Speakers' Slides

SAFECOMP 2002 Keynote Speakers
John C. Knight 
(University of Virginia, US)
``Software Challenges in Aviation Systems'' 
Bev Littlewood
(City University, UK)
``On Diversity, and the Elusiveness of Independence''
Andrea Servida
(European Commission)
``Dependability in the Information Society: getting ready for the FP6''

Joint ECCE-11 & SAFECOMP 2002 Session on ``Human-Machine System Dependability'' - Panelists
Gran Bjørn Axel
(Institutt for Energiteknikk, NO) 
Christopher Barlett
(BAE SYSTEMS Avionics Ltd, UK) 
Helmut Bezecny
(DOW Deutschland, D) 
Dino De Luca
Alberto Pasquini
(Deep Blue, I) 
Bernard Pavard
(IRIT - Université Paul Sabatier, F)