [27:45]
[27:43] Oh yeah, very good. [27:45]
[27:46] Yeah, so maybe in the long run we'll get a wall. [27:48]
[27:47] Ah yeah, but then then - yeah, okay okay. Okay, that's true. 'Kay then then there will be a wall. Okay. [27:52]
[27:51] Uh-huh. Al- although there are three windows, but um - okay. So where would we move David to Maria - Da- with Maria. Do you have any preferences, David? Um. [28:0]
[27:54] Yeah, that's good. [27:55]
[27:59] Uh it's completely fine. [28:1]
[27:59] Uh she she wa- she wants mixing peo- uh men and women, so - or she - he. $ Yeah, right @. [28:7]
[28:03] Well, he already is mixed. So, yeah. [28:7]
[28:04] $ Then uh the two visitors will be in one room, but doesn't - that's fine, because maybe there are not two visitors at the same time. Uh we'll see. [28:13]
[28:04] $ [28:7]
[28:10] Yeah. [28:11]
[28:12] Yeah, that's - to me it's more realistic. [28:15]
[28:13] Yeah, I wouldn't put the two visitors in the same room, because when there is no one it makes a big hole, and when there are two people, so it makes too many variations, but - [28:22]
[28:22] Yeah, but then then you can you can move for instance - if you move David to uh with Maria. [28:28]
[28:23] Yeah. [28:23]
[28:28] Mm-hmm. [28:29]
[28:29] Then - [28:30]
[28:32] Yeah, the occupancy is better that way. [28:33]
[28:34] I think it's it's better. First it's better. I think it's uh, because it's more - it's stabler. [28:39]
[28:34] Because there is regular there is regular occupancy, yeah. [28:37]
[28:34] You prefer that too, Susan? Okay. [28:36]
[28:39] Okay. [28:41]
[28:40] 'Cause visitors stay and go. [28:41]
[28:48] Oops. Sorry. Uh what did we say here? This one. [28:55]
[28:53] @ one. [28:54]
[28:55] Yeah, that's good. [28:56]
[28:56] Yeah, my uh - [28:58]
[28:58] To me that's the best we can do. [28:59]
[29:01] If you - if we realistically can plan to have a lounge. [29:5]
[29:01] Okay. [29:2]
[29:05] $ [29:8]
[29:06] Well, I think that was really decided and it's it's no we - no, because, actually if we do a proposal without a lounge, and, you know, the other group will - [29:16]
[29:08] Okay okay okay. [29:9]
[29:12] % [29:13]
[29:14] We won't be very credible. [29:17]
[29:15] I go- I got the message. $ [29:19]
[29:17] Yeah, exactly, and that means that all the constraints that we said and uh # all the other things just, # we- we- well, just basically disappear. [29:25]
[29:26] Yes, sir. [29:26]
[29:27] Uh-huh, which means we've worked for nothing. Okay. Uh what's what's wrong with this? [29:35]
[29:36] So who has strong [29:37]
[29:37] Okay. [29:39]
[29:38] strong opposition to that? [29:39]
[29:41] Uh, I don't. Oh, you have to go, Susan? Okay. [29:44]
[29:43] I'll be right back @. [29:45]
[29:45] But do you have any - no. $ [29:47]
[29:46] Yeah, well, we are almost done, Susan, but uh we we'll we'll just check the the items. Yeah, please. Okay. No problem. [29:54]
[29:49] $ [29:49]
[29:50] I I just need to see somebody @. [29:53]
[29:53] But it's just a decision. No, you just have @. [29:56]
[29:56] Yeah, we we'll just review the items to see is we # look at all the constraints and then you'll be able to say the final uh yes or no. Um. [30:6]
[29:58] Okay. [29:59]
[30:04] @ I think we we we accommodated most of the constraints. 'Cause uh we are sure that Maggie and Bruno uh Maggie is happy with having Bruno in her office and Pierrette is happy to have uh Marianne in her office. That's that that checked? Okay. [30:17]
[30:08] Yeah. Mm-hmm. [30:10]
[30:15] Yeah, I think that's okay. Yeah, we checked. Uh. [30:20]
[30:18] And, yes, and @ no reason to think that there should be uh uh uh uh an impossible situation? [30:23]
[30:20] % [30:21]
[30:21] I don't think so. No. [30:24]
[30:24] Same thing for Marianne and Marianne F_ and Nikos? [30:27]
[30:28] Mm-hmm. [30:28]
[30:30] Uh Paola we don't know yet, because she didn't arrived yet. And uh, well, Yalina - Aha, that means for a for a short time Yalina will be just alone in the three person room. [30:40]
[30:40] Yeah, that's a bit - yeah, that was the point in letting David there and - but okay, maybe we'll just leave it as an option. David or visitor one or two. It's uh - [30:51]
[30:40] That's a bit a problem. [30:43]
[30:49] Ah but then then we - what we could just for the sake* of having a defendable solution, uh as long as Paola is not - has not arrived, is to switch for the proposal Paola and David - [31:4]
[30:55] Mm-hmm. [30:56]
[31:05] Mm-hmm. [31:6]
[31:06] But we we really plan that as soon as Paola is here or even earlier [31:11]
[31:08] Yeah. Mm-hmm. [31:9]
[31:12] Okay. So we'll know that uh that the region actually around here is probably movable. Yeah, either, yeah, we can switch Maria or Paola or David. Yeah. [31:23]
[31:12] David will go to the to the two people room. [31:15]
[31:17] It's just it will be switched. [31:19]
[31:20] 'Cause this this this this is dangerous to propose. I mean $ you have a three per- three person room with one masters student in it. Okay? $ So I wouldn't I wouldn't propose that. [31:34]
[31:27] Mm-hmm. [31:28]
[31:30] $ [31:33]
[31:31] Yeah, no, exactly. Yeah, tha- tha- # yeah, that's why I always # try to put the - to separate the visitors, just to balance a little bit. But okay, we'll uh, we'll be open on on that point. [31:41]
[31:38] Okay. [31:38]
[31:40] But as soon as Paola is here, [31:42]
[31:43] uh it starts to be better. And we will have visitors, for sure. [31:47]
[31:43] Yeah, it will become - [31:44]
[31:46] Mm-hmm. Or it depends also on - well, if Yalina stays longer or not, which is not yet very clear, but um - [31:53]
[31:50] Yeah, right right, that's true. Yeah. [31:52]
[31:53] Oh yeah, that's a point, @ true. Ah do we have a - do do we know do we know when when is she supposed to finish the - her uh master thesis? In June? [32:4]
[31:55] Okay, w- we'll see. Anyway, we'll we'll be open. [31:58]
[31:59] Mm I don't really know, I think her master thesis is probably due um - no, I would say, yeah, maybe June next year? At the latest. Yeah. # Actually I don't know, unfortunately. [32:12]
[32:08] June next year. [32:9]
[32:10] Okay, wha- when when do we - when do you - when @ - whe- uh when are we supposed to sub- sumbit the proposal? [32:17]
[32:18] Well, we we won't have any extra meeting, well, the four of us, so, yeah, this one has to to be the the final one. Um so um we'll we'll have actually I I'll present this to, well, with the other, I'll compare it with the other one, and uh try to make a decision actually. I think it's even uh a bit later, or in two days, or something like this. [32:40]
[32:21] 'Kay, that's now. [32:22]
[32:25] Okay. [32:26]
[32:34] Mm. [32:34]
[32:38] Okay. [32:38]
[32:40] Well so as soon as we have Susan we can uh we can um - so I would I would switch again. [32:45]
[32:45] Again, okay. We- yeah. Mm-hmm. [32:49]
[32:46] Da- but that, as I say, it's just for the sake* of the of the proposition, so I even - I'm even ready to uh to internally say that David will actually be in this room. [32:57]
[32:57] Yeah. W- we can leave it like this and then # - [33:0]
[32:59] What does it what does it change? @ names on the doors? [33:2]
[33:03] Uh, yeah, there will be names on the doors. [33:5]
[33:04] Aha, so if we - 'cause, Susan, the the the the problem the - let's say the techn- not the technical, the psy- psychological problem we have is - @ pra- I'm # extremenly happy with that solution. It would be a workab- work- working solution starting from January, when Paola will be here. But currently if we present it as it is, we have a three person room that is only occupied by a masters student. [33:27]
[33:07] Sorry, yeah. [33:8]
[33:11] $ [33:12]
[33:27] No, because there is another person right now, a student that I just uh um hired. And she's just working right now for uh [33:35]
[33:35] Aha, so sh- you have a student. That we - that's a rea- real visitor to some extent. [33:40]
[33:35] So she'll be a visitor. [33:37]
[33:35] for November and December, yeah. [33:38]
[33:38] A- she uh she's a she's a real visitor. She's a real visitor that I just made a contract for her for two months. Yeah. [33:45]
[33:41] Ah, so this one and this two one are just - ah okay, okay. So then we would have two people there. Okay. [33:48]
[33:44] Mm-hmm. [33:45]
[33:45] # [33:46]
[33:46] Okay. Yeah, we'll we'll keep it like this. Um okay I, well, I'll try to to express all these constraints and uh and say in particular that the two rooms over here actually are sort of uh, well, s- things could be changed over there, but on some other sides - [34:7]
[33:48] Yeah then that works. [33:50]
[34:05] Yeah, but you* you really have also to say that that that a a unit has to has to have some some horizon*. I mean uh # it's it's it's it's extremely important in the research domain that we can have people coming to visit us. [34:19]
[34:11] Yeah, the visitor space, yeah, I'll uh - [34:14]
[34:16] Mm-hmm. [34:17]
[34:19] # Yeah*, uh that's true. And - [34:23]
[34:20] Uh the second point I would suggest is that before you go to defend it, you should uh mm circulate it uh over mail to all the all the con- involved people. [34:30]
[34:31] Well, [34:32]
[34:32] To double-check so that - [34:33]
[34:33] I think this - I I'm not very sure, but I think this will be done after the meeting, when - okay. [34:41]
[34:37] I would do it before. $ 'Cause you - if you if you spend time defending a thing then um I don't know, Agnes comes to you or Pierrette comes to you saying it, no I don't want to be with Marianne. Uh what do you do? [34:50]
[34:43] Yeah. Mm-hmm. [34:45]
[34:48] Uh-huh. A- as far as know I think Agnes is also taking care of a proposal so okay, yeah, I'll circulate this. Perfect. [34:56]
[34:51] So so it doesn't - [34:53]
[34:54] @ cost anything, it's just people will look at it, say oh, great, I have a view on the mountain and I'm uh with a person I like, so I'm happy. [35:1]
[34:56] Yeah, exactly. [34:58]
[35:02] Okay, so maybe we'll learn some more constraints. Um okay. Um yeah, actually as I as I told uh Martin um, well, this is the last time we meet, so uh this is, well, more or less our proposal, and uh we'll have a meeting, I think, it's uh it's in two days or something like that. Uh to discuss and compare with the other proposal and uh, well, make a final decision. Actually, probably a pre-final one, since we'll have to check again with everyone. But uh - [35:34]
[35:06] What's the timeline on this now? So you have a meeting when? [35:10]
[35:28] Because - [35:29]
[35:31] Yeah, # it's it's it's not it's not completely - it's an important issue, because uh I need to know, when I will have the office decided, the phone number decided. Because these are information that I have to provide to @ administration. I'm reachable when I'm at uh - well, they can phone me on the mobile, but uh I would definitely prefer to have a clean filled administrative form that I can give back. [35:59]
[35:43] Mm-hmm. Oh, yeah. [35:44]
[35:43] Mm-hmm. [35:43]
[35:50] Yeah*. [35:52]
[35:57] Mm-hmm. Well, so actually I think, I I'm not very sure, but the most important thing is, well, finding out when we will move and this happens in probably, I think, next month or - depends also on how, well, the uh the furnishing and uh well goes on. @. [36:18]
[35:59] ..`` [36:7]
[36:07] Yes, yes. [36:9]
[36:11] Okay. [36:11]
[36:16] And then uh of course you have these - all these practical issues, how about internet connections? Well uh, network connections, I mean? [36:22]
[36:21] # No. [36:23]
[36:22] How many connections are there per room? [36:24]
[36:23] Yeah, because that's also something @ double check. You know, if you are in a room with three people and one network connection - # [36:30]
[36:24] Um. [36:25]
[36:28] Oh no no no. No the roo- the the building is very - no actually @ I've seen it. Uh the building is very modern and uh you can have actually - we'll get them activated, yeah. A- and I think you get at least th- yeah, three per room. So uh - or probably more than that. [36:46]
[36:30] Well no no um. [36:32]
[36:33] Okay. [36:34]
[36:35] But are they activated? [36:37]
[36:39] Okay. [36:40]
[36:43] Okay. [36:43]
[36:43] No, get the uh - for the the bigger rooms you get double for every workplace you get two lines. [36:49]
[36:47] Okay. [36:48]
[36:48] Yeah yeah, you need, because sometimes you need a laptop and - [36:51]
[36:49] Ah okay. Good that looks good. [36:51]
[36:49] Okay. [36:49]
[36:50] Yeah. [36:51]
[36:51] Yeah, sometimes he needs two two computers. Yeah, no this this @. [36:56]
[36:51] Yeah. [36:52]
[36:53] No, because lots of people have, you know, they have a Sun and they have a a PC, so - [36:58]
[36:57] And if you go back to the uh to the uh other sli- @ slide where you have the furniture so with this uh we - do we have any m- any any word to say and uh so that I would like to have a red chair or a blue desk uh or a - $ [37:11]
[36:57] Hmm. [36:58]
[37:01] % [37:2]
[37:08] $ [37:12]
[37:09] Oh no, unfortunately that's decided by the uh the school, so the the chairs are blue, the the desk is uh is brow-, well, light-brown. And uh - [37:20]
[37:13] So that's the standard things. [37:15]
[37:19] But do we have to order something or is it done automatically, so it will be in the office when we move in? [37:24]
[37:24] Uh, normally it's done automatically*, except that we'll have to think - [37:29]
[37:27] Well, we have to say how many places that we want to have. [37:30]
[37:31] Yeah, uh well, these are dictated by the names. Uh it's probably more difficult for the lounge. What we'll have is have a bit less furniture in the lounge and then bring all the, well the old - it's not old, because we just bought it, but uh all the furniture from the previous lounge we'll we'll bring it here. Uh. [37:53]
[37:42] Mm-hmm. [37:42]
[37:45] Mm. [37:45]
[37:51] And how about the boxes, because at @ you have to say when you will be moving the boxes, so that you have uh people for moving them. Or here you're supposed to move them yourself, or - [38:0]
[38:01] Well, it's the faculty that will take care of uh - [38:4]
[38:04] So we'll receive some information about that? [38:5]
[38:05] Yeah, yeah, I think - yeah, i- I mean it's a completely different issue from uh, you know, arranging people. It's just uh how the moving will take place. And there are @ things to to take care of, but uh it's uh quite unrelated with these things. Yeah, we'll get uh we'll get all the information. Uh thinking about internet connections, I think it's quite okay for the the for the the printer to be there. Yeah, I think it's i- it's feasible. We'll we'll check. So the # the violet box here is uh uh our mailboxes also. [38:37]
[38:06] Yeah, they'll just give us a date when - [38:7]
[38:07] Okay. [38:8]
[38:12] That's true, but uh $ right, right, right. @. Okay, okay. [38:16]
[38:26] Yeah, that's an important point, the the printer needs to be connected. $ [38:29]
[38:37] By the way uh uh is there any uh wireless connection uh antennas for getting - 'cause I I've I've heard that there is one downstairs in the - [38:47]
[38:42] Um not at the sixth floor. Yeah, yeah no- not not in the building for the moment. [38:48]
[38:47] @ that - [38:48]
[38:48] The - well, there is downstairs in the building and pretty soon the whole building will be covered. Yeah. [38:53]
[38:49] I mean not at this - [38:51]
[38:52] But that's important. I mean, typically for the laptops it's - [38:54]
[38:54] Mm-hmm. [38:55]
[38:55] Yeah, but right now in uh downstairs it's fine. Some people can pick it up on sixth floor. But pretty soon the whole building will be covered. [39:2]
[39:01] Ah okay, good. [39:2]
[39:02] Mm-hmm. # Okay. Well, I think it's a bit off topic already. So um let's say that i- it's a proposal. We'll try it - I'm, well I'll try to to express the the constraints and uh your opinions and uh - well, I think, finally everyone can veto something if there is a huge problem, but I think with this we we don't run into huge problems. [39:24]
[39:05] Yeah yeah, @. [39:7]
[39:06] Yeah, okay. [39:7]
[39:09] Mm? [39:9]
[39:20] Sure. [39:20]
[39:23] At least @ the four of us will not veto. [39:25]
[39:25] Yeah, obviously. So let me save this. [39:29]
[39:26] @. [39:27]
[39:26] @ $ at least @. [39:29]
[39:27] $ [39:27]
[39:30] So you agree with a lounge*? [39:31]
[39:30] And thank you for spending all this time. [39:33]
[39:32] # [39:32]
[39:32] $ [39:33]
[39:34] Yeah. [39:35]
[39:34] Hope you're all happy. [39:36]
[39:35] Okay. [39:35]
[39:43] ^@.^ [39:45]