Ukraine March

Size is proportional to frequencey and colour is proportional to sentiment with Positive tending towards blue, Negative towards red and Neutral terms are black.

America Austria Bahrain Belgium Canada China Crimea Donetsk Europe France Germany Iran Iraq Ireland Italy Kiev London Moscow Poland Russia Sevastopol Sochi Spain Syria UK Ukraine United States Venezuela White House

Example Tweets

America [back]

if #germany & #eu won't get involved to save #ukraine, when #putin decides to march right thru #europe don't cry for #america to save you!
suspend the license of the xenophobic and war mongering tv station russia today (rt) america...

Austria [back]

islam a religion of peace and love #ireland #uk #italy #spain #eu #austria #belgium #portgal #german #dublin
rt @olgatokariuk: following putin's logic on ussr, austria might say collapse of habsburg empire was illegal, france invoke napoleon and it

Bahrain [back]

are you #business man in #bahrain save our number for clarence documents & #work #visa #india #philippines #pakistan #london #uk #usa #work
complete madness by #alwefaq thugs attacking citizens & policemen n #bahrain with molotovs .. not at all peaceful @barackobama #hrw #un #gcc

Belgium [back]

islam a religion of peace and love #ireland #uk #italy #spain #eu #austria #belgium #portgal #german #dublin
we must boycott insane koreans! #usa #france #uk #italy #spain #eu #austria #belgium #portgal

Canada [back]

win #transformers rescue bots heroes on the scene before mar30 #us #canada #giveaway @hasbronews @shoutfactory
yatsenyuk a pm by riot, a extreme right wing riot

China [back]

china shares u.s. interest in peaceful ukraine resolution that upholds ukraine's territorial integrity, u.s. says
rt @al3ameed_70: the shia women terrorise and abuse local police #bahrain #un #usa #paris #uk #japan #china #india #hrw @baracobama http://

Crimea [back]

@andrewmmacleod i am the crown & i recognize the russian territorial claim, but momentarily it is best for all to keep the crimea in ukraine
ukraine crisis: the priority in the crimea remains de-escalation: the crisis in crimea represents the most sig...

Donetsk [back]

strong support for united ukraine.
rt @euromaidanpr: 15+ hurt in #donetsk as separatists storm gov building & attack pro-ukraine demonstrators.-@freedomhousedc ipr post http:

Europe [back]

if #germany & #eu won't get involved to save #ukraine, when #putin decides to march right thru #europe don't cry for #america to save you!
rt @kassra1234: group of most serious takfirists terrorists were killed by #assad's army snipers #syria #russia #us #europe #un http://t.c

France [back]

rt @p1ames: france's hollande: political side of eu-ukraine agreement can be applied immediately #ukraine @globalpost
rt @france24_en: #breaking - warning shots fired as foreign observers blocked from entering ukraines crimea region

Germany [back]

if #germany & #eu won't get involved to save #ukraine, when #putin decides to march right thru #europe don't cry for #america to save you!
ukraine crisis will kill the g8, fears germanys merkel: germany has tried to limit russian ambitions by...

Iran [back]

#ashton wins praise and criticism in #iran press #eu #iranelection
iran: political prisoners stage riots in evin prison #radio1 #oman #iran3rdoption #uk #london #bbc #ap #un #iraq

Iraq [back]

my team has won on 'iraq - fort'! join us! #ipad, #ipadgames, #gameinsight
rt @wanderer19: gop senators who voted to send soldiers to war in iraq, now warmongering over the crisis in ukraine killed vets benefits.

Ireland [back]

islam a religion of peace and love #ireland #uk #italy #spain #eu #austria #belgium #portgal #german #dublin
@gksteinhauser @matinastevis imposed partition at threat of terrible war - shared fates of ireland, #ukraine in face of declining imp pwrs

Italy [back]

islam a religion of peace and love #ireland #uk #italy #spain #eu #austria #belgium #portgal #german #dublin
#greece #spain #ireland #portugal #cyprus #italy #france should be outraged by #barrosso pledge 11 billion euro to #kiev fascists.

Kiev [back]

7 reasons why @donald_weber's kiev molotov cocktail portraits are that effective cc @vice @viiphoto #ukraine #war
rt @thelemniscat: hypocrisy of john kerry: laying roses for kiev dead, killed by opposition snipers, financed by $5 billion #ukraine http:/

London [back]

please join us for a peace vigil for ukraine, organized by wake up london facilitator and ukrainian, svetlana...
iran: political prisoners stage riots in evin prison #radio1 #oman #iran3rdoption #uk #london #bbc #ap #un #iraq

Moscow [back]

top lawmaker: #russia would welcome #crimea 'moscow (ap) #russia rallied support friday for a #crimean bid to s...'
rt @rt_com: moscow denounces gun attack on pro-russian activists in eastern ukraine

Poland [back]

poland a vital ally and friend
most stupid thing i've heared today: #poland fears a russian invasion in poland due to #crimea conflict.

Russia [back]

glory to ukraine, glory to russia, glory to all the heroes
.@carold501 @weaselzippers russia invades ukraine, syrians being murdered, venezuela killings + much more and idiot obama has time for this?

Sevastopol [back]

rt @darthputinkgb: tourists appreciate beautiful sevastopol harbour with one of the many ferries that take visitors for trips in #crimea ht
rt @benbrownbbc: violence we saw today in #sevastopol very savage - a terrifying moment that was a glimpse of the abyss #crimea hovers over.

Sochi [back]

rt @antonwsj: this feels like so long ago: a crimean biathlon fan in sochi who was cheering for both ukraine and russia
sports spotlight back on sochi amid crimea crisis - overshadowed by the international crisis over ukraine, russia...

Spain [back]

islam a religion of peace and love #ireland #uk #italy #spain #eu #austria #belgium #portgal #german #dublin
how thailands trade in fake passports fuels crime gangs around the world #law #dsi #spain #thailand #us

Syria [back]

rt @free_media_hub: syrias assad expresses support to putin on ukraine | euronews, true love
rt @i_magpie: criminal #un equates assads slaughter of children with the punishment of his murderous gangs! #syria

UK [back]

win 1 of 2, a fantastic digital camera win 1 of 2, a fantastic digital camer. . . #uk #competitions
rt @adhrb: #uk at #hrc25: "torture is an abhorrent violation of human rights." #bahrain

Ukraine [back]

rt @rt_com: 'glory to ukraine, glory to russia, glory to all the heroes'
ukraine crisis: shots fired as crimea observers stopped - bbc news: bbc newsukraine crisis: shots fired as cri...

United States [back]

rt @austinmahone: happy birthday to the homegirl @iambeckyg 🎉🎁 thanks for helping me take over the u.s. 😝 and congrats on the big 17!! welc
rt @thedirtysports: u.s. mens soccer team lost to ukraine...our soccer team is so shitty we lose to countries in the middle of a war.

Venezuela [back]

rt @mariaconchita_a: #venezuela and #ukraine united last saturday in los angeles for democracy and freedom of its people.
.@carold501 @weaselzippers russia invades ukraine, syrians being murdered, venezuela killings + much more and idiot obama has time for this?

White House [back]

rt @usembassywarsaw: president obama will welcome prime minister arseniy #yatsenyuk of #ukraine to the white house on march 12 - http://t.c
white house: ukraine crisis proves romney was wrong about russia via @leonhwolf