Found 2 args. Observation: q6ec7; Result size: 152; atts: 2 who $m g right g go up g have you got the sandy shore g right g you've got the start f mmhmm g now g do you have a well f no g no right okay g do you have like g right g you've got crane bay f mmhmm g so follow crane bay down for about three centimetres f right g then g just like at the tip of crane bay the bottom tip at the left-hand side you're there's a well f mmhmm g so you want to go like round the well f to the left or the right g the left f left f so i go down to the tip and then turn g no g stay about two centimetres off the tip and then curve round to the left and down f right f so i'm going over the bay g mm g no g you're still on land f oh the left the left sorry yes f the left right okay g left g okay g and down f and down g and then have you got the houses of local residents f ehm yes g right g go along 'til you're about just before it in line with the bottom of it f er right g right now g do you have a bridge f yes g right g you're going up and cross the bridge f okey-dokey g and g keep going across for about five six centimetres f right f is the woodland there is it g yes g you're about three centimetres away from the wood f right g right g now you want to g got the forked stream f yes f there's a stream with a fork g right mmhmm g now g continue from where you are down you're going to be going like slightly southeast 'til you get to the f-- 'til you touch the forked stream and then curve round with the forked stream f right g 'til the top 'til you get to the top of the fork f right g now g have you got a dead tree f mmhmm g you do you have farmed land f erm g to the right f well my farmed land's right down the bottom of the the page g no right okay g where the dead tree is on the other side of the stream there's farmed land g so g where you are just now go right for about f-- six centimetres f right g and then down 'til you're in level line with the bottom of the dead tree f right g and then cut across 'til you're right below the dead tree f right f i have to jump a stream f sort of i suppose that's alright g yeah g mmhmm that's okay g there's no bridge here either g right now g do you have a lagoon f yes g right g from where you are go straight down for about five centimetres f ehm i've got buried treasure down there g do you f mmhmm g eh whereabouts is the buried treasure f eh it's just sort of parallel to the top of the lagoon g right okay g go down to like in line with where it actually says lagoon f right g will that miss the buried treasure f yeah g right g that's fine then g and then go str-- left f mmhmm g 'til you reach the lagoon and then down to the bottom of the lagoon follow it round f right g right now g you got green bay f mmhmm g ehm g right g you're heading for the edge of green bay the land of the top left one f mmhmm g bit point of land g but there's a rock fall above green bay f right g like where the wee dent is g see the dent f mmhmm g so that's goes from about three centimetres up g so if you go from the tip of lagoon to the tip of green bay sort of avoiding the rock fall f mmhmm f so where's the rock fall is it g right g see the like the wee curvy bit in green bay f mmhmm g the top f mmhmm g the rock fall takes up about three centimetres round there f so if i go further over to the left then i'll miss it g yeah mmhmm f right g go left and then go down f okay g to the point f right g and then g have you got the pirate ship f mmhmm g just curve from the point go right go down and curve into the right 'til you reach the tip of the pirate ship f so across the bay g yeah through the water f so i just go straight down g straight down g and curve to the right 'til you're in line with the pirate ship f right pirate ship f right okay g and that's you finished g okay f right