Found 2 args. Observation: q6nc3; Result size: 200; atts: 2 who $m f yeah g right g at the bot-- bottom of the map on the right-hand side have you got a missionary camp there f i've got the starts marked g right okay g to the left right have you got ehm what is it it says gorillas with two gorillas and you know trees two tree f no g no f no g okay right g start from the top of the missionary camp g right f right f from the start cross g yeah g go two centimetres to the left f right g okay g go down f down towards missionary camp g aye g just right down uh-huh f right f i'm i've stopped right above it g then g you've what f i'm right above the missionary camp g just go right down to round down to the bottom of the r-- left-hand side of it f right g okay f so go round it g uh-huh g round to the left uh the left yeah f keep going down g uh-huh g just stop where you when you reach the missionary camp you know just about s-- g then g turn left all the way down all the way along f to the banana tree g yeah g i think that must be the gorillas f i've got a thing that says banana tree g banana tree i've not got that at all f it's a tree with big leaves and it's got a bunch of bananas on it g well g just go left g okay f right f so should i stop there f it's just underneath the rope bridge g underneath the rope bridge f you know it's it's about five centimetres down and slightly to the left of it g the rope bridge f do you not have that g yeah i've got a rope bridge g you're supposed to pass through well g supposed to start from the missionary camp go right down to the whatever g and go back right to the top to the rope bridge f so i've got to go to the rope bridge g yeah g have to cross it f right f so i'm at the rope bridge g right f i just went straight north from the banana tree g okay g turn left just cross it turn to the left f to the right g left f right f it'll be right to get across it g do well g you're supposed to be on the right-hand side of that f well f i'm on the left-hand side i would've had to just cross the river g i think you must have different things on your map okay never mind g you're on the right-hand side of it yeah are you on the f i'm on the left-hand side of it and i'll need to go r-- r-- right to cross it g yeah you have to cro-- you have to go to the right-hand side of it f right f so i'm on the right-hand side g right g go along g oh right g okay g ehm g go left about four centimetres g have you got a waterfall f yeah f it's on the right-hand side of the map g to your g okay right g go that go up to that f right i'm at the waterfall g right g go straight up g have you got lost steps f to-- f yeah g right g go straight up to that f that's quite a bit up g yeah f right i'm there g right around it it's just from the top right round it g have you got fallen pillars f yeah f so i've to go g right go right up to the lost steps right go right round it from the top g then go down to the f right round it cross my route g yeah g then go right right round it g okay g to the fallen pillars f right f the fallen pillars are down diagonally g yeah f past the gazelles g at the what f gazelles i've got f they're about halfway down that diagonal line doesn't matter f right f i'm at the fallen pillars g fallen pillars f just underneath the "s" g fallen pillars g okay g you have to go right from there right right g have you got ancient ruins f i've got ruined city f it's probably the same thing g well g just go right to the top there g from there you have to go up to the ancient end f do i go underneath the fallen pillars g yeah underneath the fallen pillars f right f and then go up to about where about the middle of it or g the ancient the ancient ruins to the left of it f right g okay g have you got stones f i've got rock fall g rock fall g to the left f it's to the right and up g just go right up to there f right i'm at it g okay f goes diagonally up g yeah f right f says rock fall here g rock fall okay g turn g have you got white mountains f yeah g alright g go up to there and f i'll do i go up the left-hand side of the rock fall g ehm g no i'd y-- g where are you at the bottom of it or the top of it f i'm at the bottom of it i'm at the bottom bottom left-hand corner g well g just turn left don't go over it just just turn left f turn right f go underneath it g uh-huh go underneath it f right f 'til i'm directly under the white mountain g no g just o-- you have to go over it f so i go g all the way round over it f right g then you go right all the way under it g have you got soft furnishing stores f no g have you got gazelles f yes g right g from the white mountains go right down to the gazelles f right i'm at the gazelles f they're a-- sort of in the middle of the map g an-- g no g and then turn left g gazelles right go right round it f towards the ruined city g no just g you've got down to the gazelles yeah f yeah g just go underneath it right and just turn f left or right-hand side g l-- ehm left f right g turn left two or three centimetres that's you finished f okay