Found 2 args. Observation: q6nc4; Result size: 248; atts: 2 who $m g right g so you've got a a start i presume f uh-huh yeah g up at the the top on the sort of left-hand side f yeah f just above the diamond mine g have you got g yeah f uh-huh g so you want to go just round the side of the diamond mine f right g so you're at the bottom of that f right g right now ehm g have you got a wagon wheel f um no f i've got a swamp g you've got f to the left of the bottom left of the diamond mine there's a swamp g right g well g the bottom the bottom left g well g you want to just go ehm along to g you got the stone you s-- you got a stone creek yes f eh f stone creek f no g you got stone slabs f i've got like f you know where the swamp is f just to the right of that there's rapids g oh right f mm g i've i've not got any of that i've got g oh the swamp is that to the left of the diamond mine f uh-huh to the left of the diamond mine g sorry right i see g well g you want to go to the right of the diamond mine just keep going the same sort of direction you are f right g in a slight slight up gradient for about f right g ehm eh have you got the swan pond at the bottom f eh swamp's at the bottom left yeah g the s-- no the f and i've to go to the right g ah you've to go to the right g no sorry right at the bottom of the map there's a swan pond g do you see that right at the very bottom f there's a saloon bar at the bottom of my map g uh-huh g to to the right of that have you not got a swan pond no f no g well g just just go eh to your right from the bottom of the diamond mine f uh-huh g eh in a slight up gradient 'til you're just sort of past centre of the map f right f right f right okay g uh-huh ehm g better make sure you're f-- a f-- a reasonable bit to the right-hand side of the map actually g 'cause there's a wh-- a wagon wheel here you've got to miss f right g right now y-- g ehm g you've got have you got a rift valley in the top right hand corner f yeah uh-huh uh-huh g and is that the only obstacle you've got f in just where i'm going there's a cactus as well g right well g you want to go up straight up and then along over the top of the rift valley and then down through the middle of it f right f so it's straight up to the rift valley g uh-huh f and then down through the middle of it g down through the middle of it yes f right g right g so you're you're at the middle of the rift valley f uh-huh g now g have you got rocks below that f yeah f quite a bit below f it uh-huh g uh-huh quite a bit below g it s-- now g you want to go down straight down to about halfway to the rocks and then just miss the rocks on the left-hand side f right g a sort of miss them by go a diagonal line straight down in a diagonal line f right okay g missing the rocks by a couple of centimetres f right g right eh you've g have you got a stone creek f eh no g no you've not g right f ehm there's like to the left of the rocks there's rapids and then like below the rocks there's an outlaws' hideout g uh-huh g well g straight across from the rocks on the left i've got the stone creek g so what you want to do is you want to keep going down the same direction you're going f uh-huh g and 'til you're about the middle of the paper f right g and you stop so you're in sort of in a line with the writing of rocks f right f so i need to go down as well yeah g you need to go down yeah f right got that g right g now you want to go g i've got white water you've you've got something else apparently g you want to go up slightly and g what have what have you got to the left of where we are f rapids g you've got rapids f uh-huh g ah right i've got white water so it's the same f yeah g sort of thing presumably f yeah g you want to go up the same sort of gradient to the left as you've been going down g if you know what i mean f oh right okay g so you're above g you're above the rapids f the rapids f uh-huh right g and then g c-- and then g come down the side of them at the side of them f right okay g right f right g so g have you got anything in the sort of vicinity round about here any obstacles f rapids well below the rapids there's a manned fort g well g you want to go ehm s-- straight down well curve out slightly from where you are and then curve back in eh straight down to g have you got the stone creek f yeah uh-huh g ehm sort of well ten centimetres above the stone creek in a line with just above the stone slabs that sort of level f right f right g and and above the stone creek you want to go down there in a sort of curved slight curved circle the sort of shape of an eye f right g i would say f down to about where just where the stone creek is yeah g above above the stone creek directly above the middle of that about where the just above the level of the stone slabs g have you got the stone slabs yeah right f right f yeah uh-huh right right g right g you there yeah f uh-huh yeah g right g have you got an outlaws' hideout to your right f yeah f that's quite a bit above though g quite a b-- yeah that's right f uh-huh g you want to go eh up up to that so you're just underneath the outlaws' hideout f right f right g now right g you're direct underneath the ou-- outlaws' hideout g you want to curve out to your right slightly so you're about two or three centimetres well five centimetres off the edge of the page f right g and then just go straight down g have you got the noose f yeah uh-huh g uh-huh g go go just go straight down from there so you're eh at the bottom of the noose on the right-hand side of it f right g just a straight line down f right g right now you want to curve down g have you got the swan pond f no g you've not got the swan pond f there's just a noose and then like to the left there's stone creek and below that there's a saloon bar but nothing else g aye right the saloon bar right g well g basically from the noose you're wanting to get to underneath the saloon bar f uh-huh g what you've got to do is y-- ehm drop from the the noose in a sort of curve to your left f right g so that you're just about the level at the top of the saloon bar f right f right g right now g just go along a a couple of centimetres not too much f right g and and curve curve up and then back down so you're ah g you've not got the swan pond of course see i've got a swan pond there you need to go up over and round f mmhmm g so you want to be going up g up the way slightly and then back down f right f so so should i be sh-- ehm to the left of the saloon bar yeah when i finish g i'm g ehm y-- yes g you go underneath the saloon bar and finish to the to the left of it yeah so from from here you want to go up in a curve and then back down so you're at the same level you were originally avoiding the swan pond that i've got f right f right f okay g right g from there you just want to go g-- eh curves you're underneath the saloon bar f right g and from underneath the saloon bar g ehm g well the finish is g ehm i was going to say where where the says finish but of course that's not particularly useful g ehm a couple of i'd say five centimetres above the saloon bar and just off a few centimetres off the side of the map on the left-hand side that's where the finish is f oh right ehm f i've come down to the left of the saloon bar and i'm like at the bottom of the saloon bar just now g y-- right g you're bottom of the saloon bar f uh-huh g right g you just want to curve up eh along past the saloon bar f right g and g ehm g it's it's about eh it's just a few centimetres out from the left-hand side of the page a few centimetres up from the saloon bar it's f oh right f no i'm going towards the right just now g oh you're going towards the right sorry f uh-huh g right g you just want you want to be you're at the bottom of the saloon bar f uh-huh g and you want to just head up head up to your left basically in in a diagonal past the saloon bar f oh right f right okay f hang on f right g right g and you should be sort of just a few centimetres from the side of the left-hand side of the page f right g is that right f yeah uh-huh g well g that's it