WebExp: Future Work

WebExp is fully functional and can be used to design and run a variety of timed experiments. However we hope to extend its capabilities in the future by adding new features and refining existing functionality.

Designed for flexibility

WebExp has been designed with extensibility in mind - we have provided flexibility in three ways:

  1. Flexibility of design (extensibility)
  2. We have endeavored to design the system in accordance with object-oriented design principles, to create a system which is modular, with well-defined interfaces, so that useful extensions can be written and essentially `plugged in' to the system without having to rewrite existing code.
  3. Flexibility of use
  4. The experimenter can use the system as it stands to design a wide variety of experiments by just specifying new experiment descriptions in XML.
  5. Flexibility of operation (robustness)
  6. The system is designed to be robust and fault-tolerant, to minimise loss of information from such problems as network errors and subject dropout. There is a comprehensive logging scheme which records potential and actual problems, and it will in future be possible to reconnect and return partial results.

Future Capabilities

We hope to build on this flexibility by implementing some of the following features:

Internationalisation and accessibility

The system has been designed with these aims in mind, so we can add the full functionality without major redesign of the existing tools. This will be achieved using Java's built-in support in the Java Foundation Classes.

Experimenter tools

Server features

Client (experiment) features

These last three features will allow WebExp to provide better support for self-paced reading studies along with a wide variety of other experimental paradigms.

WebExp Development Team
School of Informatics, 10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, Scotland, UK
© 2024 The University of Edinburgh