Found 2 args. Observation: q6nc7; Result size: 206; atts: 2 who $m g right ehm g have you got the start yeah f yeah g at the sandy shore f yeah g right ehm g see at the tip of crane bay have you got a well f no i've not got a well no g ehm have you got anything there no f i've got s-- ehm at the bottom of crane bay where it goes into the gurgling brook i've got an iron bridge over that f have you got that g oh right g no g ehm you know how there's local residents f uh-huh g is that to the left of it you've got that f it's just above the iron bridge is just above local residents g oh right g well g see at the tip of crane bay i've got a well g so g if like you go down sandy shore f uh-huh g and then go around the tip as though there is a well there and then up to the wee groove where in crane bay just well above the local residents if you go there f up g to the left of to the left of sandy shore g right f right f i want to go down to the left of sandy shore g uh-huh g and then curve out as though there is a well there just where the tip of crane bay is f right f eh just go down from there in other words g uh-huh yeah f right f and then g and then up g you know how there's a a wee kind of groove in crane bay then it goes down towards the forked stream f yeah g if you go up to there g right g and just stop there f uh-huh g right ehm g you know how there's local residents there f yeah g right g well see where you've stopped g just go to the right f uh-huh f round the side of it yeah g uh-huh just to the right g and then stop a couple of centimetres after crane bay g now ehm g have you got a forked stream yeah f yeah i've got a forked stream f right down gurgling f have you got gurgling brook coming out of crane bay g no i don't have a gurgling brook f eh just it forks where there's a tree is that right g uh-huh g yeah right f uh-huh yeah g see if you go down just from where you are just go down beside the forked stream to where it divides and stop there f right f right okay g right f right g ehm now g to the right of the dead tree have you got farmed land f no i've not no g ehm right g have you got anything there no f no i've not got anything no g no g right g well if you just ehm curve out about five centimetres from where you've stopped f to the right g uh-huh to the right f so over the river then g ehm no hang on f i'm at i'm at the left of the of the stream going down g oh right right sorry g ehm you're supposed to be at the right f oh i'm supposed to right i'm supposed to go over the river then g ehm g no g right g go back to where the groove in crane bay is f uh-huh g right g ehm now did you go along to the right yeah f i went to the right f and down past the side of the local residents you know between that and the river g oh right right oh right sorry ehm g no you were supposed to go past the river a few centimetres out of the river so that you were to the right of it f right f right okay i'm to the right of the i'm to the right of the river f and then down g uh-huh f down g down to where it divides f down to where it divides g to the right of it g uh-huh yeah f right okay i'm there now f right g right and ehm g you're going to have to like curve out to the right as though there's something there g 'cause i've got farmed land here so f right g curve out have to ehm f is it a sort of straight line out or just a you know to the right or s-- just curved lands out g eh just sloping very slightly g downwards f right g very slightly ehm g curve out about five six centimetres f right f right okay g and curve round and then ehm go straight along to the bottom of the dead tree f so curve round and then straight along to the bottom g uh-huh g of the dead tree f right f i'm still on the right-hand side of the river is that right g uh well g you've curved out towards the right so you're like in the middle of the river now kind of thing where the dead tree is at the bottom of that f right f i'm right in the middle of the river g uh-huh f right okay g at the bottom of dead tree f right g right ehm now g have you got a lagoon to the left of the map just ehm f yes i have yeah g uh-huh g right g if you go straight down about six seven centimetres f right g right and then g go straight to the left just ehm just to the right of the lagoon f right f to the the top of the where it sort of splurges out into the lagoon g uh-huh g yeah right f right g now if you go ehm down the right-hand side of the lagoon and stop at the bottom of the lagoon where at the tip of the lagoon f right g ehm right g have you got eh you know green bay f yeah i've got green bay yeah g right g just ehm above green bay have you got rock fall f no i've not no g ehm have you got anything there g no f no f i've just got green bay i've got the ship in it and a com-- f computer controlled sub that's all g oh right g oh right g ehm now g see if you go from the tip of the lagoon and uh down to the left but you'll need to curve out a bit as though g 'cause i've got a rock fall there f so g so f i w-- i want to curve out to the left g uh-huh yeah f eh heading heading for where the top of green bay g eh right g you know how where there's ehm g let me see g know how where sandy shore is that line towards the left f uh-huh g it comes right down to the bottom forms a tip f yeah g if you go to there f right f so i'm in a sort of line down from that sort of thing g uh-huh yeah g yeah f right f and just above the green g uh-huh f right that's right i'm there okay g right g right and g have you got the pirate ship yeah f yeah i have uh-huh g right g 'cause the finish is just to the left of the pirate ship ehm just go straight down f right f uh-huh g and then along a few centimetres to the right just to the t-- ehm left of the pirate ship and that's where it finishes f straight down a few centimetres to the right right f i've got computer controlled sub that i better g uh-huh right f avoid f and i finish at the left of the pirate ship g uh-huh yeah f right f at the bottom g uh-huh f right that's it