From: "participant1" To: Subject: Re: Please summarise the last meeting Date: 15 December 2004 11:27 [ABSTRACT] Write one paragraph of coherent text to summarize the meeting as a whole from your role's perspective. The team met for the first time and were given a chance to aquaint themselves with the meeting process. The task was introduced with minimal requirements set out at this point in time. Cost was covered and then the thoughts of the team were asked for. It was suggested a form of Macro design be incorporated into the remote control to allow greater flexibility within the remote control. A joystick for manipulation was offered as was greater functionality for gaming via the TV. It is felt not enough time was set aside for 'brainstorming' of the initial design concepts which could leave the group at a disadvantage within the next meeting. This will have to be rectified. [DECISIONS] Name all decisions that were made during the meeting. Mark those decisions that you consider of high importance for your role with a *. Write fragmented notes. Macro facility within the remote control but within a standard layout. Joystick for user manipulation. Facility to interact more with TV gaming Ergonomic design [PROBLEMS/ISSUES] Name the problems or difficulties that occurred during the meeting. Mark those that you consider of high importance for your role with a *. Write fragmented notes. * Tasks for the next meeting were not set out [ACTIONS] Name the next steps that each member will take until the next meeting. Write fragmented notes. Research into ideas previously mentioned. Tasks this time have been left too open-ended