Syria 29 aug 04 sept 2013

Size is proportional to frequencey and colour is proportional to sentiment with Positive tending towards blue, Negative towards red and Neutral terms are black.

assad ban ki-moon boehner cameron chris hedges clegg david dennis rodman donald rumsfeld ed miliband george galloway hagel hillary clinton kerry mccain noam chomsky obama pelosi pope president francois hollande putin ron paul saddam sarah sarah palin tony blair william hague

Example Tweets

assad [back]

@ambassadorpower the u.s. should engage in great dialogue with russia and iran to gain their support to ensure assad will no longer use wmd.
@pedestrian @lrozen pressure iranian leadership to abandon assad and stop sending people to kill and die in #syria instead.

ban ki-moon [back]

i liked a @youtube video ban ki-moon briefs un security council on syria
un chief warns strike on syria may unleash more turmoil: ban ki-moon cautions that strikes against syria are l...

boehner [back]

@bieberrkfc obama gains boehner's support for syria strike: obama gains boehner's support for syria strike assoc... @mjjpeace
rt @ap: #ap10things: ariel castro found dead in prison, boehner backs syria strike, putin interviewed and more: -cj

cameron [back]

@david_cameron not a fan of cameron but have developed incredible respect for how the syria vote was handled and accepted.
rt @miguelquinones: @galalfathy: syria crisis: david cameron plans reshuffle after chaotic defeat in commons #tahrir #30june #26july #uk h…

chris hedges [back]

chris hedges syria obama real news
chris hedges on obama decision to attack syria and "give congress a voice"

clegg [back]

clegg shilly-shallying a bit on whether uk could support "indirect" military action against syria without a further parliamentary vote
rt @bbcbreaking: "no evidence" syrian opposition behind chemical weapons attack - uk deputy pm clegg, ahead of intelligence report http://t…

david [back]

@david_cameron not a fan of cameron but have developed incredible respect for how the syria vote was handled and accepted.
@david_cameron @bbcnews if you go to war with syria you'll destroy this country!

dennis rodman [back]

rt @albertbrooks: how can we attack syria without giving dennis rodman a chance?
rt @albertbrooks: how can we attack syria without giving dennis rodman a chance?

donald rumsfeld [back]

rt @freeppolitics: rumsfeld in grand rapids: either oust assad or stay out of syria
rt @potifar66: killer rumsfeld, architect of iraq war, says obama hasn’t yet justified syria attack

ed miliband [back]

rt @fieldproducer: cnn on ed miliband speaking on syria 'just heard from an opposition leader' looks like he hasn't broken america, i'm sur…
rt @gemini2359: oh dear cant win over parliament ! no 10 launches bitter assault on ed miliband over syria vote<what pathetic losers http:…

george galloway [back]

i liked a @youtube video from @georgegalloway george galloway 2013 parliament on syria hd
rt @blairsupporter: liar george galloway denies suggesting israel gave chemical weapons to syrian opposition.

hagel [back]

hagel: us discusses 'facts' on syria with allies (the arizona republic): share with friends: | | top news - ...
what chuck hagel was wearing when he thought u.s. might strike syria (bunch of old ass commies making bad decisions)

hillary clinton [back]

i'm pretty sure hillary clinton is staying quiet on syria
ambassador raped & murdered & 3 americans abandoned by hillary & o! answer?

kerry [back]

kerry’s frenemy assad in 2010: ‘i trust kerry…i met him 5 times’ #genieo ' god in heaven save us! political hacks
rt @captain_luv: syria chemical weapons attack killed 1429, says john kerry - bbc news: bbc newssyria chemical weapons attack k... http://t…

mccain [back]

rt @rileyrebel129: just so we're clear: mccain has nicer things to say about al qaeda in syria than about conservatives in a tea party http…
mccain: rejection of syria war resolution would be 'catastrophic' - -- likely 'catastrophic' only 4 the o regime.

noam chomsky [back]

rt @huffingtonpost: noam chomsky weighs in in syria strike
chomsky: syria attack would be "war crime" journalism oppose wars this way.

obama [back]

but i trust president obama to do what's best.
rt @sparkygreg: when terrorists kill 4 americans in #benghazi obama doesn't care, but when syrian terrorist kill other terrorist obama want…

pelosi [back]

@andreatantaros good job today!!! especially: kerry, dinner w/ assad & pelosi's "assad is a reformer".
rt @buzzfeedben: pelosi: “”president assad was wrong to gas the syrian people killing more than 1,400 people, including 400 children.” er y…

pope [back]

rt @gehringdc: pope francis pleads for peace in syria as prominent catholic legislators support action
rt @the_tablet: pope and king of jordan meet to discuss syria crisis: dialogue is the 'only option' to end conflict

president francois hollande [back]

wise news france set to become washington's main syria ally - french president francois hollande made clear friday...
obama and hollande "of one mind" about the need to bomb the hell out of syria

putin [back]

rt @chicago6611: chris hayes is backing assad again combined with snowys best friend putin
rt @seemasirohi: first responder: putin rejects syria chemical weapons accusations as 'utter nonsense' - abc news (v…

ron paul [back]

i liked a @youtube video from @les_gr0sssman ron paul: syria intervention beginning of the end of american
salon attacks ron paul over storyleak article in which he says syrian chemical attack was launched to initiate war.

saddam [back]

rt @camanpour: wow! fmr iran pres blames assad for use of chem weapons, remembering iranians gassed by saddam while world stood by http://t…
rt @kerryepp: kerry said assad killed thousands with poison gas.. saddam hussein killed millions with gas.

sarah [back]

and i’m the idiot?” - sarah... http://t.…
and i’m the idiot?” - sarah..<#foreveridiot

sarah palin [back]

rt @chellaney: the best quote on syria i've read — sarah palin: "let allah sort it out."
rt @charliemax: quotes from glenn beck, ted cruz, rand paul, sarah palin and rush limbaugh about war with syria -

tony blair [back]

rt @itvnews: photographer injured in syria said: "the ghost of blair and wmd has left us hogtied"
rt @tonyblairoffice: intervention is bloody, standing aside is worse - tony blair writes about syria in the sunday times:…

william hague [back]

@bieberrkfc uk to keep pushing on syria - hague: the uk will continue to push for a "strong international response to the u... @mjjpeace
hague: 'no regrets or recrimination' after syria vote unlike 'bully boy' cameron?