Ukraine June

Size is proportional to frequencey and colour is proportional to sentiment with Positive tending towards blue, Negative towards red and Neutral terms are black.

Alexander Borodai Andriy Shevchenko Angela Merkel Arsen Avakov Barack Obama David Cameron Dr Mohamed Al-Arefe Dr Qadri Jean-Claude Juncker Jesus Christ John Kerry Luis Suarez Nadia Savchenko Nawaz Sharif Petro Poroshenko President Rohani Vladimir Putin

Example Tweets

Alexander Borodai [back]

Ukraine separatists 'to join truce': Pro-Russia separatist leader in eastern Ukraine Alexander Borodai says he...

Andriy Shevchenko [back]

RT @FinishedPlayers: Andriy Shevchenko is now an MP in Ukraine as well as a semi-professional golf player.

Angela Merkel [back]

Merkel calls for implementing Ukraine's peace plan World June 23, 8:37: BERLIN, June 22. /ITAR-TASS/. German C...
RT @Catherina_News: Poroshenko conducts furious round of telephone diplomacy & urges Angela Merkel, EU Help End Pro-Russian Revolt http://t…

Arsen Avakov [back]

RT @RT_com: URGENT: #Russia puts #Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov on intl wanted list
RT @CoalsonR: . @DarthPutinKGB, I'll bet whole Kremlin was in stitches when you all wrote up these charges agnst Avakov/Kolomoiskiy http://…

Barack Obama [back]

Obama asks Putin to support 'peace and stability' in Ukraine. - @globol10 !!
RT @Al3AMEED_70: Iran client-Maliki and his militia war criminals brutally kill Sunnis in #Iraq #usa #uk #nyc #un #eu #Obama #hrw #bh http:…

David Cameron [back]

Scotland can do a far better job of representing ourselves in #EU than 'incompetent' Cameron can: @theipaper #voteYes
RT @OpenEurope: LEAK: #Polish FM #Sikorski says Cameron 'incompetent' in #EU affairs. "He f***** it up. Simple as that." More here: http://…

Dr Mohamed Al-Arefe [back]

Dr Qadri [back]

RT @AnjumKiani: Mr Sharif u can Divert Dr Qadri's flight to any city you want! Inqilabis will be out in force no matter where it lands! #R…
RT @AnjumKiani: Mr Sharif u can Divert Dr Qadri's flight to any city you want! Inqilabis will be out in force no matter where it lands! #R…

Jean-Claude Juncker [back]

Mini-summit of #EU's social democrat leaders at @Elysee: support for #Juncker as president of @EU_Commission
RT @BreitbartLondon: #Cameron Facing Humiliation as #EU leaders back #Juncker

Jesus Christ [back]

RT @502michael502: Top 10 Reasons Why Jesus Christ Is Not God #Jesus #Christian #Usa #popefrancis #RisingStar #Bras…

John Kerry [back]

Lavrov and Kerry discuss situation in Ukraine in context of Poroshenko peace plan
RT @Partisangirl: Kerry to #Syria "if u bomb #ISIS it will cause secterian divisions" ISIS is already as secterian a…

Luis Suarez [back]

RT @Stako_tennis: Round of applause for #Suarez ...just 4 weeks after surgery..incredible performance.. #WorldCup2014
RT @NaifBinrubayan: #Uruguay_vs_England #UK #England Thank you Suarez for British's tears, our enemy British enemy of Arabs

Nadia Savchenko [back]

RT @upiterian: Nadya Savchenko, a Ukr Air Force pilot, our Supergirl:kidnapped by terrorists while helping the injured! #SaveOurGirl http:/…

Nawaz Sharif [back]

RT @AnjumKiani: Well Well Well! #SethiBinRAW given the Supari by Taliban Sharif to create confusion inrelation to #LahoreMassacre @najamse…
RT @SahdiaFrenchMQI: The Chief Murderer, Shehbaz Sharif himself admitted that inocent people have been killed. #LahoreMassacre #DrQadri

Petro Poroshenko [back]

Poroshenko's Ukraine peace plan gets limited support from Putin - Reuters: ReutersPoroshenko's Ukraine peace p...
#Poroshenko can't carry on like nothing happened after 9 #Ukraine's military personnel died in a coward attack by pro-#Russia-n terrorists

President Rohani [back]

RT @Al3AMEED_70: Iranian President Rohani: thousands are ready to go to Iraq to defend the holy sites #usa #uk #un #eu #Obama #hrw #bh http…

Vladimir Putin [back]

Putin supports Ukraine peace plan: Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he supports a peace plan tabled b...
RT @EastOfBrussels: #Russia terrorists threaten to murder 100s of miners in #Ukraine if they don't support #Putin #g…