From: "participant3" To: Subject: Re: Please summarise the last meeting Date: 15 December 2004 13:38 For the documentation of the design project, you and all of your colleages are asked to fill out a short questionnaire after e ----- Original Message ----- From: HeadOfDept@ami To: participant3@ami Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 12:32 PM Subject: Please summarise the last meeting Dear Colleague, Would you be so kind to report to me on the past meeting? Please hit the reply button and fill in the questions below, then click send. Please keep in mind that your notes are part of the project documentation - among other things, they will be used by myself and other staff to stay informed about the state of the project. It is therefore essential that your notes - though kept short - are of high quality. In particular: a.. Do not use any abbreviations. b.. Write notes that are understandable for somebody who was not present during the meeting The head of your department [ABSTRACT] Write one paragraph of coherent text to summarize the meeting as a whole from your role's perspective. This meeting fleshed out our exact design goals for this project, stating precisely what controls and functions are to be incorporated into the final design. We also considered the market for the device. [DECISIONS] Name all decisions that were made during the meeting. Mark those decisions that you consider of high importance for your role with a *. Write fragmented notes. We decided against voice control, on technical grounds* We decided in favour of the following controls;* Joystick Two function buttons LCD display We decided to aim both for the popular market and licensing to TV manufacturers We decided to include a "remote finder" that could be stuck to the TV set, which could transmit a signal, causing the remote to beep when lost [PROBLEMS/ISSUES] Name the problems or difficulties that occurred during the meeting. Mark those that you consider of high importance for your role with a *. Write fragmented notes. *Ensuring single-handed usability with joystick Worries about the feasibility of marketing a single-device remote [ACTIONS] Name the next steps that each member will take until the next meeting. Write fragmented notes. Flesh out the design in more detail - in my case, work out the shape of the remote and control layout