Found 2 args. Observation: q7nc1; Result size: 211; atts: 2 who $m g right okay audrey g you're starting to the to my left-hand side of the bandit territory f left f oh my f right okay g okay f to your left-hand side g uh-huh f right okay g the left-hand side f so that's like my right-hand side right g yeah f okay g you're going underneath where the guy is and underneath the writing f right g you're going along mm long a bit and then start going up 'til you're sort f along to your left g along to my right f wait a minute a-- along to your f first of g along to my right in the direction of the cattle stockade f oh my god oh my god f along to your right are you sure it's your not your left g along t-- g no g along to my right g directly in front of me i have the bandit territory on the left g okay g and i've got the cattle stockade on my right f right okay g okay g you're starting just to the left-hand side of the bandit territory f right g and then you're going underneath the bandit territory g and then you start f oh have i missed that f oh right g okay g you start slowly moving up 'til you're sort of level with the cattle stockade f right f is there a parched river bed in between them g no g i don't have anything like that f oh well i've got a parched river bed so g well you just sort of f will i sort of try and avoid it or g yeah g just sort of come up a bit 'til you're sort of level with the with the cattle part and then go down underneath it underneath it 'til like 'til the end of it f oh i've to come up t-- and then go back down again g right g yeah g just up slightly so you're sort of level with the little guys hat at the bandit territory f okay g okay f oopala g oopala f certainly f well my map's looking quite funny at the moment but never mind right g right g you go back down underneath the cattle stockade f again g no tho-- sorry f i've come g i thought you were j-- g are you there g right g when you get to the cattle stockade go straight up f uh-huh g right g 'til you get to the cavalry place that you've got a little fort thing g okay have you got that f except i haven't g you haven't f i've got straight above the cattle stockade i've got a trout farm g right g the cavalry place is sort of just just down below that f below the trout farm g yeah just f there's absolutely nothing in my g right g it's just directly below that anyway f right f i'll just sort of come up 'til i'm directly below the trout farm g the trout farm f right g right g go back along towards the left f right g just below the trout farm f to yo-- to you-- f oh i'll just go to the left i don't care if it's your left or my left f right g well it's my left anyway g start to slowly walk go down the way g have you got a picture of a great rock f uh-huh g yeah it's just g come down 'til you're about ehm two in-- two to three inches above that f right g okay f right g ehm go along to like level with the "b" from the bandit territory f okay g if you know what i mean if you just walk up g and then start going back up the way again to the outside of a gold mine g have you got a gold mine f i've got a to-- i've got f right f i've came down to an inch ab-- two inches above the great rock right g right f to the right of the great rock f and then above the great rock i've got a totem pole and then i've got a gold mine g right g go right up to like beside the gold mine f right f but see what about the "b" what did you say about the "b" in the bandit territory g sort of curved out the way g i just meant like that was how far out you were to go to f oh above the great rock g yeah f right okay g okay f right f and then right up to the gold mine g u-- up to the gold mine f to the left or to the right g well g once you get to the gold mine you start going to m-- my right g and you've got another great rock f i haven't g have you got the indian country f uh-huh g right f it's sort of away over to the right-hand side g uh-huh f right g when you get to the gold mine start going down a bit f mmhmm g right f well i've come up to the sort of bottom left-hand corner of the gold mine right g right you're g go above the gold mine above the little dr-- drawing bits of the gold mine f right okay f right f to the and then along to the indian country which is below it g yeah g go down the way so that you miss the great rock f right g and then back up above the tote-- above the wigwams f of the indian country g o-- of the indian country g right g go above them f right g then go up g have you got the carved stones f i've got an indian country then a ravine f and then the carved stones g well avoid the ravine f right g and go ehm above the indian s-- above the carved stones sorry f right g right g go round and above them heading back to the left again f right g do you have a graveyard f nope g no g what do you have there f i've got the carved stones and then a diamond mine g right f like towards the g come down just after the carved stones f right f to the left of the carved stones right g to the left of the carved stones g and then sort of go back a bit to the right g and you're sort of undernea-- f back up g back towards the right f towards the ravine g curve round to g yeah well try and avoid the ravine f right okay f right g and well the graveyard's here g so do you have gallows f right f uh-huh f they're sort of away over to the left hand side g yeah g okay g well say about ehm a centimetre above them f mmhmm g go underneath like where the graveyard is to the diamond mine straight along to the diamond right mine f okay f right g by the way i started at the finish instead of at the start i've just realised that f i know f 'cause i was just aye just about a couple of minutes ago i saw the start thing g yeah snap g who cares g anyway and then like after the diamond mine cut up on the left-hand side of it up to the start f uh-huh f different f oh no g well we did it reversed f so we should have started there g yeah f doesn't matter g well we did it the wrong way round but